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Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a test-first, agile testing practice. Without focusing on internal implementation, BDD tests are business-facing scenarios that attempt to describe the behavior of a story, feature, or capability from a user’s perspective. Behaviour-driven development is a synthesis and refinement of practices stemming from test-driven development (TDD) and acceptance-test-driven development (ATDD).

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An example Todo app, using the Eiseinhower method written with Swift 4 and The VIPER architecture. You can use this example to understand how to use generamba and how to use modules created with the swifty_viper template. Unit test are writen with Quick and NImble, you can see how to write BDD test and mock the different component of a VIPER module

  • Updated May 20, 2018
  • Swift

Created by Kent Beck, D.D. McCracken

Released 1957


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