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FileProvider macOS xcode14.0 rc

Israel Soto edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:41:17.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:54.000000000 -0500
@@ -15,21 +15,9 @@
 #define FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2_V3 API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0), macos(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
 // macOS API with FPFS
-// iOS API with FPFS
 // macOS API with first revision of FPFS
-// iOS API with first revision of FPFS
-#define FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.3), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) API_UNAVAILABLE(macCatalyst)
 // macOS API with second revision of FPFS
-// iOS API with second revision of FPFS
-#define FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) API_UNAVAILABLE(macCatalyst)
 // macOS API with third revision of FPFS
-// macOS API with the fourth revision of FPFS
-// iOS API with the fourth revision of FPFS
-#define FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0_IOS API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) API_UNAVAILABLE(macCatalyst)
-// macOS/iOS API
-#define FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2_V5 API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) API_UNAVAILABLE(macCatalyst)
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:41:17.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:54.000000000 -0500
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  current version of the domain. This object is immutable and can safely be used as
  a key in a dictionary.
 @interface NSFileProviderDomainVersion : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>
 /** Build a version that is strictly greater than the receiver.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 /** Testing modes.
 typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderDomainTestingModes) {
     /** Enable the domain without any user action required.
@@ -90,9 +90,7 @@
 @interface NSFileProviderDomain : NSObject
- Initialize a new non-replicated NSFileProviderDomain
- The extension will be implementing NSFileProviderExtension.
+ Initialize a new NSFileProviderDomain
  The file provider extension implementation can pick any @c identifier as it sees
  fit to identify the group of items. The identifier must not contain any characters from this set: [/:]
@@ -106,29 +104,15 @@
 - (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier)identifier displayName:(NSString *)displayName pathRelativeToDocumentStorage:(NSString *)pathRelativeToDocumentStorage FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2;
- Initialize a new replicated NSFileProviderDomain
- The extension will be implementing NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension.
+ Initialize a new NSFileProviderDomain
  The file provider extension implementation can pick any @c identifier as it sees
  fit to identify the group of items. The identifier must not contain any characters from this set: [/:]
- In order to migrate a non-replicated domain to a replicated one, implementers have to make sure that they do not
- use the default domain, and then call +[NSFileProviderManager addDomain:completionHandler:] using
- the NSFileProviderDomain object returned by that init method.
- A domain with a specific identifier can be added multiple times; subsequent adds will update the properties
- of the existing domain.
- If a replicated domain is added "on top" of a non-replicated domain, the domain will be migrated to be replicated;
- existing bookmarks will remain valid, but the (externally visible) location of items will change to reflect the replicated location.
- It is not possible to migrate the default domain in this manner (since the default domain can not be added).
- It is recommended to migrate usage of the default domain to a domain with an explicit identifier instead.
  @param displayName a user visible string representing the group of items the
  file provider extension is using.
-- (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier)identifier displayName:(NSString *)displayName FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+- (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier)identifier displayName:(NSString *)displayName FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
  The identifier - as provided by the file provider extension.
@@ -160,7 +144,7 @@
 /** If user has disabled this domain from on iOS or System Preferences on macOS, this will bet set
  to NO.
-@property (readonly) BOOL userEnabled FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+@property (readonly) BOOL userEnabled FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
 /** If this domain is not user visible.
@@ -168,21 +152,6 @@
 @property (readwrite, assign, getter=isHidden) BOOL hidden FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
-/** If the domain is a replicated domain.
- If set to YES, it means the domain is replicated. By default, on macOS, the value will always be YES.
- On iOS, it will depend on the way the NSFileProviderDomain object is contructed. Calling
- -[NSFileProviderDomain initWithIdentifier:displayName:] will initialize a replicated domain.
- -[NSFileProviderDomain initWithIdentifier:displayName:pathRelativeToDocumentStorage:] will
- initialize a non-replicated domain.
- To know whether a domain is replicated or not, users are advised to rely on the output of
- +[NSFileProviderManager getDomainsForProviderIdentifier:completionHandler:]
-@property (readonly, getter=isReplicated) BOOL replicated FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0_IOS;
 /** Testing modes.
  Testing modes are exposed as a means for the provider to have more control over the system in
@@ -192,7 +161,7 @@
  A process must have the entitlement in order to
  configure a domain with non-empty testing modes.
-@property (readwrite, assign) NSFileProviderDomainTestingModes testingModes FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS;
+@property (readwrite, assign) NSFileProviderDomainTestingModes testingModes FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1;
  Identity of the backing store of the domain on the system.
@@ -212,20 +181,7 @@
  to that domain. As a consequence, the identity of the backing store associated with that domain
  is guaranteed to be stable for the lifetime of the NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension instance.
-@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSData *backingStoreIdentity FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS;
-/** If the domain supports syncing the trash.
- This property only applies for extensions that implement NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension.
- Defaults to YES. Set this to NO to indicate that the domain cannot sync the trash.
- If this property is set to YES the system will move the trashed item to the domain trash.
- If this property is set to NO and the trashed item does not have the NSFileProviderItemCapabilitiesAllowsTrashing capability, the system will offer to permanently delete the item.
- If this property is set to NO and the trashed item does have the NSFileProviderItemCapabilitiesAllowsTrashing capability, then the system will behave differently based on whether the item
- is recursively materialized. If the item is fully materialized, it will be moved to the user's home trash and the operation will look like a delete to the extension.
- If the item is not fully materialized, the system will offer to permanently delete the item.
- */
-@property (readwrite, assign) BOOL supportsSyncingTrash FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSData *backingStoreIdentity FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0;
@@ -243,7 +199,7 @@
 FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSNotificationName const NSFileProviderDomainDidChange
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-01 19:25:38.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-02-12 06:51:27.000000000 -0600
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
  By taking into account the suggested size, the enumeration will guarantee the best user experience possible. The
  system enforces a maximum of 100 times the suggested size.
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger suggestedPageSize FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger suggestedPageSize FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
  The system enforces a maximum of 100 times the suggested size.
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger suggestedBatchSize FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger suggestedBatchSize FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
@@ -154,15 +154,6 @@
  enumeration after the previous page.  If a file provider sends batches of 200
  items to -[NSFileProviderEnumerationObserver didEnumerateItems:] for example,
  then successive pages might contain offsets in increments of 200.
- Execution time:
- ---------------
- This method is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete the
- enumeration of a page of items. If the enumeration may not complete in a reasonable
- amount of time because, for instance, of bad network conditions, it is recommended
- to either report an error (for instance NSFileProviderErrorServerUnreachable) or
- return everything that is readily available and wait for the enumeration of the
- next page.
 - (void)enumerateItemsForObserver:(id<NSFileProviderEnumerationObserver>)observer
                    startingAtPage:(NSFileProviderPage)page NS_SWIFT_NAME(enumerateItems(for:startingAt:));
@@ -188,15 +179,6 @@
  NOTE that the change-based observation methods are marked optional for historical
  reasons, but are really required. System performance will be severely degraded if
  they are not implemented.
- Execution time:
- ---------------
- This method is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete the
- enumeration of a batch of items. If the enumeration may not complete in a reasonable
- amount of time because, for instance, of bad network conditions, it is recommended
- to either report an error (for instance NSFileProviderErrorServerUnreachable) or
- return everything that is readily available and wait for the enumeration of the
- next batch.
 - (void)enumerateChangesForObserver:(id<NSFileProviderChangeObserver>)observer
                      fromSyncAnchor:(NSFileProviderSyncAnchor)syncAnchor NS_SWIFT_NAME(enumerateChanges(for:from:));
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 12:41:17.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:54.000000000 -0500
@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@
      \note Please use -[NSError (NSFileProviderError) fileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletionOfItem:] to build an error with this code.
      \see -[NSError (NSFileProviderError) fileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletionOfItem:]
-    NSFileProviderErrorDeletionRejected FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS = -1006,
+    NSFileProviderErrorDeletionRejected FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 = -1006,
     /** We're trying to non-recursively delete a non-empty directory
-    NSFileProviderErrorDirectoryNotEmpty FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS = -1007,
+    NSFileProviderErrorDirectoryNotEmpty FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 = -1007,
      Returned by NSFileProviderManager if no provider could be found in the application
-    NSFileProviderErrorProviderNotFound FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS = -2001,
+    NSFileProviderErrorProviderNotFound FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 = -2001,
      Returned by NSFileProviderManager if the application's provider has been disabled due to app translocation
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
      When a provider returns that error, it means the syncing an item is definitively broken, and cannot be resolved without an update of
      either the provider or the system.
-    NSFileProviderErrorCannotSynchronize FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS = -2005,
+    NSFileProviderErrorCannotSynchronize FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 = -2005,
     Returned by NSFileProviderManager if directory eviction failed because the target contains non-evictable items.
@@ -107,21 +107,21 @@
     + domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain errorCode: EBUSY - if the item had open file descriptors on it.
     + domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain errorCode: EMLINK : if the item had several hardlinks.
-    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictableChildren FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS = -2006,
+    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictableChildren FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 = -2006,
      Returned by NSFileProviderManager if item eviction is failing because the item has edits that have not been synced yet
      The NSURLErrorKey will be set to with the item URL that has unsynced content.
-    NSFileProviderErrorUnsyncedEdits FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS = -2007,
+    NSFileProviderErrorUnsyncedEdits FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 = -2007,
      Returned by NSFileProviderManager if item eviction is failing because the item has not been assigned the evictable capability.
      The NSURLErrorKey will be set to with the corresponding item URL.
-    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictable FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS = -2008,
+    NSFileProviderErrorNonEvictable FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 = -2008,
      Returned by the provider to indicate that the requested version for an item cannot be provided.
@@ -131,42 +131,12 @@
      happened to the item that outdated the requested version.
     NSFileProviderErrorVersionNoLongerAvailable FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_1 = -2009,
-    /**
-     Returned by createItemBasedOnTemplate or modifyItem if the provider does not wish to sync the item.
-     When a provider returns this error, it causes the item to be excluded from sync. The system will ensure that
-     the item (and any descendents, in case of a directory), are downloaded, and then issue a deleteItem call to the
-     provider for the item.
-     The system will call createItemBasedOnTemplate for the item, whenever the item's metadata changes on disk.
-     This ensures that the provider's rules for excluding from sync are re-evaluated whenever the
-     item's properties change.
-     Re-evaluating items
-     ------
-     If the provider wishes for previously excluded items to be re-sent as createItemBasedOnTemplate calls,
-     the provider may call -[NSFileProviderManager signalErrorResolved:completionHandler:] with this error code.
-     If the provider wishes to exclude items which had previously been synced, the provider may call
-     -[NSFileProviderManager requestModificationOfFields:forItemWithIdentifier:options:completionHandler:].
-     This will cause the system to send a new modifyItem call to the provider. At that time, the provider can choose to
-     return this error code.
-    */
-    NSFileProviderErrorExcludedFromSync FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2_V5 = -2010,
-    /*
-     Returned by the system to indicate that the domain is disabled by the user, and therefore the operation cannot be
-     completed.
-    */
-    NSFileProviderErrorDomainDisabled FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0_IOS = -2011,
 @interface NSError (NSFileProviderError)
 + (instancetype)fileProviderErrorForCollisionWithItem:(NSFileProviderItem)existingItem FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2_V3;
 + (instancetype)fileProviderErrorForNonExistentItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2_V3;
-+ (instancetype)fileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletionOfItem:(NSFileProviderItem)updatedVersion NS_SWIFT_NAME(fileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletion(of:)) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
++ (instancetype)fileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletionOfItem:(NSFileProviderItem)updatedVersion NS_SWIFT_NAME(fileProviderErrorForRejectedDeletion(of:)) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-08-05 15:56:01.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-08-03 21:06:54.000000000 -0500
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
  Extension should be able to return all trashed items by supporting the creation of a NSFileProviderEnumerator
  for the trashed items.
-FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSFileProviderItemIdentifier const NSFileProviderTrashContainerItemIdentifier NS_SWIFT_NAME(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.trashContainer) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSFileProviderItemIdentifier const NSFileProviderTrashContainerItemIdentifier NS_SWIFT_NAME(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.trashContainer) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
 @interface NSFileProviderItemVersion : NSObject
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
  This constant is used by the system to represent that specific version that was communicated by the system to
  the extension but does not have a corresponding version assigned by the extension.
-@property (class, readonly, nonnull) NSData *beforeFirstSyncComponent FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS;
+@property (class, readonly, nonnull) NSData *beforeFirstSyncComponent FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0;
  Items versions have two distinct components, one for the file contents and one
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
      of the OS or the provider's program to evict items), the provider can set the following key to false in
      their Info.plist, in the NSExtension section: NSExtensionFileProviderAllowsUserControlledEviction
-    NSFileProviderItemCapabilitiesAllowsEvicting API_DEPRECATED("use NSFileProviderContentPolicy instead", macos(11.0, 13.0)) = 1 << 6,
+    NSFileProviderItemCapabilitiesAllowsEvicting FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 = 1 << 6,
      Indicates that the item can be excluded from sync.
@@ -196,27 +196,7 @@
         | NSFileProviderItemCapabilitiesAllowsDeleting
- NSFileProviderItemContents corresponds to the item's contents.
- Each subsequent field corresponds to a property on NSFileProviderItem that can
- change.
- */
-typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderItemFields) {
-    NSFileProviderItemContents = 1 << 0,
-    NSFileProviderItemFilename = 1 << 1,
-    NSFileProviderItemParentItemIdentifier = 1 << 2,
-    NSFileProviderItemLastUsedDate = 1 << 3,
-    NSFileProviderItemTagData = 1 << 4,
-    NSFileProviderItemFavoriteRank = 1 << 5,
-    NSFileProviderItemCreationDate = 1 << 6,
-    NSFileProviderItemContentModificationDate = 1 << 7,
-    NSFileProviderItemFileSystemFlags = 1 << 8,
-    NSFileProviderItemExtendedAttributes = 1 << 9,
-    NSFileProviderItemTypeAndCreator FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS = 1 << 10,
 typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderFileSystemFlags) {
     /// Item has the POSIX user-executable (u+x) permission.
     NSFileProviderFileSystemUserExecutable      = 1 << 0,
@@ -238,7 +218,7 @@
     NSFileProviderFileSystemPathExtensionHidden = 1 << 4,
 typedef struct NSFileProviderTypeAndCreator {
      The first word of the FinderInfo structure. It matches the file type code
@@ -250,44 +230,6 @@
     OSType creator;
 } NSFileProviderTypeAndCreator;
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSFileProviderContentPolicy) {
-    /**
-     Inherit the content policy of the parent folder.
-     This is the default policy on every item other than the root.
-     */
-    NSFileProviderContentPolicyInherited FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0_IOS,
-    /**
-     Download this item lazily (i.e when it is read) if it is dataless.
-     Download remote content updates eagerly if this file is not dataless.
-     Allow eviction on low disk pressure and other triggers.
-     This is the default policy on the root on macOS.
-     */
-    NSFileProviderContentPolicyDownloadLazily FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0,
-    /**
-     Download this item lazily (i.e when it is read.)
-     Evict the file upon remote content update.
-     Also allow eviction on low disk pressure and other triggers.
-     This is the default policy on the root on iOS.
-     */
-    NSFileProviderContentPolicyDownloadLazilyAndEvictOnRemoteUpdate FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0_IOS,
-    /**
-     Download this item eagerly (i.e before it is read.)
-     Keep downloading remote updates eagerly.
-     Prevent eviction on low disk pressure and other triggers.
-     When an item with the inherited policy is moved into a folder with
-     this policy, the system will automatically schedule a download.
-     */
-    NSFileProviderContentPolicyDownloadEagerlyAndKeepDownloaded FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0
 @protocol NSFileProviderItem <NSObject>
@@ -375,7 +317,7 @@
  These will be written down in the FinderInfo structure if relevant.
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSFileProviderTypeAndCreator typeAndCreator FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSFileProviderTypeAndCreator typeAndCreator FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0;
  The capabilities of the item.  This controls the list of actions that the UI
@@ -392,7 +334,7 @@
  Prior to macOS 11.3, fileSystemFlags are not honored for directories.
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSFileProviderFileSystemFlags fileSystemFlags FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSFileProviderFileSystemFlags fileSystemFlags FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy, nullable) NSNumber *documentSize;
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy, nullable) NSNumber *childItemCount;
@@ -435,7 +377,7 @@
  will be communicated under NSFileProviderItemContents.  Remote changes to
  the resource fork should bump itemVersion.contentVersion.
-@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSDictionary <NSString *, NSData *> *extendedAttributes FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSDictionary <NSString *, NSData *> *extendedAttributes FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
@@ -493,6 +435,10 @@
  Trashed items should remain in the working set; however, children of trashed
  directories should be removed from the working set.
+ Additionally, when an item is trashed, the `parentItemIdentifier` refers to the location the item was before being
+ trashed. As such, when the user decides to restore the item from trash, `parentItemIdentifier` will be used for
+ the default restore location.
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isTrashed) BOOL trashed FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2;
@@ -559,7 +505,7 @@
  The version is used to track which version of an item has been modified when informing a provider about changes. It is also used to invalidate the thumbnail cache.
-@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSFileProviderItemVersion *itemVersion FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;
+@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSFileProviderItemVersion *itemVersion FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;
  The target of a symlink.
@@ -568,7 +514,7 @@
  this field should contain the target of the symlink.
 @property (nonatomic, readonly, copy, nullable) NSString *symlinkTargetPath
  Use this dictionary to add state information to the item. Entries are accessible to
@@ -644,7 +590,7 @@
     - `Alert` *dictionary*
         - `LocalizedTitle` *string*, title of the alert
         - `LocalizedSubTitle` *string*, sub title of the alert
-            - @parameters (maximum 10) for LocalizedTitle/LocalizedSubTitle
+            - @parameters for LocalizedTitle/LocalizedSubTitle
                 - `matchingItemsCount`: count of source items that matched the predicate (only present if matchingItemsCount > 0)
                 - `matchingItemsCountMinusOne`: matchingItemsCount minus one (only present if matchingItemsCount > 1)
                 - `matchingItemsCountMinusTwo`: matchingItemsCount minus two (only present if matchingItemsCount > 2)
@@ -681,39 +627,6 @@
  the provider can set NSExtensionFileProviderAllowsContextualMenuDownloadEntry=0 in the provider's Info.plist.
  This will ensure that the system does not display the "Download Now" button in the contextual menu.
- When `sourceItem` or `destinationItem` are present in a UserInteraction, a subset of the fields present on the item will be available for use.
- The subset includes:
- - `userInfo`
- - `itemIdentifier`
- - `parentItemIdentifier`
- - `contentType`
- - `typeIdentifier`
- - `isTrashed`
- - `filename`
- - `capabilities`
- - `documentSize`
- - `childItemCount`
- - `creationDate`
- - `contentModificationDate`
- - `lastUsedDate`
- - `tagData`
- - `favoriteRank`
- - `isUploaded`
- - `isUploading`
- - `uploadingError`
- - `isDownloaded`
- - `isDownloading`
- - `downloadingError`
- - `isMostRecentVersionDownloaded`
- - `isShared`
- - `isSharedByCurrentUser`
- - `ownerNameComponents`
- - `mostRecentEditorNameComponents`
- - `versionIdentifier`
- - `inheritedUserInfo`
- - `resolvedUserInfo`
- - `isRecursivelyDownloaded`
  Here is a sample extension Info.plist:

@@ -802,10 +715,6 @@ */ @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSDictionary *userInfo;


  • Declarative API to define the item content policy according to the available NSFileProviderContentPolicy
  • */ -@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSFileProviderContentPolicy contentPolicy FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0_IOS;


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/ --- /Applications/ 2022-08-01 06:12:51.000000000 -0500 +++ /Applications/ 2022-02-12 06:51:27.000000000 -0600 @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderDefines.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderItem.h>


/** @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@


-FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 @protocol NSFileProviderItemDecorating /** Returns an array of decorations for the item. diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/ --- /Applications/ 2022-08-05 15:56:01.000000000 -0500 +++ /Applications/ 2022-08-03 21:06:54.000000000 -0500 @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderItem.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderDomain.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderEnumerating.h> -#import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions.h>


@@ -20,16 +19,16 @@

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSFileProviderDomainRemovalMode) { /// Don't keep any files that are current in the domain

  • NSFileProviderDomainRemovalModeRemoveAll FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS = 0,
  • NSFileProviderDomainRemovalModeRemoveAll = 0,

    /// Delete the domain from the system but keeps the at least all the /// dirty corresponding user data around.

  • NSFileProviderDomainRemovalModePreserveDirtyUserData FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0 = 1,
  • NSFileProviderDomainRemovalModePreserveDirtyUserData = 1,

    /// Delete the domain from the system but keeps all the downloaded /// corresponding user data around.

  • NSFileProviderDomainRemovalModePreserveDownloadedUserData FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0 = 2, -} NS_SWIFT_NAME(NSFileProviderManager.DomainRemovalMode) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS;
  • NSFileProviderDomainRemovalModePreserveDownloadedUserData = 2, +} NS_SWIFT_NAME(NSFileProviderManager.DomainRemovalMode) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0;

/** The file provider manager allows you to communicate with the file provider @@ -71,23 +70,19 @@ Call this method either in the app or in the extension to trigger an enumeration, typically in response to a push.

  • When using NSFileProviderExtension, the system will enumerate containers
  • while the user is viewing them in the UI. If there are changes to the container
  • while an enumerator is open, call this method with the identifier of that
  • container. This will trigger another call to
  • -[NSFileProviderEnumerator enumerateChangesForObserver:fromSyncAnchor:] on
  • that enumerator, and the UI will be refreshed, giving the user live updates on
  • the presented enumeration.
  • Set the containerItemIdentifier to the identifier of the enumerated container
  • that was specified in
  • -[NSFileProviderExtension enumeratorForContainerItemIdentifier:error:]
  • This will trigger another call to
  • -[NSFileProviderEnumerator enumerateChangesForObserver:fromSyncAnchor:]
  • and the UI will be refreshed, giving the user live updates on the presented
  • enumeration.
  • If there are changes in the working set, call this method with
  • If you have a change in the working set, call this method with containerItemIdentifier set to NSFileProviderWorkingSetContainerItemIdentifier,
  • even if there is no live enumeration for the working set container.
  • When using NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension, only call this
  • method with NSFileProviderWorkingSetContainerItemIdentifier. Other container
  • identifiers are ignored. The system will automatically propagate
  • working set changes to the UI, without explicitly signaling the
  • containers currently being viewed in the UI.
  • even if there is no live enumeration for this item. The working set is cached

  • on the device and it's important to keep the cache in sync.

    In addition to using this method, your application/extension can register for pushes using the PKPushTypeFileProvider push type. Pushes of the form @@ -101,7 +96,7 @@

  • (void)signalEnumeratorForContainerItemIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)containerItemIdentifier completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * __nullable error))completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(signalEnumerator(for:completionHandler:));


  • Return the security scoped URL to the user visible location for an item identifier.
  • Return the user visible URL for an item identifier.

    The caller must use file coordination (see NSFileCoordinator) if it wishes to read the content or list the children of the URL. The caller should not try to manipulate files @@ -117,16 +112,8 @@ This attribute is only set if the item has been assigned a different local name following a collision. Such local names are not synced up to the provider; the purpose of the attribute is to enable consistency checkers to detect this case.

  • Before accessing the content of the returned URL, the caller must call `-[NSURL startAccessingSecurityScopedResource]
  • on the returned URL and call -[NSURL stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource] when done accessing the content.
  • The returned URL grants read-write access to the user visible location for the corresponding item.
  • On iOS, for replicated domains, the extension process will never be granted access to the user
  • visible location, this function will always fail with NSFileReadNoPermissionError. */ -- (void)getUserVisibleURLForItemIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURL * __nullable userVisibleFile, NSError * __nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS NS_SWIFT_NAME(getUserVisibleURL(for:completionHandler:)); +- (void)getUserVisibleURLForItemIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURL * __nullable userVisibleFile, NSError * __nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 NS_SWIFT_NAME(getUserVisibleURL(for:completionHandler:));

/** Return the identifier and domain for a user visible URL. @@ -136,7 +123,7 @@ provider/domain, or which hasn't yet been assigned an identifier by the provider will return the Cocoa error NSFileNoSuchFileError. */ -+ (void)getIdentifierForUserVisibleFileAtURL:(NSURL *)url completionHandler:(void (^)(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier __nullable itemIdentifier, NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier __nullable domainIdentifier, NSError * __nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS; ++ (void)getIdentifierForUserVisibleFileAtURL:(NSURL *)url completionHandler:(void (^)(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier __nullable itemIdentifier, NSFileProviderDomainIdentifier __nullable domainIdentifier, NSError * __nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;

/** Registers the given NSURLSessionTask to be responsible for the specified item. @@ -182,7 +169,7 @@ This call will not fail when called from the extension process with an active instance of the extension for that domain. */ -- (nullable NSURL *)temporaryDirectoryURLWithError:(NSError **)error FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS; +- (nullable NSURL *)temporaryDirectoryURLWithError:(NSError **)error FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;

/** Writes out a placeholder at the specified URL. The placeholder is used in place @@ -234,7 +221,7 @@ /** Remove a domain with options */ -+ (void)removeDomain:(NSFileProviderDomain *)domain mode:(NSFileProviderDomainRemovalMode)mode completionHandler:(void(^)(NSURL *_Nullable_result preservedLocation, NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0_IOS; ++ (void)removeDomain:(NSFileProviderDomain *)domain mode:(NSFileProviderDomainRemovalMode)mode completionHandler:(void(^)(NSURL *_Nullable_result preservedLocation, NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_0;

/** Get all registered domains. @@ -256,7 +243,7 @@

  • NSFileProviderErrorCannotSynchronize */
  • (void)signalErrorResolved:(NSError *)error completionHandler:(void(^)(NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;

/** Returns the global progress for the specified kind of operations @@ -282,7 +269,7 @@

The returned progress will have its fileOperationKind property set. */ -- (NSProgress *)globalProgressForKind:(NSProgressFileOperationKind)kind NS_SWIFT_NAME(globalProgress(for:)) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS; +- (NSProgress *)globalProgressForKind:(NSProgressFileOperationKind)kind NS_SWIFT_NAME(globalProgress(for:)) FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1;


@@ -294,7 +281,7 @@ */


@interface NSFileProviderManager (MaterializedSet)

@@ -313,7 +300,7 @@

  • The app/extension enumerates the materialized set after the system calls 'materializedItemsDidChangeWithCompletionHandler'. */ -- (id)enumeratorForMaterializedItems FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS; +- (id)enumeratorForMaterializedItems FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;


@@ -324,9 +311,9 @@ Note, this notification starts to be posted only after +[NSFileProviderManager getDomainsWithCompletionHandler:] is called. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSNotificationName const NSFileProviderPendingSetDidChange -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS; +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1;


/** @@ -342,13 +329,6 @@ */ @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval refreshInterval;


  • This property is set to YES when the enumeration of the pending set was capped at or below its maximum size.
  • Under normal conditions, the count of items pending sync will get lower as sync progresses, and this variable
  • will eventually be set to NO when the pending set again includes all items pending sync.
  • */ -@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isMaximumSizeReached) BOOL maximumSizeReached FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0_IOS;


@interface NSFileProviderManager (PendingSet) @@ -360,7 +340,7 @@ On later modifications in the set, the system will call 'pendingItemsDidChangeWithCompletionHandler'. */ -- (id)enumeratorForPendingItems FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS; +- (id)enumeratorForPendingItems FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1;


@@ -394,7 +374,7 @@ will be received for both the import and the scan. */

  • (void)importDomain:(NSFileProviderDomain *)domain fromDirectoryAtURL:(NSURL *)url completionHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;

/** Notify the system that the itemIdentifiers known by the system are not valid anymore.

@@ -435,22 +415,7 @@

  • (void)reimportItemsBelowItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler NS_SWIFT_NAME(reimportItems(below:completionHandler:)) -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;


  • Request that the system schedules a call to -[NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension modifyItem:] for the given item identifier.
  • The fields passed to modifyItem will contain at least the set requested via the fields parameter.
  • The completion handler is called when the system has persisted the request. There is no guarantee as to when the
  • modifyItem call will be scheduled.
  • The completion handler may be called with an error. If the provider passes the .content field when the item
  • is not downloaded, or when the item is a folder, then the system will return CocoaError(.ubiquitousFileUnavailable).
  • */ -- (void)requestModificationOfFields:(NSFileProviderItemFields)fields
  •          forItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier
  •                        options:(NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions)options
  •              completionHandler:(void(^)(NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler




@@ -481,7 +446,7 @@

  • (void)evictItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler NS_SWIFT_NAME(evictItem(identifier:completionHandler:)) -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;


@@ -508,7 +473,7 @@

  • (void)waitForChangesOnItemsBelowItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler NS_SWIFT_NAME(waitForChanges(below:completionHandler:)) -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS;

@interface NSFileProviderManager (Stabilization) @@ -523,7 +488,7 @@ The completion handler is called when both sets of changes are caught up to at least the time of the call. This is useful to enforce a consistent state for testing. */ -- (void)waitForStabilizationWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS; +- (void)waitForStabilizationWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3; @end

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderManagerDisconnectionOptions) { @@ -542,31 +507,4 @@

  • (void)reconnectWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3; @end

-@interface NSFileProviderManager (Materialize)


  • Request that the system schedule a download for an item.
  • The completion handler is called when the system acknowledges the download request,
  • or with an error indicating why it didn't (e.g NSFileProviderErrorNoSuchItem.)
  • The system will then call -fetchContentsForItemWithIdentifier at the earliest
  • convenient time.
  • Set rangeToMaterialize to NSMakeRange(offset, nbytes) to request a partial download.
  • The system will then invoke -fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier instead of
  • fetchContentsForItemWithIdentifier. For a full download, set rangeToMaterialize to
  • NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0). -[NSFileProviderManager evictItemWithIdentifier:completionHandler:]
  • must be called on a partially materialized file before requesting an extent to be downloaded from a
  • later version of the file.
  • This method cannot be used to download directories recursively. When invoked on a
  • dataless directory, it will trigger an enumeration of the directory, causing a
  • materialization of the directory one level down only. All the children of the
  • directory will remain dataless after the enumeration.
  • */ -- (void)requestDownloadForItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier
  •                          requestedRange:(NSRange)rangeToMaterialize
  •                       completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V5_0;


NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/ --- /Applications/ 2022-08-01 06:12:51.000000000 -0500 +++ /Applications/ 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -// -// NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions.h -// -// Copyright © 2019-2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. -//

-#import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderDefines.h>

-typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions) {

  • /**
  • We're moving the item to a location where it may refer to an item that already exists. This may happen
  • when two directories are being merged together. When this happens some items may be merged to the
  • same directory and we end up in a situation where the merged contains may also exist.
  • This is similar to NSFileProviderCreateItemMayAlreadyExist
  • */
  • NSFileProviderModifyItemMayAlreadyExist = 1 << 0, -} FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS; diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/ --- /Applications/ 2022-08-05 15:53:46.000000000 -0500 +++ /Applications/ 2022-08-03 21:06:54.000000000 -0500 @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderService.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderActions.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderRequest.h> -#import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions.h>


@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ / typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderCreateItemOptions) { /*

  • The imported item may already exist.
  • The imported item may already exists.
    This can happen because:

@@ -34,23 +33,16 @@ lost, for example following the restoration of a backup, or the migration to a new device.

  • 2. Two directories are merged together, due to the extension returning
  • the same itemIdentifier for both directories on the createItem completion handler.
  • Each child resulting of the merge may be recreated with the
  • mayAlreadyExist option. This allows the extension to recursively merge
  • directories.
  • 2. Two directories are merged together. Each child resulting of the merge
  • may be recreated with the mayAlreadyExist option. This allows the
  • extension to recursively merge directories.
    The Extension should assess whether the item could actually be a disk
    representation of an already existing item.
  • The best user experience is to match the requested item to one on the server,
  • if the extension is able to confirm that the disk item is representing an item already on
  • the server.
  • Given that this flag may be set when the system is reimporting all items from disk,
  • it is advised that the Extension attempts assessment methods for each item
  • in order from cheapest to most expensive (in terms of CPU and network), in order
  • to avoid unnecessary work.
  • Since this can happens when the system has to reimport all the existing
  • item from disk, it is advised that the assessment method avoids
  • computational intensive tasks, such as checksumming the item.
    When all the items pending reimport have been processed, the system
    will call -[NSFileProviderExtension importDidFinishWithCompletionHandler:].

@@ -63,9 +55,9 @@ This happens only if the edit wasn't yet known by the system at the time the deletion was requested. */

  • NSFileProviderCreateItemDeletionConflicted FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS = 1 << 1,
  • NSFileProviderCreateItemDeletionConflicted FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 = 1 << 1,


/** Options passed on item deletion. @@ -75,7 +67,38 @@ The deletion of the item is recursive. */ NSFileProviderDeleteItemRecursive = 1 << 0, -} FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS; +} FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3; + +typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions) {

  • /**
  • We're moving the item to a location where it may refer to an item that already exists. This may happen
  • when two directories are being merged together. When this happens some items may be merged to the
  • same directory and we end up in a situation where the merged contains may also exist.
  • This is similar to NSFileProviderCreateItemMayAlreadyExist
  • */
  • NSFileProviderModifyItemMayAlreadyExist = 1 << 0, +} FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3;


  • NSFileProviderItemContents corresponds to the item's contents.
  • Each subsequent field corresponds to a property on NSFileProviderItem that can
  • change.
  • */ +typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderItemFields) {
  • NSFileProviderItemContents = 1 << 0,
  • NSFileProviderItemFilename = 1 << 1,
  • NSFileProviderItemParentItemIdentifier = 1 << 2,
  • NSFileProviderItemLastUsedDate = 1 << 3,
  • NSFileProviderItemTagData = 1 << 4,
  • NSFileProviderItemFavoriteRank = 1 << 5,
  • NSFileProviderItemCreationDate = 1 << 6,
  • NSFileProviderItemContentModificationDate = 1 << 7,
  • NSFileProviderItemFileSystemFlags = 1 << 8,
  • NSFileProviderItemExtendedAttributes = 1 << 9,

/** NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags are used to inform the system about specific conditions @@ -84,12 +107,8 @@ / typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags) { /*

  • By default, the system will track which parts of the returned file are sparse; those parts will remain non-materialized
  • and trigger subsequent calls to the materialization methods on access. Returning this flag will instead cause the entire
  • file to be marked as materialized. This is useful if the resulting file is known to contain sparse parts,
  • and all the remaining parts have been filled in.
  • This flag is ignored if the provided range doesn't cover the entire file (ie. [0, EOF]).
  • This flag is currently ignored.
  • Mark the file as fully materialized even though it's sparse.
  • This flag is ignored if the provided range doesn't cover the entire file (ie. [0, EOF])
    NSFileProviderMaterializationFlagsKnownSparseRanges = (1 << 0) } FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V4_1; @@ -108,7 +127,7 @@

#pragma mark - Extension with FPFS support


/** @@ -160,13 +179,6 @@ YES in its Info.plist, it is considered to apply the changes atomically, in which case the system does not need to check for potential races.

  • Execution time:

  • The system expects this call to complete quickly, it should build the object that will be

  • used for enumeration and return it. The enumeration logic should happen when the system

  • calls -[NSFileProviderEnumerator enumerateItemsForObserver:startingAtPage:] or

  • -[NSFileProviderEnumerator enumerateChangesForObserver:fromSyncAnchor:].

  • Error cases:

    If containerItemIdentifier is NSFileProviderTrashContainerItemIdentifier and @@ -231,15 +243,15 @@

    The system currently separates the operations into the following categories:

    • enumeration of the working set. At most 1 enumeration of the working set can happen at a given time
    • downloads. The system has a per-domain limit on the number of concurrent calls to fetchContents and similar calls.
    • downloads. The system has a limit on the number of concurrent calls to fetchContents and similar calls That limit is configurable by setting the NSExtensionFileProviderDownloadPipelineDepth key to an integer value (between 1 and 128) in the Info.plist of the extension.
    • uploads. The system has a per-domain limit on the number of concurrent calls to createItemBasedOnTemplate and
    • uploads. The system has a limit on the number of concurrent calls to createItemBasedOnTemplate and modifyItem when the call includes new content to be uploaded. That limit is configurable by setting the NSExtensionFileProviderUploadPipelineDepth key to an integer value (between 1 and 128) in the Info.plist of the extension. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 @protocol NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension <NSObject, NSFileProviderEnumerating>

/** @@ -290,15 +302,6 @@ If the NSProgress returned by this method is cancelled, the extension should call the completion handler with (nil, NSUserCancelledError) in the NSProgress cancellation handler.

  • Execution time:

  • This method is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete the retrieval of the
  • metadata of the item. If the operation may not complete in a reasonable amount of time because,
  • for instance, of bad network conditions, it is recommended to report an error (for instance
  • NSFileProviderErrorServerUnreachable). The system will call cancel on the progress if the
  • operation takes too much time. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion
  • handler. */
  • (NSProgress *)itemForIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)identifier request:(NSFileProviderRequest *)request @@ -336,8 +339,6 @@

File ownership:

  • The retrieved content at fileContents URL must be a regular file on the same volume as the user-visible URL.

  • A suitable location can be retrieved using -[NSFileProviderManager temporaryDirectoryURLWithError:]. The system clones and unlinks the received fileContents. The extension should not mutate the corresponding file after calling the completion handler. If the extension wishes to keep a copy of the content, it must provide a clone of the that content as the URL passed to the completion handler. @@ -353,9 +354,8 @@ downloads for specific applications.

    The extension can set an array of strings into the UserDefault key

  • "NSFileProviderExtensionNonMaterializingProcessNames". A process whose executable's filename on disk is an

  • exact match for an entry in this array will not be allowed to fetch items in the extension's domains. The comparison

  • is case sensitive.

  • "NSFileProviderExtensionNonMaterializingProcessNames". A process whose name is an exact match for an

  • entry in this array will not be allowed to fetch items in the extension's domains.

    In macOS 11.0 and later, this list will be checked when a download is initiated through a POSIX filesystem call. In macOS 11.4 and later, this list will also be checked for downloads initiated through file coordination. @@ -396,13 +396,7 @@ The returned NSProgress is used to show progress to the user. If the user cancels the fetch, the extension should stop fetching the item, as it is no longer required.

  • Execution time:

  • The system will grant enough time to the extension to download the file. The system will interrupt the
  • call if it stops making progress or if download takes an unexpectedly long time. In that case, the system
  • will call cancel on the progress. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion
  • handler.
  • */
  • */
  • (NSProgress *)fetchContentsForItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier version:(nullable NSFileProviderItemVersion *)requestedVersion request:(NSFileProviderRequest *)request @@ -442,10 +436,6 @@ set of stillPendingFields in its completion handler. In that case, the system will attempt to modify the item later by calling modifyItem with those fields.

  • The filename and contents fields should be synced together.

  • If synced independently, files may appear corrupted on other devices, due to

  • a mismatch between the file extension and the actual file data.

  • If a field in the returned createdItem does not match the itemTemplate, and is not in the list of stillPendingFields, the value from the createdItem will be propagated to the disk. If the content of the item as described by createdItem @@ -552,14 +542,6 @@ If the NSProgress returned by this method is cancelled, the extension should call the completion handler with (nil, [], NO, NSUserCancelledError) in the NSProgress cancellation handler.

  • Execution time:

  • The system will grant enough time to the extension to upload the file if content is passed to the call,

  • otherwise the call is expected to completed within a few seconds. The system will interrupt the

  • call if it stops making progress or if upload takes an unexpectedly long time. In that case, the system

  • will call cancel on the progress. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion

  • handler. */

  • (NSProgress *)createItemBasedOnTemplate:(NSFileProviderItem)itemTemplate fields:(NSFileProviderItemFields)fields @@ -582,10 +564,6 @@ set of stillPendingFields in its completion handler. In that case, the system will attempt to modify the item later by calling modifyItem with those fields.

  • The filename and contents fields should be synced together.

  • If synced independently, files may appear corrupted on other devices, due to

  • a mismatch between the file extension and the actual file data.

  • Starting in macOS 12.0, if the set of stillPendingFields returned by the provider is identical to the set of fields passed to modifyItem, then the system will consider that these fields are not supported by the provider. The system will not send these fields to the provider again, @@ -728,14 +706,6 @@ If the NSProgress returned by this method is cancelled, the extension should call the completion handler with (nil, [], NO, NSUserCancelledError) in the NSProgress cancellation handler.

  • Execution time:

  • The system will grant enough time to the extension to upload the file if content is passed to the call,
  • otherwise the call is expected to completed within a few seconds. The system will interrupt the
  • call if it stops making progress or if upload takes an unexpectedly long time. In that case, the system
  • will call cancel on the progress. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion
  • handler. */
  • (NSProgress *)modifyItem:(NSFileProviderItem)item baseVersion:(NSFileProviderItemVersion *)version @@ -822,13 +792,6 @@ If the NSProgress returned by this method is cancelled, the extension should call the completion handler with (NSUserCancelledError) in the NSProgress cancellation handler.
  • Execution time:

  • This call is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete. The system will interrupt the
  • call if it stops making progress or if the deletion takes an unexpectedly long time. In that case,the system
  • will call cancel on the progress. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion
  • handler. */
  • (NSProgress *)deleteItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)identifier baseVersion:(NSFileProviderItemVersion *)version @@ -865,10 +828,6 @@ for instance in low-power situations, or when the system is under heavy load. The provider can force the system to process a folder and its direct children by issuing a coordination request on that folder.
  • Execution time:

  • This call is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete. */
  • (void)importDidFinishWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler;

@@ -923,10 +882,6 @@ Since this method is called on every change of the set of materialized items, it is advisable to use it to set a flag and perform any resulting work as a timed task rather than performing any work directly.

  • Execution time:

  • This call is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete. */
  • (void)materializedItemsDidChangeWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler;

@@ -949,12 +904,6 @@ These constraints imply that initial transfer of a file from the disk to the provider will not be listed in the pending set, even though the transfer could take several minutes to complete

  • Furthermore, the pending set can only contain a limited number of items.
  • The pending set provides an easy way to design an "in progress" UI containing a few items
  • and to detect whether there's any activity pending on the system.
  • In case the pending set reached its maximum size items, newly pending items won't be included
  • in it. Already present items in the pending set will remain until they no longer are pending.
  • The pending set is refreshed regurlary but only if there are meaningful changes: new pending items, items that were pending but are not anymore (deletions from the set), or domain version changed and set is not empty @@ -972,12 +921,8 @@ Thus, implementeers should not use the pending set to detect when a change happens. The pending set will only contain items that were pending for a least one second before the last refresh date.
  • Execution time:

  • This call is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete. */ -- (void)pendingItemsDidChangeWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS; +- (void)pendingItemsDidChangeWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1;


@@ -986,7 +931,7 @@ /** Protocol to implement if the provider instance supports fetching incremental content changes. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 @protocol NSFileProviderIncrementalContentFetching

/** @@ -1008,7 +953,7 @@



/** @@ -1024,13 +969,6 @@ If the NSProgress returned by this method is cancelled, the extension should call the completion handler with (nil, NSUserCancelledError) in the NSProgress cancellation handler.

  • Execution time:

  • This method is not expected to take more than a few seconds to complete the retrieval of the
  • thumbnails. The system will call cancel on the progress if the
  • operation takes too much time. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion
  • handler. */
  • (NSProgress )supportedServiceSourcesForItemIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier completionHandler:(void (^)(NSArray <id > * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completionHandler @@ -1041,7 +979,7 @@ /* Protocol to implement if the provider supports fetching thumbnails for its items. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 @protocol NSFileProviderThumbnailing

/** @@ -1077,13 +1015,6 @@ If the NSProgress returned by this method is cancelled, the extension should call the completion handler with (NSUserCancelledError) in the NSProgress cancellation handler.

  • Execution time:

  • This method is not expected to take more than a few tens seconds to complete the retrieval of the
  • services exposed on the item. The system will call cancel on the progress if the
  • operation takes too much time. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion
  • handler. */
  • (NSProgress *)fetchThumbnailsForItemIdentifiers:(NSArray *)itemIdentifiers requestedSize:(CGSize)size @@ -1093,7 +1024,7 @@



/** @@ -1142,10 +1073,6 @@ in a specific domain's context. Or, the extension could choose to only suppress that alert for the specific domain it was displayed within, and in the future, the user would see the same alert in the same context, if they take the same action in another domain.

  • Execution time:

  • This method is expected to complete immediately. */

  • (void)setInteractionSuppressed:(BOOL)suppression forIdentifier:(NSString *)suppressionIdentifier; @@ -1153,7 +1080,7 @@



/** @@ -1214,20 +1141,8 @@ In addition to the content the extension needs to fill in fetchedRange with either the requestest range, <location, length>, or indicate full materialization with, <0, file size>.

  • On-disk layout:

  • The retrieved content at fileContents URL must be a regular file on the same volume as the user-visible URL.
  • A suitable location can be retrieved using -[NSFileProviderManager temporaryDirectoryURLWithError:].
  • The file contents outside of the fetched range are ignored by the system. The system only requires the file
  • to be at least as large as the end of the fetched range. For instance, if the fetchedRange is {offset:0x100000, length:0x1000},
  • the file size must be at least 0x101000 bytes. Any data (or lack thereof) beyond the fetched range is ignored.
  • The fetched range must be stored in this file at the same offset as the range indicates.
  • For instance if the retrievedRange is {offset:0x100000, length:0x1000} then it should actually be at offset 0x100000 in the
  • fileContents file. The ranges {0, 0x100000}, and {0x101000, EOF} can be anything including sparse ranges.
  • Concurrent Downloads:

  • The system will call fetchContents concurrently if there are multiple outstanding file download requests. The provider can control the concurrency by setting the key NSExtensionFileProviderDownloadPipelineDepth in the Info.plist of the extension to the number of concurrent downloads that the system should create @@ -1247,15 +1162,14 @@

    The system automatically downloads files on POSIX accesses. The extension may wish to disallow this class of

  • downloads for specific applications.
  • downloads for specific applications. Currently only POSIX accesses trigger this message so that would render this

  • message superfluous in such cases.

    The extension can set an array of strings into the UserDefault key

  • "NSFileProviderExtensionNonMaterializingProcessNames". A process whose executable's filename on disk is an
  • exact match for an entry in this array will not be allowed to fetch items in the extension's domains. The comparison
  • is case sensitive.
  • "NSFileProviderExtensionNonMaterializingProcessNames". A process whose name is an exact match for an
  • entry in this array will not be allowed to fetch items in the extension's domains.
  • In macOS 11.0 and later, this list will be checked when a download is initiated through a POSIX filesystem call.
  • In macOS 11.4 and later, this list will also be checked for downloads initiated through file coordination.
  • This list will not be checked for downloads requested through file coordination.

    Error cases:

@@ -1294,12 +1208,6 @@ The returned NSProgress is used to show progress to the user. If the user cancels the fetch, the extension should stop fetching the item, as it is no longer required.

  • Execution time:

  • The system will grant enough time to the extension to download the file. The system will interrupt the
  • call if it stops making progress or if download takes an unexpectedly long time. In that case, the system
  • will call cancel on the progress. The extension is then expected to quickly call the completion
  • handler. */
  • (NSProgress *)fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier version:(NSFileProviderItemVersion *)requestedVersion diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/ --- /Applications/ 2022-08-01 06:12:51.000000000 -0500 +++ /Applications/ 2022-02-12 06:51:27.000000000 -0600 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@


-FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3 @interface NSFileProviderRequest : NSObject /** The request was made by the sync system, e.g. to update a file to its latest version after a remote update was pushed. @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@

If the extension doesn't implement the NSFileProviderDomainState protocol, this will be nil. */ -@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSFileProviderDomainVersion *domainVersion FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS; +@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSFileProviderDomainVersion *domainVersion FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1;


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/ --- /Applications/ 2022-08-01 06:12:51.000000000 -0500 +++ /Applications/ 2022-02-12 06:51:27.000000000 -0600 @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderDefines.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderExtension.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderItem.h> -#import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderManager.h>


@@ -36,17 +35,6 @@ */

  • (nullable NSXPCListenerEndpoint *)makeListenerEndpointAndReturnError:(NSError **)error;



  • Indicates whether access to the service is restricted.
  • A restricted service can only be accessed by processes that can manage the domain the service is attached to. It is only accessible
  • through -[NSFileProviderManager getServiceWithName:itemIdentifier:completionHandler:]
  • */

-@property (readonly, nonatomic, getter=isRestricted) BOOL restricted FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2_V5;


/** @@ -63,19 +51,4 @@


-FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V2_V5 -@interface NSFileProviderManager (NSFileProviderService)


  • Retrieve the service with the specified named for the specified item.
  • */ -- (void)getServiceWithName:(NSFileProviderServiceName)serviceName
  •        itemIdentifier:(NSFileProviderItemIdentifier)itemIdentifier
  •     completionHandler:(void (^)(NSFileProviderService * _Nullable_result, NSError * _Nullable))completionHandler
  • NS_SWIFT_NAME(getService(named:for:completionHandler:))
  • NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(service(named:for:));


NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/ --- /Applications/ 2022-08-01 19:24:58.000000000 -0500 +++ /Applications/ 2022-02-12 06:51:27.000000000 -0600 @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderManager.h> -#import <FileProvider/NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension.h>


@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@

 // A testing operation of type CollisionResolution
 NSFileProviderTestingOperationTypeCollisionResolution = 7


@protocol NSFileProviderTestingIngestion; @protocol NSFileProviderTestingLookup; @@ -52,7 +51,7 @@

/** An operation that can scheduled. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingOperation

/** The operation type @@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ set events, or if some operation are scheduled using -runTestingOperations:error:. */

  • (nullable NSArray <id> *)listAvailableTestingOperationsWithError:(NSError **)error -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS;

/** Run a set of operations.

@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ */

  • (nullable NSDictionary<id, NSError *> *)runTestingOperations:(NSArray<id> *)operations error:(NSError **)error -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS;


@@ -161,14 +160,14 @@ /** The operation reads or writes the file provider extension. */ NSFileProviderTestingOperationSideFileProvider = 1, -} FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS; +} FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1;

/** This operation causes the system to ingest a change.

When running this operation, the system will discover a change from the disk or the provider. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingIngestion

/** Side of the event. @@ -190,7 +189,7 @@

/** This operation causes the system to lookup an item. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingLookup

/** Side of the event. @@ -206,7 +205,7 @@

/** This operation causes the system to propagate a creation of an item from a source side to a target side. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingCreation

/** The target side of the operation. @@ -228,7 +227,7 @@

The modification happens if a change is identified on an item that is already known by both sides. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingModification

/** The target side of the operation. @@ -262,7 +261,7 @@

The deletion happens if an item that is known by the target side is deleted on the source side. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingDeletion

/** The target side of the operation. @@ -290,7 +289,7 @@

/** This operation causes the system to fetch the content of an item. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingContentFetch

/** The side of the operation. @@ -306,7 +305,7 @@

/** This operation causes the system to list the children of an item */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingChildrenEnumeration

/** The side of the operation. @@ -328,7 +327,7 @@

This can for instance happen if the case sensitivity of the local filesystem and of the provider differs. */ -FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1_IOS +FILEPROVIDER_API_AVAILABILITY_V3_1 @protocol NSFileProviderTestingCollisionResolution

/** The side of the operation.

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