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Entity Nav Bar

loganfranken edited this page Aug 23, 2012 · 4 revisions

Order of Article/Header

Based on the original prototype, it would appear that there was a desire to have the left and right alignment of the navigation and header/aside be based on the order of the elements within the DOM. I don't know if this is actually feasible given CSS selectors.

Actually, now I'm realizing this probably won't work: if you consider a case where there is only navigation (no header or aside), you have no additional element to relatively position the list. I think we are just going to need to use utility positioning classes (e.g., "float-right", "pull-left", or "right").

Marking Up the Responsive Option

I'm not a fan of how much work is involved in converting the vanilla Twitter Bootstrap navigation bar to a responsive format (you have to add a "nav-collapse" element to a non-intuitive inner element and the "toggle" a element you have to add is too much markup IMO).

I'm not sure if this is too focused on the implementation for the prototyping stage; I'm trying to determine the leanest way of enabling the responsive menu. I'll think aloud (pretend I'm shouting this at you):

  • If the bar is within a responsive container, it will automatically, responsively switch to a vertical list in smaller viewports
  • If a "toggle" element (a or button) is present, the JavaScript will know to collapse the nav

That seems the cleanest. Any potential issues here? I feel like the Bootstrap implementation is planning for added complexity that doesn't commonly exist (multiple navigation lists with independent expand/collapse controls)

Nested Header Concerns

I get the idea that header within the nav might contain the title of the website, yes? If so, this could present some unique problems for the HTML5 document outlining algorithm ( Let's say someone does this:

		<h1>Title of the Website</h1>
		<li>Link 1</li>
		<li>Link 2</li>
		<li>Link 3</li>

<h2>Title of the Section</h2>

The outliner recognizes this as:

  1. Title of the Website
    1. Title of the Section

You could rectify this slightly by enclosing the section title in a section (which would be arguably more proper):

		<h1>Title of the Website</h1>
		<li>Link 1</li>
		<li>Link 2</li>
		<li>Link 3</li>

	<h2>Title of the Section</h2>

And the outliner:

  1. Untitled Section
    1. Title of the Website
    2. Title of the Section

Better, but not ideal. If this were changed slightly so that we had an admittedly ugly div.navbar:

<div class="navbar">
		<h1>Title of the Website</h1>
			<li>Link 1</li>
			<li>Link 2</li>
			<li>Link 3</li>

	<h1>Title of the Section</h1>

We get what we want (well, the "Untitled" is a little problematic):

  1. Title of the Website
    1. Untitled Section
    2. Title of the Section

Should we consider switching to a containing div element?

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