$ git clone https://github.com/yangkev/.dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles
$ cd $HOME/.dotfiles
$ ./install.sh
These dotfiles are managed with GNU Stow. (See Using GNU Stow to manage your dotfiles).
Each of the top level directories represents a package.
is a convenient installation script that will allow you to interactively install each package and will backup existing dotfiles that will be overwritten to ~/.old_dotfiles
. You can also choose to install individual packages with stow vim
(for example) instead.
Uninstalling can be done with ./install.sh -u
$ cd $HOME/.dotfiles
$ stow -D vim
For additional help, see:
$ ./install.sh -h
- fd - user friendly
- fzf - fuzzy finding anything
- nerdfonts
- ripgrep - faster grep
- shellcheck - shell script static analysis
- stow - quickly symlink and manage dotfiles
- tmux
- nvchad - neovim config
- command-not-found - suggest where to find a command
- zsh-async - allow async components in the prompt
- zsh-auto-suggestions - fish like autosuggestion at the prompt
- zsh-syntax-highlighting - syntax highlighting in the shell
- tpm - tmux plugin manager
- base16-shell - terminal themes
- delta - better looking git diffs
- starship - prompt