"Pixol" is a simple open source console application written in C#, which does web-scraping on instagram web interface to download and back up the photos from a public as well as private instagram account.
- Open the folder containing project.
- Goto ".../Pixol/Pixol/bin/Debug/" folder.
- Open the command prompt here.
- Run Pixol.exe with approrpiate account type specifier as arguments.
The folder in which the Pixol.exe file is residing must have following files for program to work.
- RestSharp.dll
- Newsoft.Json.dll
- Pixol.exe.config
a) "-public" [username] for public account.
e.g: /Pixol.exe -public rockleeofleaf
b) "-private" [username] [password] for private account.
e.g: /Pixol.exe -private rockleeofleaf aevolw143..
"-likes" [minimum likes] specifier can be used to restrict the program to download only images which have likes greater than equal to specified number.
e.g "Pixol -pubic rockleeofleaf -likes 20 (this command will download all the images which have like >= 20)
Username=> rockleeofleaf
Password=> aevolw143..
Note:=> As the app is in sandbox mode private account can download 20 most recent images.
To see full working and to learn about it more read Documentation.docx.