A comprehensive list of tools and resources for automating binary analysis, vulnerability research, and reverse engineering using various techniques like machine learning, scripting, and static/dynamic analysis.
Awesome Binary Analysis Automation is an amazing list for people who work in taking apart binaries and firmware. Simply press ctrl + F
to search for a keyword, go through our Contents Menu, or look out for a '☆' indicating some great and up-to-date resources.
- IDA Pro - Advanced disassembler and reverse engineering tool with extensive scripting capabilities.
- ☆ Ghidra - NSA's reverse engineering framework offering disassembly, decompilation, and scripting.
- ☆ Binary Ninja - Known for its intuitive UI and powerful scripting capabilities for various binary analysis tasks.
- ☆ Radare2 - Open-source framework for reverse engineering and binary analysis.
- Hopper - Disassembler for macOS and Linux with decompiling and debugging capabilities.
- Jakstab - Integrated disassembly and static analysis framework.
- GTIRB - IR Binary analysis and rewriting data structure.
- Firmware-Mod-Kit - Collection of scripts for modifying firmware images.
- ☆ Binwalk - For firmware analysis, extraction, and reverse engineering.
- Firmwalker - A script for searching the extracted firmware file system for goodies.
- Srecord - Tools for manipulating EPROM load files.
- Pharos - Carnegie Mellon University’s framework for automating reverse engineering tasks.
- Triton - Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework.
- Echo - Static analysis, symbolic execution, and emulation framework.
- LIEF - Parses, modifies, and abstracts binary formats.
- ☆ Monocle - Large Language Model For Binary Analysis Search.
- Fwanalyzer - Firmware security analysis.
- ☆ Flawfinder - Tool for analyzing the entropy of firmware files.
- Fdiff - Identifies potential security flaws in source code.
- Checksec - Security checks for binaries.
- Cwe_checker - Identifies common bug patterns in binaries.
- Searchsploit - Command-line search tool for Exploit Database.
- CVE Search - Searching for known vulnerabilities.
- Exploitdb - An archive of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software.
- Dependency-check - A software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies.
- BinSkim - Analyzes PE and ELF binary formats for security and correctness.
- Yara - Malware detection and classification.
- ☆ QEMU - Emulator for hardware virtualization used by EMBA for live testing modules.
- Firmadyne - A full-system emulation tool for analyzing Linux-based firmware.
- ☆ Unicorn Engine - CPU emulator framework used for binary analysis and vulnerability research.
- AFL++ (American Fuzzy Lop) - Fuzzing framework for vulnerability discovery.
- LibFuzzer - In-process fuzzing tool targeting specific functions.
- DECAF - QEMU-based binary analysis platform.
- DeepState - Framework for symbolic execution and fuzzing engines.
- oss-fuzz-gen - LLM powered fuzzing via OSS-Fuzz.
- ☆ bin2ml - Extracting ML-ready data from software binaries.
- FASER - Cross-Architecture Function Similarity Search Model.
- ☆ Tweezer - Identifies unknown function names in binaries
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.