Aug 27, 2018 - CSS
LAMP is a bundle of software consisting of four open source programs.
It is one of the most popular software categories for servers.
A usual LAMP server includes:
Most Linux distributions include the components of a LAMP server.
There are also some other variants of LAMP, such WAMP, which runs on Windows
instead of Linux.
This repository contains the code for a smart lamp that I designed. The lamp can be controlled through a web interface to toggle its power state (on/off) using JavaScript. This project demonstrates the application of basic JavaScript toggling functionality to control hardware devices.
Lâmpada criada com CSS e adicionada funcionalidade "Toogle" (liga/desliga), via JS.
QuizAnyTime is an online quiz website developed using LAMP. It helps to conduct live online quizzes. One can track his submissions, online users and leaderboard.
Demo app para TP base de datos