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FactoryOTANetworkUtils iOS xcode15.3 b1

Alex Soto edited this page Jan 27, 2024 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
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- *
- *	  Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Computer, Inc.
- *	  All rights reserved.
- *
- *	  This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. It is
- *	  considered confidential and proprietary information.
- *
- *	  This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
- *	  in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
- *	  Apple Computer, Inc.
- */
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-@protocol EZSocketSerialization;
-@interface EZSocket : NSObject
- * socketWithURL:error:
- * 
- * Opens an active socket connection according to the URL.
- * Currently supported schemes:
- * - tcp://host:port
- * - unix://filepath
- */
-+ (instancetype _Nullable)socketWithURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)error;
- * sendMessage:error:
- *
- * Serializes a message and sends synchronously (internally calls sendData:error:)
- * Serializes using the serializer property if set, otherwise uses a default serialization (with NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver).
- * This method can be called from multiple threads.
- */
-- (bool)sendMessage:(NSDictionary *)msg error:(NSError **)err;
- * receiveMessage:
- *
- * Blocking call that receives one deserialized message (internally calls receiveData:)
- */
-- (NSDictionary *_Nullable)receiveMessage:(NSError **)err;
- * receiveMessageWithTimeout:error:
- *
- * Same as receiveMessage: but uses select to check if message is received within the specified timeout.
- * A timeout value of < 0 is the same as receiveMessage: which is an indefinite blocking call */
-- (NSDictionary *_Nullable)receiveMessageWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)error;
- * sendData:error:
- *
- * Sends a message in the form of raw bytes synchronously, without serialization. (internally calls write() in unistd.h)
- * This method can be called from multiple threads.
- */
-- (bool)sendData:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)err;
- * receiveData:
- *
- * Blocking call that receives one message in the form of raw bytes. (internally calls read() in unistd.h)
- */
-- (NSData *_Nullable)receiveData:(NSError **)err;
- * receiveDataWithTimeout:error:
- *
- * Same as receiveData: but uses select to check if data is received within the specified timeout.
- * A timeout value of < 0 is the same as receiveData: which is an indefinite blocking call */
-- (NSData *_Nullable)receiveDataWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout error:(NSError **)error;
-- (void)close;
-@property (strong) id<EZSocketSerialization> serializer;
-@property (readonly) int fileDescriptor;
-@property (readonly) NSURL *url;
-@property (strong) NSString *name;
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- *
- *	  Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Computer, Inc.
- *	  All rights reserved.
- *
- *	  This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. It is
- *	  considered confidential and proprietary information.
- *
- *	  This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
- *	  in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
- *	  Apple Computer, Inc.
- */
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocketSerialization.h>
-@interface EZSocketDefaultSerializer : NSObject<EZSocketSerialization>
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- *
- *	  Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Computer, Inc.
- *	  All rights reserved.
- *
- *	  This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. It is
- *	  considered confidential and proprietary information.
- *
- *	  This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
- *	  in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
- *	  Apple Computer, Inc.
- */
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocket.h>
-@class EZSocketManager;
-typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, EZSocketManagerOptions) {
-    EZSocketManagerReceiveUndetached = 1 << 0,  /* If set, the listen: method will not detach a thread to receive messages, i.e. becomes blocking */
-@protocol EZSocketManagerDelegate <NSObject>
-- (void)socketManager:(EZSocketManager *)smgr socket:(EZSocket *)socket didReceiveMessage:(NSDictionary *)recvd_message;
-- (void)socketManager:(EZSocketManager *)smgr socket:(EZSocket *)socket didDisconnect:(NSError *_Nullable)error;
- * socketManager:socket:shouldDeserializeData
- * 
- * If this optional delegate method is implemented, it will be invoked when data is newly received.
- * The data may be inspected and consumed as desired. The return value indicates to the EZSocketManager instance
- * whether it should deserialize received data to dictionary and invoke the ::didReceiveMessage: method
- */
-- (bool)socketManager:(EZSocketManager *)smgr socket:(EZSocket *)socket shouldDeserializeData:(NSData *)recvd_data;
-@interface EZSocketManager : NSObject
-+ (instancetype _Nullable)managerWithSocket:(EZSocket *)socket
-                                   delegate:(id<EZSocketManagerDelegate>)delegate;
-+ (instancetype _Nullable)managerWithSocket:(EZSocket *)socket
-                                   delegate:(id<EZSocketManagerDelegate> _Nullable)delegate
-                                    options:(EZSocketManagerOptions)options;
-+ (instancetype _Nullable)managerWithSocket:(EZSocket *)socket
-                                   delegate:(id<EZSocketManagerDelegate> _Nullable)delegate
-                                    options:(EZSocketManagerOptions)options
-                                      error:(NSError **)error;
- * listen:
- *
- * Starts receiving messages in a loop on the connection. A thread will be detached for the receiving loop
- * (unless EZSocketManagerReceiveUndetached option is set, in which case this is a blocking call)
- */
-- (bool)listen:(NSError **)err;
-- (void)disconnect;
-@property (readonly) EZSocket *socket;
-@property (nullable, weak) id<EZSocketManagerDelegate> delegate;
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- *
- *	  Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Computer, Inc.
- *	  All rights reserved.
- *
- *	  This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. It is
- *	  considered confidential and proprietary information.
- *
- *	  This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
- *	  in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
- *	  Apple Computer, Inc.
- */
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-@protocol EZSocketSerialization <NSObject>
-- (NSData *_Nullable)dataWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)dictionary error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;
-- (NSDictionary *_Nullable)dictionaryWithData:(NSData *_Nonnull)data error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;
-@property (nonnull, readonly) NSString *formatName;
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- *
- *	  Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Computer, Inc.
- *	  All rights reserved.
- *
- *	  This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. It is
- *	  considered confidential and proprietary information.
- *
- *	  This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
- *	  in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
- *	  Apple Computer, Inc.
- */
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-@class    EZSocket;
-@class    EZSocketServer;
-@protocol EZSocketSerialization;
-typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, EZSocketServerOptions) {
-    EZSocketServerAcceptUndetached = 1 << 0,  /* Will not detach the accept loop into a separate thread */
-@protocol EZSocketServerDelegate <NSObject>
- * server:didReceiveConnection: will be invoked from the thread from which start: is called
- * on the server instance, unless the EZSocketServerAcceptUndetached is set, in which case
- * a separate thread is detached and this method will be called from that thread.
- */
-- (void)server:(EZSocketServer *_Nonnull)server didReceiveConnection:(EZSocket *_Nonnull)socket;
-@interface EZSocketServer : NSObject
- * Currently supported schemes:
- * - tcp://host:port    (Note: For passive TCP sockets, the host in the URL is ignored)  
- * - unix://filepath
- *
- */
-+ (instancetype _Nullable)serverWithURL:(NSURL *_Nonnull)url
-                               delegate:(id<EZSocketServerDelegate> _Nonnull)delegate
-                                  error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)err;
-+ (instancetype _Nullable)serverWithURL:(NSURL *_Nonnull)url
-                               delegate:(id<EZSocketServerDelegate> _Nonnull)delegate
-                                options:(EZSocketServerOptions)options
-                                  error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)err;
- * listenForConnections:
- * 
- * Opens a passive socket and detaches a thread to accept connections (unless EZSocketServerAcceptUndetached 
- * is set).
- *
- * This is a blocking call if EZSocketServerAcceptUndetached is set.
- */
-- (bool)listenForConnections:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)err;
- * accept:
- *
- * This is a blocking call on accept() to accept one connection.
- * Cannot be used if listenForConnections: has been called already.
- */
-- (EZSocket *_Nullable)accept:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;
- * Shuts down the accept loop
- */
-- (void)shutdown;
-@property (nonnull,readonly) NSURL *url;
-@property (nullable, weak) id<EZSocketServerDelegate> delegate;
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- *
- *	  Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Computer, Inc.
- *	  All rights reserved.
- *
- *	  This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. It is
- *	  considered confidential and proprietary information.
- *
- *	  This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
- *	  in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
- *	  Apple Computer, Inc.
- */
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocket.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocketServer.h>
-@interface EZSocket(FileDescriptor)
-+ (instancetype _Nonnull)socketWithFileDescriptor:(int)fd; /* will not close fd on dealloc */
-+ (instancetype _Nonnull)socketWithFileDescriptor:(int)fd closeOnDealloc:(bool)cod;
-@interface EZSocketServer(FileDescriptor)
-+ (instancetype _Nullable)serverWithFileDescriptor:(int)fd delegate:(id<EZSocketServerDelegate> _Nullable)delegate;
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-//  Errors.h
-//  OTAEventDetectorPlugin
-//  Created by Mahesh Mahadevan on 7/11/23.
-#ifndef Errors_h
-#define Errors_h
-NSString *const kErrorDomain_EZSockets = @"";
-#endif /* Errors_h */
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-//  FactoryOTANetworkUtils.h
-//  FactoryOTANetworkUtils
-//  Created by Ron Bendor on 7/26/23.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-//! Project version number for FactoryOTANetworkUtils.
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT double FactoryOTANetworkUtilsVersionNumber;
-//! Project version string for FactoryOTANetworkUtils.
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char FactoryOTANetworkUtilsVersionString[];
-// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/PublicHeader.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/Errors.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocketSerialization.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocketDefaultSerializer.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocketManager.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSockets+FileDescriptor.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/url_validation.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocket.h>
-#import <FactoryOTANetworkUtils/EZSocketServer.h>
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- *
- *	  Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Computer, Inc.
- *	  All rights reserved.
- *
- *	  This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. It is
- *	  considered confidential and proprietary information.
- *
- *	  This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
- *	  in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
- *	  Apple Computer, Inc.
- */
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#if __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-bool validate_listening_url(NSURL *url, NSError **error);
-bool validate_connection_url(NSURL *url, NSError **error);
-#if __cplusplus
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