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slack general 2019 10 04

akabeko edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 1 revision


Time Icon Name Message
09:19 shinyu <!everyone> Vivliostyle #development meeting will be held on 2019-10-05 14:00 (JST). For remote participants, a Google Hangouts invitation link will be on the #development channel at the start of the meeting. Use the #meeting-log channel (with translation bot) for chats during the meeting.
09:19 Kiara Translation 🇯🇵: <!everyone> Vivliostyle <#CNN5GPF9V
10:46 akabeko <!everyone> 明日のミーティングに出席される方へ。

そのため 3F 会場へ来られる場合は、ビル 1F の自動ドア前あたりで Slack にて @akabeko を呼び出してください。私が迎えにゆきます。
当初、インターフォン呼び出しを検討したのですが、その呼出先はオフィス内となり会議室では検知し難いため Slack 呼び出しとすることにしました。

飲食物については駒込駅 (JR と南北線があります) からデンショク間だと New Days かローソンが最寄りですので、そちらでお買い求めください。
それなりに長丁場ですので、飲み物は用意したほうがよいと思います。その他、会場や周辺環境について質問がある場合は @akabeko まで連絡ください。

10:46 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: <! everyone> To those attending tomorrow's meeting.

The Tamura Building, where Denshoku Co., Ltd. is located, is locked on holidays.
Therefore, if you can come to the 3rd floor, please call at Slack near the automatic door on the 1st floor of the building. I will pick you up.
Initially, I considered intercom calling, but decided to call Slack because the destination was in the office and it was difficult to detect in the conference room.

For food and drinks, New Days or Lawson is the nearest place between Komagome Station (the JR and Namboku Lines) and Denshoku, so please purchase them there.
Since it is a long hall as it is, I think that it is better to prepare drinks. If you have any other questions about the venue or the surrounding environment, please contact.

Let's get excited tomorrow! !
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