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Meeting 2013 09 16

Eric Bollens edited this page Sep 16, 2013 · 12 revisions


  • Location: Math Sciences 5907
  • Date/Time: Monday September 16 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM Pacific Time
  • Conference Line: 888-921-8686 #3102061670


  • Chris (UCLA)
  • Oszie (Anderson)
  • Brett (UCSD)
  • Brian (Stanford)
  • John (Students First)
  • Logan (UCSB)
  • Russell (BofI)




Last Tuesday through Thursday (September 10 - 12):

  • 104 attendees
  • 71 from UC system
  • 18 from non-profit organizations
  • 9 from for-profit organizations
  • 6 students
  • 27 speakers
  • from 16 organizations
  • 31 sessions
  • 3 keynotes
  • 22 presentations
  • 6 workshops

A few updates:

  • Session slides will be available for attendees later this week
  • Session recordings will be available in the near future
  • Next year's MMWCON is scheduled for September 17 - 19, 2014


  • Hackathon - seemed to be good talent here - but maybe some common cause or effort during the conference (Oszie)


Two decks related to WebBlocks from MMWCON:

Interesting discussions including:

  • Drupal theming
  • Build server
  • CSS testing
  • WebBlocks 2

WebBlocks 1.0

Known issues:

  • OptiCSS splitter for IE
  • Not working currently
  • Not mentioned in docs
  • Not option in builder

WebBlocks 1.1

New/updated entities:

  • Mega-menu
  • Nav bar with submenus, header and dropdown
  • Nav tabs and pills
  • Modal
  • Scrollable and linearized tables
  • Input and badge groups
  • Icons
  • Carousel/Slideshow
  • Bootstrap carousel probably won't ever be accessible - let's do one that is (Brian)
  • Some experimentation with Drupal (Chris)
  • Some terminology concerns
  • Gallery
  • Calendar
  • If we can pull it off - might slide off
  • One of UCSD's hardest patterns to tackle
  • Masthead
  • Loosely defined what this is


  • Update existing package versions
  • rem polyfill
  • box-sizing polyfill
  • Responsive video
  • img[srcset] polyfill
  • Additional drivers for Efx
  • Code syntax highlighting
  • Compile-time image optimization
  • Server-side image compression integration
  • ARIA attributes polyfill for HTML5 semantics
  • FitText
  • What else?
  • Forms polyfills?
  • onhashchange?
  • History?
  • Other image options like picture?
  • DOM Events?
  • DOM APIs?

Tweaks and updates:

  • Add support for custom adapters
  • Add Bootstrap 2.x dark color support
  • Add saturation value for link colors
  • Update path computation
  • Move packages configuration to :src
  • Getting Started guide
  • Oszie to help with this
  • Video demo might be nice too
  • Closable message should not require Bootstrap
  • Greater unit test coverage

Open questions:

  • Print sheet?
  • Either -print and new sheet or use a print media query
  • Prefers print media query (Logan)
  • Eric seconds this because then we don't have to change file structure
  • Stanford does this as well (Brian)
  • To discuss again next meeting
  • Bootstrap 3 adapter in 1.1 or wait for 2.0?
  • If not wait, let's add configuration of partials from Bootstrap
  • Would be nice, but not sure it's a must have


  • Stanford is very interested in helping contribute to the entities
  • They're already working on code snippets libraries
  • Let's spin un a subgroup to do some sprints to knock one of these out
  • Brian to send Eric a list regarding the entity structures they already have that could qualify for 1.1
  • Everyone to send Eric lists about common packages we should probably include

WebBlocks Auxiliary Components

Open Framework

Drupal framework maintained by Brian Young and Megan Miller (Stanford)

New branch 7.x-2.x-webblocks

An intro from Brian...

  • Base theme for Drupal 7 currently built on top of Twitter Bootstrap
  • Stanford makes child themes for each of their sites
  • Planning for Drupal 8
  • With this branch, try to integrate WebBlocks into OpenFramework to manage styles and scripts
  • Eric to get in and start working on semantics
  • Just fork to get contributing

Integration Example

Simple integration skeleton:

Plone Connector

Prototyping and experimentation over the past couple months

Development now in progress

  • Completed page structure mapping
  • Almost all work thus far into Diazo rules
  • Prototype suggested some CSS/JS will be needed before complete
  • Interesting challenges that have arisen
  • Structuring Diazo rules so they don't become overbearing
  • XSLT translation of content paneling without defining multiple theme files
  • XSLT translation of variable-size menu structure into multi-tier row/panel
  • Currently working on megamenu and other recurring components

WebBlocks Build Server

ITS has provisioned server

WebBlocks 2

Review discussion from last meeting:

Quick summary:

  • Everything as module
  • Bower for component management
  • DSL for file-level dependency management
  • Linked via topological sort
  • Compile offloaded to Compass as currently


  • Remove confusion between modular types
  • Reduce barriers to entry
  • Simplify extensibility
  • Trend towards microframeworks
  • Explicit control in addition to implicit convention
  • Compiler performance improvements

New GitHub organization for repositories:

Where we are so far:

Clone this wiki locally