- I'm a Ph.D. student at Upenn ESE, working on motion planning, with the supervision of Professor Vijay Kumar.
- My research interests are:
- (Multi-agent) Task and motion planning
- (Learning-enabled) Trajectory generation and optimization
- Aerial robot applications (exploration, tracking, navigation)
- I welcome collaboration if:
- You are interested in exploring research topics, particularly in planning.
- You are a Penn student looking to pursue an independent study or thesis under my guidance.
I am passionate about open sourcing to benefit the entire robotics community.
- kr_opt_sfc: A tool to find optimal convex cover to approximate collision-free space
- kr_param_yaw: A trajectory optimization method with global yaw parameterization
- AllocNet: A lightweight learning-based trajectory optimization framework.
- forces_resilient_planner: A systematic framework for local planning under external disturbance.
- kr_mp_design: A guidance for the design and evaluation of motion planners for quadrotors
- kr_param_map: A parameterized map generator for planning evaluations and benchmarking
- SEER: Safe Efficient Exploration for Aerial Robots using Learning to Predict Information Gain
- drl_lc_exploration: A multi-agent cooperative exploration in sparse landmark complex environments
- DZone_Tracking: A risk-aware multi-agent target tracking framework with sensing and communication danger zones
- resilient-target-tracking: A resilient and adaptive multi-robot target tracking framework with sensing and communication danger zones
- hierarchical-llms: A hierarchical Large Language Models (LLMs) framework for real-time multi-robot task allocation and target tracking with unknown hazards