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Research: Modular CSS

ebollens edited this page Jun 14, 2012 · 2 revisions


Modular, Reusable and Maintainable Code-base for Complex Web Projects

Core Principals

  1. Separate Structure / from Skin / from Containers / from Content / from Behavior

  2. Decouple Html from CSS: Keep a shallow depth of applicability (or don't make class styles location/structure specific).

  3. Keep CSS selector specificity to a minimum; this allows for easy overrides.

  4. Use "object-oriented" and component thinking in architecting css.

  5. Use prefix name-spacing for organizing/categorizing selectors.

  6. Modular CSS requires both visual and data semantics : use the class cascade and thoughtful naming to bring meaning to both.

Draft Conventions

A. Namespacing

  • Use keyword prefixes to name-space the objects



B. Cascade names by building off a base class name


nav nav-special

C. Reserve lowerCaseCamelNotation for IDs and stateClasses

  • These interplay with Javascript; reserve IDs for Javascript hooks
  • Otherwise, class-names should follow native css convention, using lower-case-dash-notation for easy distinction from Javascript



D. Use up to a 3 letter prefix

  • Notate major object types (1) and their subtypes (2)
  • Use specific keywords consistently and treat naming patterns consistently
  • Proposed Reserved Prefixes:


  • Use "block" to refer to a reusable chunk of structured code.

  • Titles for blocks should be semantic to design objects (i.e. ux/design patterns: accordion, slider, billBoard, landingPage, content-primary, content-secondary)

  • Blocks gain meaning by their functional intent -- thus they are influenced by context.

  • Blocks have a patterned structure; keep this structure to maintain consistency across modules:

    1. wrapper bwp-object-title
    2. inner bin-object-title
    3. heading bhd-object-title
    4. body bbd-object-title
    5. footer bft-object-title


<div class="bwp-object-title">
<div class="bin-object-title">
	<h2 class="bhd-object-title"></h2>
	<div class="bbd-object-title">
		... various html elements in here ...
	<div class="bft-object-title">
	    ... various html elements in here ...


  • Use "element" to refer to the children content objects of a block
  • Titles for elements should be semantic to data/information objects (i.e. content or data types: shopping-list, contact-information, author-bio, etc.)




  • Use "visuals" to refer to skin elements that have a high reuse factor

  • Visuals are design treatments and should be content/data structure agnostic

  • To keep visuals forward-proof keep names descriptive to design use but not specific to particulars (i.e. overlay-glow, editorial-masthead, fx-letter-press rather than 5px-line, red-border)

  • Visuals have various stylistic patterns for use:

    1. effects vfx-object-title
    2. type treatments vtt-object-title
    3. backgrounds vbg-object-title
    4. borders vbr-object-title
    5. shadows vsw-object-title

NOTE: See Sullivan's idea of visual semantics (link in references)


  • Use "layout" to refer to macro structural (i.e. container) code (i.e. major page sections or boxes)

  • Layouts help determine the major rendered flow of a page's structure

  • Layouts, like visuals are design objects-- they are context independent containers

  • To maintain forward-proof objects strive to keep names descriptive to use and base ratios rather than to specific "locations" (i.e. lgd-col-4, lnb-media-col-2 rather than right-column, left-column, top-box)

  • Layouts also have different facets, especially when working with frameworks and making decisions/changes in responsive design:

    1. grids lgd-object-title
    2. nested box lnb-object-title

NOTE: Grids are usually applied at/above the block wrapper level, while nested objects at/below the block inner level. Grids and Nested Objects are independent of structure (blocks) and content. You should be able to change out containers easily.


  • Use "states" to refer to the behavioral changes (jQuery, animations, transitions, etc.)
  • Naming should describe the behavior clearly from other states (i.e. an object's hidden state can be sIsHidden while it's visible state can be sNotHidden)
  • States will be frequently used as JS hooks; use lowerCaseCamelNotation



E. Class String Ordering

  • When tiling classnames together begin with the richest data semantic object first, then proceeding to structural context, stable layouts, followed by changing states and visuals last.
  • This provides a reader (human and screen) with data rich information, first, and keeps a reliable pattern for the most change volatile classes towards the end of the string.
  • Since CSS Cascade is applied from the style-sheet perspective and not on class call ordering, this pattern can remain fixed w/o impacting code behavior.


<ul class="e-shopping-list bbd-accordion-panel lnb-submenu sIsHidden vbg-gradient-glow">

Reference Sources:

  1. On Visual Semantics for CSS, Nichole Sullivan:
  2. Correct Granularity for CSS Objects, Nichole Sullivan:
  3. Decoupling HTML from CSS, Jonathan Snook:
  4. The BEM Method, from Yandex:
  5. Scoping Class Names with Prefixes, from Mark Otto:
  6. CSS Conventions lower-case-dash-notation, from Stack Overflow:
  7. CSS Dash Convention vs. Javascript camelCase, from Stack Overflow:
  8. Naming Conventions, Practical Considerations, from Programmers Stack Exchange:
  9. SMACSS, from Jonathan Snooks:
  10. OOCSS, from Nichole Sullivan:


Naming Conventions

[ERIC] on JUNE 14

I don't see the purpose in using verbose naming conventions with module titles appended in front. Consider the example listed above: "e-shopping-list bbd-accordion-panel lnb-submenu sIsHidden vbg-gradient-glow". This sort of styling is very hard for the casual markup designer to understand. If we design our namespace right, modules can contribute to a shared namespace.

This discussion should probably be continued on the Conventions page rather than here.

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