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suma branch conventions

Karl Eichwalder edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 4 revisions

SUSE Manager branch conventions

We use the following version conventions for branch management.

Once a year we create a new branch from the uyuni-docs master branch for the SUSE Manager major release.

Procedure: Major release branch conventions
  1. Create a new branch from master for the major release.

    # For major releases
    git checkout master
    git fetch --all
    git pull -ff
    git checkout -b manager-x.y
    # For example: manager-4.5
  1. To create a maintenance update (minor release) create a new branch from the target major branch. (For example manager-4.3)

    # For minor releases
    git checkout manager-x.y
    # For example: manager-4.3
    git pull
    git checkout -b manager-x.y-MU-x.y.z
    # For example: manager-4.3-MU-4.3.5
  1. Next: SUMA GitHub actions update

  2. Up: For more topics on building documentation, see Building documentation

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