(defvar laura
'(:name "Laura Viglioni"
:pronouns "she/her"
:age 32
:work-place "Vio.com"
:position "senior software engineer"
:education "B.Sc. in Computer Science @ UNICAMP"
:city "Belo Horizonte, 🇧🇷"
:interests '("functional programming" "emacs"
"cryptography" "free software"
"elixir" "lisp" "haskell"
"web" "maths" "progressive rock"
"dad jokes" "star wars quotes")
:lang '(🇧🇷, 🇬🇧)))
Flycheck-credo: added support for elixir-ts-mode
Projectile: Add optional params to projectile-run-(async)-shell-command
Yasnippet snippets: Fix class snippet (js)
Emacs dashboard: Added support for gifs
🇬🇧 Writing and Testing a stdin script with TypeScript
🇬🇧 Creating Haskell notebooks with org-mode
🇬🇧 Emacs as SQL client with LSP
🇬🇧 Mocking dependencies with Jest + TypeScript
🇬🇧 Installing LaTeX themes on your machine/Emacs org-mode
🇬🇧 How to use CMD as a leader key on Spacemacs
🇬🇧 How I Set Up My Emacs for TypeScript + React
🇬🇧 Using URL as a global state - React Hook
🇬🇧 Using io-ts to validade data (22/12/2022)
🇬🇧 The fp-ts Either type (15/12/2022)
🇬🇧 Dealing with data structures without mutation (20/09/2022)
🇧🇷 Tipos e Design de Código funcional em TypeScript (19/11/2021)
🇧🇷 Introdução ao LISP (clojure e elisp) - live coding (02/12/2020)
🇧🇷 Resolvendo problemas com Programação Funcional, Parte I (23/10/2020)
🇧🇷 Resolvendo Problemas com Programação Funcional, Parte II: Lentes (23/10/2020)
🇧🇷 Introdutório de Programação Funcional com JavaScript + Ramda (live coding 28/08/2020)
A NonEmpty<T> type in TypeScript
Encode/decode strings into strings of binaries