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Meeting: 2012 06 25 Planning and Strategy

ebollens edited this page Jun 27, 2012 · 7 revisions

Table of Contents

Meeting Information

  • Location: Math Science Building 5919
  • Date/Time: Monday June 25 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM
  • Conference Line: 888-921-8686 #3102061670


  • Eric Bollens
  • Albert Wu
  • Alice Tseng-Planas
  • Donny Morada
  • Brendan Murphy
  • Alex Podobas
  • Logan Franken


  • Member updates [all]
  • Snook Workshop [Alice]
    • Alice took a workshop with Jonathan Snook - a Yahoo front-end engineer
    • Looking at how CSS practices need to be approached differently in the eneterprise
    • The notes are here: Snooks-Workshop-Notes
    • Focus is on "visual semantics" -- not pure semantics but also not at the level of `.row` and `.spanX`.
  • MWF Community Meeting [Eric]
    • Vote for next generation MWF to be responsive
    • Joining the MWF community effort with this effort
  • MWF Conference on September 5-7 [Eric]
    • Topics will include not just MWF 1, but also responsive and other tools
    • Site will be built using responsive - ideally a prototype of our approach
    • Will not use UCLA identity styles, but goal of framework should be to work at more than just UCLA


Who are our users?

  • The markup author is a developer
    • Can adapt to whatever we throw at them (not much of a constraint)
    • Often bad designers so keep them thinking in semantics
  • The markup author is a content creator
    • No complexity in markup because they're non-technical
    • Simplicity was a big selling point for MWF
    • Don't want to do manual tasks like chop up images for different resolutions
  • The markup author is a designer
    • Looking for efficiency gains
    • Not interested in the complete design
  • Content management systems
    • Only control we get is at the theme level
    • Dynamic replacement is necessary for responsive images

Naming Conventions

  • Module prefixing or single namespace?
    • Don't clutter up the space too much
    • Nice to be able to scan and determine what domain (like layout) a definition falls into
    • Prefixes for the time being will be "layout" and "theme" and we'll figure out the rest later
  • Abbreviations or full names?
    • Full names for now

Hierarchy Proposal

  • Base: Color, typography, etc.
  • Layout: Fluid layouts, general grid definitions
  • Component: Units that provide support for a particular element (menu, content block, button, etc.)
  • Theme: Units that provide theming of the system

Markup Templates

  • Test-driven development
  • Motivating examples


  • Dynamic Asset Loader
  • Capability Detection
  • Fluid Grid
  • Entity Designs
  • Responsive Images (Image Compression, Image Substitution, Tiered Image Specification (`img set` or `picture`))


  • HTML 5 Entities
    • Definitions use HTML 5 entities only [AGREED]
    • Definitions use HTML 5 entities and a synonymous class name
    • Definitions use only a class name
  • Prefixes for CSS (see Conventions: CSS Class Names)
    • Prefixing all entities with a hyphen `-`
    • Prefixing all entities with a single letter plus a hyphen `f-`
    • Prefixing all entities by their content object `menu-`, `content-`, etc.
    • Prefixing entities like layout `l-` and state `s-` but not content objects
    • No prefixing [AGREED]
  • CSS Preprocessor
    • LESS
    • None
  • CSS Preprocessor Use (if CSS Preprocessor vote is not "None")
    • Used for development and advanced users, but include built full sheet
    • Used for development and advanced users, but include build full sheet and module sheets [AGREED]
  • Shall we use Twitter Bootstrap as a base CSS library?
    • Yes [AGREED]
    • No
  • Shall we include jQuery as a base Javascript library?
    • Yes [AGREED]
    • No
  • Shall we include Modernizr for capability detection?
    • Yes [AGREED]
    • No
  • Which HTML 5 polyfill if we vote yes for HTML 5?
    • Modernizr [AGREED]
    • HTML 5 Enabling Script
    • None
  • Shall we include CSS 3 polyfill?
    • Yes [AGREED]
    • No
  • Which media query polyfill?
    • Respond.js [AGREED]
    • CSS3-mediaqueries.js
    • Adapt.js instead of media queries
  • Shall we include text fitting libraries like FitText and Lettering?
    • Yes [AGREED]
    • No
  • What shall we name the framework?
    • WebBlocks
  • NOTE: Let's distinguish bells-and-whistles like FitText/Lettering and essentials.

Next Steps

  • Define Entities we will include
    • Markup prototypes
    • User interface designs
  • Evaluate Grid Systems
  • Evaluate Media Handling Frameworks
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