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Vim University

Despite its reputation for minimalism, Vim has a surprising depth that rewards study. Here we list many of its most loved features, some tips, and a list of ideas for things to study or practice to take your Vim usage to the next level.

Where to get help

  • :h (:help!)
  • :h tutor

Laying out your workspace

  • Splits:
    • :sp
    • :vs
    • :on
    • CTRL-W {H,J,K,L} move window to edge.
    • CTRL-W r rotate windows.
    • CTRL-W _ maximize current window (vertically); count to size to specific height 10 CTRL-W _.
    • CTRL-W | maximize current window (horizontally).
    • CTRL-W = equalize window sizes (vertically and horizontally).
    • CTRL-W t jump to topmost window.
    • CTRL-W b jump to bottommost window.
    • Common re-mappings:
      • CTRL-hCTRL-W h to focus window on left.
      • CTRL-jCTRL-W j to focus window below.
      • CTRL-kCTRL-W k to focus window above.
      • CTRL-lCTRL-W l to focus window on right.
  • Tabs
    • :tabe
    • CTRL-W T
    • gt/gT next/previous
    • {count}gt jump to {count} indexed tab
  • tmux (Codespaces):
    • Splits (panes)
    • Windows
    • Sessions
  • Foreground/backgrounding (CTRL-Z) vs :terminal
  • Folds
    • zm: increase fold level (mnemonic: "more").
    • zM: increase fold level to maximum.
    • zr: reduce fold level (mnemonic: "reduce").
    • zR: reduce fold level to minimum.
    • zc: close fold, zC close folds recursively.
    • zo: open fold, zO open folds recursively.
    • za: toggle fold (Pro-tip™️: <Tab> is a good for mapping to this).
    • zA: toggle fold recursively.
    • zv: unfold folds to view cursor line (mnemonic: "view").
    • :set foldlevelstart=1 (start with everything folded, 99 = start with nothing folded).
    • :set foldmethod=indent vs marker (eg. ~/.config/nvim/init.lua).


Editor fundamentals

  • Motions
    • h, j, k, l for movement
    • gj, gk for virtual movement
    • w forward to beginning of word, or W (WORD)
    • b back to beginning of word, or B (WORD)
    • e forward to end of word, or E (WORD)
    • ge back to end of last word, or gE (WORD)
  • f (mnemonic: "find"), F (in reverse)
  • t (mnemonic: "up to", "until"), T (in reverse)
  • ; repeat last f/F/t/T operation
  • , repeat last f/F/t/T operation, but in opposite direction
  • .
  • *, # + n/N
  • /{pattern} + ?{pattern}
  • Composite commands:
    • xp: swap two characters (really, x, p).
    • ggn: go to first match in file (really, gg + n).
    • GN: go to last match in file (really, G + N).
  • Common editor operations
    • o open line below for editing in INSERT mode.
    • O open line above for editing in INSERT mode.
    • A enter INSERT mode at end of line.
    • I enter INSERT mode at beginning of line.
  • Useful "fundamental" plugins:


  • Marks
    • a-z are in-file marks, A-Z are global marks.
    • Special marks include:
      • [: last yanked text.
      • <: last visual selection (> is end of last visual selection).
      • ^: last place we left INSERT mode.
      • .: place where last change was made.
    • Set a mark: :mark {mark} (or shorter, :k{mark}).
    • Go to mark `{mark} (exact position within line).
    • Go to mark '{mark} (beginning of line contents).
    • For convenience:
      • m{mark}: to toggle mark; m, to place next available mark.
      • dm{mark}: delete a mark.
    • Jumping between marks without naming them:
      • ]' next (or ]`).
      • [' previous (or [`).
  • Registers
    • :di/:registers
    • "{register}y{motion} and "{register}p or "{register}P
  • Macros
    • Recording a macro: q{register} (uppercase appends).
    • Replaying a macro: @{register} (@@ repeats last replay command).
    • Editing macros: "{register}p → edit → "{register}yy
      • <CTRL-v> can be handy here for typing literal control characters.
    • Replay plug-in: (default mapping: <CR>)
  • Command-mode tricks:
    • Global operations
      • :g/foo/ d delete lines matching "foo" (d is an "Ex" command; can use others, like :s etc).
      • :v/foo/ d delete lines not matching "foo".
      • :%sort sort everything (:%sort n sort numerically; for other modifiers, see :h :sort).
    • Regex patterns:
      • Magic and "very magic":
      • Perlisms in Vim syntax (these in "very magic" syntax):
        • Non-greedy mappings:
          • a{-} (ie. like a*?)
          • a{-1,} (ie. like a+?)
        • Positive look-ahead (zero-width match): ab@= (ie. like a(?=b)).
        • Negative look-behind (zero-width match): ab@! (ie. like a(?!b)).
        • Positive look-behind (zero-width match): a@<=b (ie. like a($<=b)).
        • Negative look-behind (zero-width match): a@<! (ie. like a(?<!b)).
        • Easy to remember:
          • \zs do a zero-width match anywhere, setting start of match to that position; eg:
            • Positive look-behind: a\zsb
          • \ze do a zero-width match anywhere, setting end of match to that position; eg:
            • Positive look-ahead: a\zeb
      • Replacement modifiers:
        • \u makes next character uppercase
        • \U makes everything uppercase until \E/\e
        • \l makes next character lowercase
        • \L makes everything lowercase until \E/\e

Miscellaneous tips

  • Indenting and dedenting:
    • VISUAL mode: >>, <<
    • INSERT mode: CTRL-d (mnemonic: "dedent"), CTRL-t (mnemonic: "tab")
  • In INSERT mode, CTRL-O to execute one command and return to insert mode.
  • gv reselect last VISUAL selection
  • ga show ASCII value at current position
  • g8 show UTF-8 value at current position
  • g CTRL-g show current cursor position and total counts (columns, lines, words, bytes)
  • gu{motion} make lowercase
  • gU{motion} make uppercase
  • g~{motion} toggle case
  • gq{motion} format lines
  • CTRL-a increment number
  • CTRL-x decrement number
  • In INSERT mode, CTRL-r ={expr} to insert the value of an expression.

Customizing Vim

Debugging and troubleshooting

  • :verbose set ...?
  • :verbose map <prefix>
  • 'verbose' and 'verboselog'
  • Startup profiling: vim --startuptime log.txt



A curriculum for leveling up your Vim






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