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DianeXceed edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 3 revisions


Derives from Control

The core control of AvalonDock.


Property Description
ActiveContent Gets or sets the currently active content.
AllowMixedOrientation Gets or sets whether the docking manager should allow mixed orientation for document panes.
AnchorableContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu to display for anchorables.
AnchorableHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the data template to use for the headers of anchorables.
AnchorableHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets the selector to use when selecting the data template for the headers of anchorables.
AnchorablePaneControlStyle Gets or sets the style to apply to LayoutAnchorablePaneControl.
AnchorablePaneTemplate Gets or sets the ControlTemplate used to render LayoutAnchorablePaneControl.
AnchorablesSource Gets or sets the source collection of LayoutAnchorable objects.
AnchorableTitleTemplate Gets or sets the data template to use for anchorable titles.
AnchorableTitleTemplateSelector Gets or sets the selector to use when selecting the data template for anchorable titles.
AnchorGroupTemplate Gets or sets the ControlTemplate used to render the LayoutAnchorGroupControl.
AnchorSideTemplate Gets or sets the ControlTemplate used to render LayoutAnchorSideControl.
AnchorTemplate Gets or sets the ControlTemplate used to render LayoutAnchorControl.
AutoHideWindow Gets the currently shown autohide window.
BottomSidePanel Gets or sets the bottom side panel control.
DocumentContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu to show for documents.
DocumentHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the data template to use for document headers.
DocumentHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets the template selector that is used when selecting the data template for document headers.
DocumentPaneControlStyle Gets or sets the style of LayoutDocumentPaneControl.
DocumentPaneMenuItemHeaderTemplate Gets or sets the DataTemplate to use when creating menu items in dropdowns on document panes.
DocumentPaneMenuItemHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets the data template selector to use for the menu items shown when the user selects the LayoutDocumentPaneControl's document switch context menu.
DocumentPaneTemplate Gets or sets the ControlTemplate used to render LayoutDocumentPaneControl.
DocumentsSource Gets or sets the source collection of LayoutDocument objects.
DocumentTitleTemplate Gets or sets the data template to use for document titles.
DocumentTitleTemplateSelector Gets or sets the data template selector to use when creating the data template for the title.
FloatingWindows Gets the floating windows.
GridSplitterHeight Gets or sets the height of grid splitters.
GridSplitterWidth Gets or sets the width of grid splitters.
IconContentTemplate Gets or sets the data template to use on the icon extracted from the layout model.
IconContentTemplateSelector Gets or sets the data template selector to use when selecting the data template for content icons.
Layout Gets or sets the root of the layout tree.
LayoutItemContainerStyle Gets or sets the style to apply to LayoutDocumentItem objects.
LayoutItemContainerStyleSelector Gets or sets the style selector of LayoutDocumentItemStyle.
LayoutItemTemplate Gets or sets the template used to render anchorable and document content.
LayoutItemTemplateSelector Gets or sets the template selector to use for anchorable and document templates.
LayoutRootPanel Gets or sets the layout panel control which is attached to the Layout.Root property.
LayoutUpdateStrategy Gets or sets the strategy class to call when AvalonDock needs to position an anchorable inside an existing layout model.
LeftSidePanel Gets or sets the left side panel control.
RightSidePanel Gets or sets the right side panel control.
ShowSystemMenu Gets or sets whether floating windows should show the system menu when a custom context menu is not defined.
Theme Gets or sets the theme to use for AvalonDock controls.
TopSidePanel Gets or sets the top side panel control.


Event Description
ActiveContentChanged Raised when ActiveContent changes.
DocumentClosed Raised after a document is closed.
DocumentClosing Raised when a document is about to be closed.
LayoutChanged Raised when Layout changes.
LayoutChanging Raised when Layout is about to be changed.


Method Description
GetLayoutItemFromModel Returns the LayoutItem wrapper for the content passed as argument.
OnApplyTemplate Overridden. Invoked whenever application code or internal processes call ApplyTemplate, setting up AutoHideWindow.

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