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ebollens edited this page Sep 22, 2012 · 11 revisions

This document is intended to provide a basis of understanding for the architecture behind WebBlocks, with a focus on the WebBlocks compile process, configuration settings, and package structure.

Build Files

The WebBlocks compilation process creates the following in the build directory:

  • css/blocks.css
  • css/blocks-ie.css
  • js/blocks.js
  • js/blocks-ie.js
  • js/scripts/
  • img/


Some general terminology useful throughout the system:

  • Package: A third-party extension checked out as a git submodule within the /package directory
  • Adapter: A set of SASS that links WebBlocks definitions to a framework by defining mixins, generally defined as a subdirectory within /src/adapter. The default adapter is "bootstrap", although others may be written to implement WebBlocks within additional frameworks like Foundation and HTML 5 Boilerplate.
  • Extension: A set of SASS that is loaded in that may change the behavior of mixins, generally defined as a directory within /src/extension. These are like adapters in the way they change behavior, but are intended not to bridge a framework to WebBlocks, but instead modify WebBlocks for a particular organization or unit. Fo example, if UCLA provided a WebBlocks fork, it would likely include /src/extension/ucla.
  • Module: A module is a definition (or set of definitions) as they reside within /src/core/definitions. For example, if one wants to build WebBlocks with just the base definitions and not the entities, they would set WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] = ['base']. This will load everything under /src/core/definitions/base. This can be done at any granularity and the array may define as many entities as desired. Note that this is additive, so WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] = ['base', 'base/block'] is superfluous since base includes base/block.
  • Core Definitions: This is where all of the actual WebBlocks components are defined, and it defines the modular structure for WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] where whatever is set for that variable is what is included (as well as all subdirectories underneath).
  • Core Adapter: This is a base set of definitions of mixins used by the core definitions, as defined in /src/core/adapter. Generally, these mixins should be empty, although for basic things that are not framework-dependent (such as base/type/align), the mixins actually include CSS properties. When creating a new adapter, it is recommended that /src/core/adapter be copied into a subdirectory of /src/adapter and then modified to provide just the things that the adapter changes from the core adapter.

Build Stack

The SASS compile process works as a stack, loading in definitions from various locations which will override earlier definitions. As such, it is important to understand how this stack works:

  1. User-defined Extension Variables File(s) [src/core/extension/ directories with file _variables.scss]
  2. SASS Source Variables File [src/sass/_variables.scss]
  3. Core Adapter [src/core/adapter/ directories]
  4. User-defined Adapter(s) [src/adapter/ directories]
  5. User-defined Extension(s) [src/core/extension/ directories]
  6. Core Definitions [src/core/definitions/ directories]
  7. SASS Source Files [src/sass/blocks.scss and src/sass/blocks-ie.scss]

NOTE: Paths are all configurable in Rakefile-config.rb so they will not necessarily be as listed above

Under this scheme, the core definitions (which are mixin calls) are loaded based on the core adapter and user-defined adapters. Extensions are then loaded afterwards, meaning that extensions should be used to modify behavior by overriding settings in earlier loads.

An example of what a compile stack might look like is as follows:

@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/extension/ucla/_variables";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/extension/oit/_variables";
@import "variables";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/base/block/float";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/base/type/align";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/entity/_button";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/entity/_list";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/entity/_table";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/entity/header/_masthead";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/entity/nav/_bar";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/adapter/entity/nav/_main";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/_requisites";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/_util";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/base/block/float";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/base/type/align";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/entity/_button";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/entity/_list";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/entity/_table";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/entity/header/_masthead";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/entity/nav/_bar";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/adapter/bootstrap/entity/nav/_main";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/extension/ucla/defs";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/extension/oit/defs";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/base/block/float";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/base/type/align";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/_list";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/_table";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/button/_button";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/button/_input_reset";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/button/_input_submit";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/header/_masthead";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/nav/_bar";
@import "/var/www/WebBlocks/src/core/definitions/entity/nav/_main";

One can determine the entirety of this stack (besides the variables files and source files) through the command rake includes.

Build Objects

While compass (and thus sass) are used underneath to do much of the compile process, because of the extremely modular nature of the build, the process is managed through rake and two underlying classes, WebBlocks::builder and WebBlocks::compiler, as well as supporting utilities to handle specific portions of the process. These definitions reside within the /rake folder.

  • WebBlocks::builder - used by the majority of rake tasks to construct the build environment, move files around as needed, etc.
  • WebBlocks::compiler - used to assemble all of the libraries that are made available when calling @import "WebBlocks" as done in src/sass/blocks.scss, as set in Rakefile-config.rb or through the defaults defined in WebBlocks::config [rake/config.rb].

Configuration Settings

The following describe the configuration settings available to the build.

All configuration settings have defaults defined in rake/config.rb. However, any of these can be changed by setting them explicitly in Rakefile-config.rb or in some other file that is passed to rake via a command-line argument as rake -- --config=[PATH].


The general configuration components are as follows:

  • WebBlocks.config[:build] - Settings related to the build produced by rake through WebBlocks::builder.
  • WebBlocks.config[:src] - Settings related to the sources built by WebBlocks::compiler.
  • WebBlocks.config[:exec] - Paths for the various executables used by WebBlocks
  • WebBlocks.config[:package] - Settings related to third-party packages locations and builds

Basic Configuration Settings

The following settings are ones that are anticipated to be used in general day-to-day development and integration of WebBlocks:

# location of the build directory relative to WebBlocks root
WebBlocks.config[:build][:dir] = 'build'

# the adapter (or set of adapters as an array) that are loaded in FIFO order (or false for no adapters)
WebBlocks.config[:src][:adapter] = 'bootstrap'

# an array of extensions that are loaded in FIFO order (or false for no extensions)
WebBlocks.config[:src][:extensions] = false

# array of directories in the core definitions directory
# or :all to include all modules or false to include no modules
WebBlocks.config[:src][:modules] = :all

# which third-party packages are included in the build
WebBlocks.config[:build][:packages] = [

Troubleshooting Configuration Settings

Several settings exist mostly for trouble-shooting or handling of specific environments (such as when executables are not in the user path):

# true to generate a debug directory inside build directory
WebBlocks.config[:build][:debug][:enabled] = false
# will soon be this instead:
# WebBlocks.config[:build][:debug] = false

# executable path to Git
WebBlocks.config[:exec][:git] = 'git'

# executable path to Grunt
# defaults to relative path for npm module installation
WebBlocks.config[:exec][:git] = 'node ./node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt'

# executable path to NPM
WebBlocks.config[:exec][:npm] = 'npm'

# executable path to SASS
WebBlocks.config[:exec][:sass] = 'sass'

# executable path to Uglifycss
# defaults to relative path for npm module installation
WebBlocks.config[:exec][:uclifycss] = 'node ./node_modules/uglifycss/uglifycss'

# executable path to Uglifyjs
# defaults to relative path for npm module installation
WebBlocks.config[:exec][:uglifyjs] = 'node ./node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs'

# executable path to Compass
WebBlocks.config[:exec][:compass] = 'compass'

Integration Configuration Settings

When integrating WebBlocks into another package, the following settings may be useful:

# the source directory where core, adapters, extensions, SASS, JS and images reside
# individual components within src can have their paths changed by other variables
# recommended for integration to set this outside WebBlocks and then set adapter and core dir inside WebBlocks
WebBlocks.config[:src][:dir] = 'src'

# the directory within source directory where adapter directories reside
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:adapters][:dir] = 'adapter'

# the directory within source directory where core definition and adapter directories reside
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:core][:dir] = 'core'

Advanced Configuration Settings

The following settings are more advanced, likely never needing to be changed, although in some cases it may be useful hence provisions are provided as such:

# directory within the build directory for debug
WebBlocks.config[:build][:debug][:dir] = 'debug'
# will soon be removed!

# directory within the root for temporary files involved with the build process
WebBlocks.config[:build][:dir_tmp] = '.build-tmp'

# directory within the root for metadata related to WebBlocks
WebBlocks.config[:build][:dir_metadata] = '.blocks'

# directory within build directory where CSS files are placed
WebBlocks.config[:build][:css][:dir] = 'css'

# name of primary CSS file within CSS build dir
WebBlocks.config[:build][:css][:name] = 'blocks.css' 

# name of IE CSS file within CSS build dir
WebBlocks.config[:build][:css][:name_ie] = 'blocks.css' 

# directory within build directory where JS files are placed
WebBlocks.config[:build][:js][:dir] = 'js'

# name of primary JS file within JS build dir
WebBlocks.config[:build][:js][:name] = 'blocks.js'

# name of IE JS file within JS build dir
WebBlocks.config[:build][:js][:name_ie] = 'blocks-ie.js'

# name of stand-alone scripts directory within JS build dir
WebBlocks.config[:build][:js][:name_script_dir] = 'script'

# directory within build directory where image files are placed
WebBlocks.config[:build][:img][:dir] = 'img'

# the directory within source directory where SASS files reside for build
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:sass][:dir] = 'sass'

# the directory within source directory where image files reside for build
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:img][:dir] = 'img'

# the directory within source directory where JS files reside for build
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:js][:dir] = 'js'

# the file name within core directory where Compass config file resides
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:core][:compass][:config] = 'config.rb'

# the directory within core directory where core definition directories reside
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:core][:definitions][:dir] = 'definitions'

# the directory within core directory where core adapter directories reside
# absolute path supported
WebBlocks.config[:src][:core][:adapter][:dir] = 'adapter'
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