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DianeXceed edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 2 revisions


Only available in the Plus Edition

Derives from ContentControl

The MaterialToast represents a ContentControl that can be used to display content in any corner or any window or FrameworkElement. It uses the material colors and animations.


Property Description
CloseButtonStyle Gets or sets the style to use for the close button.
CornerRadius Gets or sets the control's corner radius.
DisplayTime Gets or sets the number of milliseconds the control will remain visible.
HideOnClick Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can be closed with a mouse click.
IsCloseButtonVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the close button will be shown in the control.
IsOpen Gets or sets a value indicating whether the controls is shown.
Location Gets or sets the location of the control relative to its owner.
MaterialAccent Gets or sets a value representing the material color palette that will be applied to the control.
MaterialAccentBrush Gets or sets the color that will be used as the control's background.
MaterialForeground Gets or sets the color to use as the control's foreground.
Owner Gets or sets the owner of the control, which is the element from which it will popup.


Method Description
HideToast Hides the control.
ShowToast Displays the control.


Event Description
HideCompleted Raised when the control has been hidden.
ShowCompleted Raised when the control is shown.
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