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FileProvider iOS xcode13.3 beta1

Alex Soto edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 2 revisions


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2021-11-19 10:26:57.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-01-25 13:04:13.000000000 -0500
@@ -19,3 +19,5 @@
 // macOS API with second revision of FPFS
+// macOS API with third revision of FPFS
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2021-11-19 10:26:57.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-01-25 13:04:13.000000000 -0500
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
      Returned by NSFileProviderManager if the provider registered in the system is an older version than the one corresponding to this app.
+     The `NSFilePathErrorKey` key points to the location of the older version. If the location of the older version cannot be determined (e.g. because it was since deleted), the `NSFilePathErrorKey` will not be set.
     NSFileProviderErrorOlderExtensionVersionRunning FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 = -2003,
@@ -106,21 +107,30 @@
     + domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain errorCode: EBUSY - if the item had open file descriptors on it.
     + domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain errorCode: EMLINK : if the item had several hardlinks.
-    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictableChildren API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.3)) = -2006,
+    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictableChildren FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 = -2006,
      Returned by NSFileProviderManager if item eviction is failing because the item has edits that have not been synced yet
      The NSURLErrorKey will be set to with the item URL that has unsynced content.
-    NSFileProviderErrorUnsyncedEdits API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.3)) = -2007,
+    NSFileProviderErrorUnsyncedEdits FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 = -2007,
      Returned by NSFileProviderManager if item eviction is failing because the item has not been assigned the evictable capability.
      The NSURLErrorKey will be set to with the corresponding item URL.
-    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictable API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.3)) = -2008,
+    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictable FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 = -2008,
+    /**
+     Returned by the provider to indicate that the requested version for an item cannot be provided.
+     When a provider returns that error, it means the version for this item is definitively unavailable. It is intended to be returned by
+     fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier, when NSFileProviderFetchContentsOptionsStrictVersioning is set, to tell the system that a remote update
+     happened to the item that outdated the requested version.
+    */
+    NSFileProviderErrorVersionNoLongerAvailable FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_1 = -2009,
 @interface NSError (NSFileProviderError)
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2021-11-19 10:26:57.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-01-25 13:01:01.000000000 -0500
@@ -101,6 +101,31 @@
     NSFileProviderItemTypeAndCreator FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0 = 1 << 10,
+ NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags are used to inform the system about specific conditions
+ that apply to the content retrieved by the provider in fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier.
+ */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags) {
+    /**
+     Mark the file as fully materialized even though it's sparse.
+     This flag is ignored if the provided range doesn't cover the entire file (ie. [0, EOF])
+     */
+    NSFileProviderMaterializationFlagsKnownSparseRanges = (1 << 0)
+ Used by the system to express options and constraints to the provider in fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier.
+ */
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderFetchContentsOptions) {
+    /**
+     Set by the system to inform the provider that any other content version than the requested one
+     will be discarded.
+     If the provider cannot supply this version, it should fail with NSFileProviderErrorVersionNoLongerAvailable.
+     */
+    NSFileProviderFetchContentsOptionsStrictVersioning = (1 << 0)
 #pragma mark - Extension with FPFS support
@@ -1096,5 +1121,108 @@
+@protocol NSFileProviderPartialContentFetching <NSObject>
+ Download the requested extent of an item for the given identifier and return it via the completion
+ handler.  If this protocol is not implemented the system defaults to fetchContentsForItemWithIdentifier.
+ The requestedVersion parameter specifies which version should be returned. This version will always be
+ specified by the system so as to prevent extents from different versions from being written into the same
+ file. The system tolerates a version mismatch for the first materialization of a fully dataless file (strictVersion=NO).
+ The requested range is <location, length>.  The implementation can provide any properly aligned range that
+ covers the requested range (including the entire item).  The system provides the minimal alignment value.
+ The location (or start offset) of the fetched range should be a multiple of this value for it to be considered
+ properly aligned. The length of the fetched range should be a multiple of this value, with an exception for
+ the end of the file, checked against the documentSize attribute the implementation supplied for this item.
+ The alignment value should not be expected to be stable across reboots. It is guaranteed by the system to be
+ a power of two.
+ In addition to the content the extension needs to fill in fetchedRange with either the requestest range,
+ <location, length>, or indicate full materialization with, <0, file size>.
+ Concurrent Downloads:
+ ----------
+ The system will call fetchContents concurrently if there are multiple outstanding file download requests.
+ The provider can control the concurrency by setting the key NSExtensionFileProviderDownloadPipelineDepth
+ in the Info.plist of the extension to the number of concurrent downloads that the system should create
+ per domain. This number must be between 1 and 128, inclusive.
+ File ownership:
+ ---------------
+ The system clones and unlinks the received fileContents. The extension should not mutate the corresponding
+ file after calling the completion handler. If the extension wishes to keep a copy of the content, it must
+ provide a clone of the that content as the URL passed to the completion handler.
+ In case the extension or the system crashes between the moment the completion handler is called and the
+ moment the system unlinks the file, the file may unexpectedly still be on disk the next time an instance
+ of the extension is created. The extension is then responsible for deleting that file.
+ Disallowing processes from fetching items:
+ ---------------
+ The system automatically downloads files on POSIX accesses. The extension may wish to disallow this class of
+ downloads for specific applications.  Currently only POSIX accesses trigger this message so that would render this
+ message superfluous in such cases.
+ The extension can set an array of strings into the UserDefault key
+ "NSFileProviderExtensionNonMaterializingProcessNames". A process whose name is an exact match for an
+ entry in this array will not be allowed to fetch items in the extension's domains.
+ This list will not be checked for downloads requested through file coordination.
+ Error cases:
+ ------------
+ If the download fails because the item is unknown, the call should
+ fail with the NSFileProviderErrorNoSuchItem error. In that case, the system
+ will consider the item has been removed from the domain and will attempt to
+ delete it from disk. In case that deletion fails because there are local
+ changes on this item, the system will re-create the item using createItemBasedOnTemplate.
+ If the user does not have access to the content of the file, the provider
+ can fail the call with NSCocoaErrorDomain and code NSFileReadNoPermissionError.
+ That error will then be presented to the user. The extension can also report
+ the NSFileProviderErrorNotAuthenticated, NSFileProviderErrorServerUnreachable
+ in case the item cannot be fetched because of the current state of the system / domain.
+ In those cases, the system will present an appropriate error message and back off
+ until the next time it is signalled.
+ If the requested version cannot be retrieved, the provider can choose to provide a different
+ version of the file, unless NSFileProviderFetchContentsOptionsStrictVersioning  is set. In this case,
+ the provider should fail with NSFileProviderErrorVersionNoLongerAvailable.
+ If some content is returned, the item must have the corresponding version. The system will detect
+ any mismatch and handle it as a remote update.
+ For the reading application, the materialization will fail with the same error as reading from
+ a dataless file that got remotely updated (-1/errno=ESTALE). Upon retry the new version will be
+ requested by the system.
+ Any other error will be considered to be transient and will cause the
+ download to be retried.
+ Cancellations:
+ ------------
+ If the NSProgress returned by this method is cancelled, the extension should
+ call the completion handler with (nil, nil, someRange, 0, NSUserCancelledError) in the NSProgress
+ cancellation handler.
+ The returned NSProgress is used to show progress to the user. If the user cancels the
+ fetch, the extension should stop fetching the item, as it is no longer required.
+ */
+- (NSProgress *)fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier
+                                                  version:(NSFileProviderItemVersion *)requestedVersion
+                                                  request:(NSFileProviderRequest *)request
+                                             minimalRange:(NSRange)requestedRange
+                                               aligningTo:(NSUInteger)alignment
+                                                  options:(NSFileProviderFetchContentsOptions)options
+                                        completionHandler:(void(^)(NSURL * _Nullable fileContents,
+                                                                   NSFileProviderItem _Nullable item,
+                                                                   NSRange retrievedRange,
+                                                                   NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags flags,
+                                                                   NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler
+    NS_SWIFT_NAME(fetchPartialContents(for:version:request:minimalRange:aligningTo:options:completionHandler:));
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