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MetalPerformanceShadersGraph iOS xcode14.1 b3

Israel Soto edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-09-07 13:40:09.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-09-21 15:18:52.000000000 -0500
@@ -161,6 +161,32 @@
 MPS_SWIFT_NAME( truncate(_:name:) )
 MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), tvos(16.0));
+ *  @abstract   Return bitwise not of tensor, takes in only integer dataTypes
+ *
+ *  @param      tensor                          input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      name                              name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) bitwiseNOTWithTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) tensor
+                                    name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( bitwiseNOT(_:name:) )
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Return population count of a tensor, takes in only integer dataTypes
+ *
+ *  @param      tensor                          input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      name                              name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) bitwisePopulationCountWithTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) tensor
+                                                name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( bitwisePopulationCount(_:name:) )
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
 #pragma mark - BinaryArithmeticOps
@@ -394,7 +420,80 @@
                            secondaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) secondaryTensor
                                       name:(NSString * _Nullable) name;
+ *  @abstract   Return bitwise AND of binary representations of 2 integer tensors
+ *
+ *  @param      primaryTensor          primary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      secondaryTensor     secondary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      name                              name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) bitwiseANDWithPrimaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) primaryTensor
+                                secondaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) secondaryTensor
+                                           name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( bitwiseAND(_:_:name:) )
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Return bitwise OR of binary representations of 2 integer tensors
+ *
+ *  @param      primaryTensor          primary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      secondaryTensor     secondary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      name                              name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) bitwiseORWithPrimaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) primaryTensor
+                               secondaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) secondaryTensor
+                                          name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( bitwiseOR(_:_:name:) )
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Return bitwise XOR of binary representations of 2 integer tensors
+ *
+ *  @param      primaryTensor          primary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      secondaryTensor     secondary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      name                              name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) bitwiseXORWithPrimaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) primaryTensor
+                                secondaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) secondaryTensor
+                                           name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( bitwiseXOR(_:_:name:) )
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Return bitwise left shifted binary representations of primary integer tensor by secondary tensor amount
+ *
+ *  @param      primaryTensor          primary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      secondaryTensor     secondary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      name                              name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) bitwiseLeftShiftWithPrimaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) primaryTensor
+                                      secondaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) secondaryTensor
+                                                 name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( bitwiseLeftShift(_:_:name:) )
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Return bitwise right shifted binary representations of primary integer tensor by secondary tensor amount
+ *
+ *  @param      primaryTensor          primary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      secondaryTensor     secondary input tensor, must be integer dataType
+ *  @param      name                              name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) bitwiseRightShiftWithPrimaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) primaryTensor
+                                       secondaryTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) secondaryTensor
+                                                  name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( bitwiseRightShift(_:_:name:) )
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
 #pragma mark - TernaryArithmeticOps
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-09-09 10:37:25.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-09-21 15:18:51.000000000 -0500
@@ -80,8 +80,76 @@
 MPS_SWIFT_NAME( sort(_:axisTensor:name:))
 MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), tvos(16.0));
+ *  @abstract   Create an argSort operation and return the result tensor of signed
+ *              32-bit integers.
+ *
+ *  @param      tensor              input tensor
+ *  @param      axis                  the tensor dimension over which the sort occurs
+ *  @param      descending     whether or not to sort in descending order
+ *  @param      name                  name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) argSortWithTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) tensor
+                                 axis:(NSInteger) axis
+                           descending:(BOOL) descending
+                                 name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( argSort(_:axis:descending:name:))
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Create an argSort operation and return the result tensor of signed
+ *              32-bit integers.
+ *
+ *  @param      tensor              input tensor
+ *  @param      axisTensor     the tensor dimension over which the sort occurs
+ *  @param      descending     whether or not to sort in descending order
+ *  @param      name                  name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) argSortWithTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) tensor
+                           axisTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) axisTensor
+                           descending:(BOOL) descending
+                                 name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( argSort(_:axisTensor:descending:name:))
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Create an argSort operation and return the result tensor of signed
+ *              32-bit integers.
+ *
+ *  @param      tensor        input tensor
+ *  @param      axis            the tensor dimension over which the sort occurs
+ *  @param      name            name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) argSortWithTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) tensor
+                                 axis:(NSInteger) axis
+                                 name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( argSort(_:axis:name:))
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
+ *  @abstract   Create an argSort operation and return the result tensor of signed
+ *              32-bit integers.
+ *
+ *  @param      tensor            input tensor
+ *  @param      axisTensor   the tensor dimension over which the sort occurs
+ *  @param      name                name for the operation
+ *
+ *  @return     A valid MPSGraphTensor object.
+ */
+-(MPSGraphTensor *) argSortWithTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) tensor
+                           axisTensor:(MPSGraphTensor *) axisTensor
+                                 name:(NSString * _Nullable) name
+MPS_SWIFT_NAME( argSort(_:axisTensor:name:))
+MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING(macos(13.0), ios(16.1), tvos(16.1));
-#endif /* MPSGraphSortOps_h */
+#endif /* MPSGraphArgSortOps_h */
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