- Stack Overflow Of React
- DEV’s React community
- Hashnode’s React community
- Reactiflux online chat
- Reddit’s React community
- Spectrum’s React community
- Tutorial: Intro to React:React 官方入门教程
- mackintosh-windows:包含大量的常见问题及处理方式
- carlleton/reactjs101:从零开始学 ReactJS
- Codecademy: React 101
- Egghead.io: Start Learning React
- React Crash Course 2018
- React Armory: Learn React by Itself
- The Road to Learn React
- Egghead.io: The Beginner’s Guide to ReactJS
- Free React Bootcamp
- Getting Started with React – An Overview and Walkthrough
- https://reactfordesigners.com/
- 《React Best Practice and Design Patterns》
- facebookincubator/create-react-app - Create React apps with no build configuration. 18038 ★
- insin/nwb - Create React/Preact/Inferno apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it). 1560 ★
- enclave - A simpler way to compile React applications. 777 ★
- motion/motion - A nice CLI for React projects. 595 ★
- saguijs/sagui - Front-end tooling in a single dependency. 583 ★
- NYTimes/kyt - A toolkit that encapsulates and manages the configuration for web apps. Read more about it. 555 ★
- mozilla/neo - Create and build React web applications with zero initial configuration and minimal fuss. 522 ★
- satya164/quik - A quick way to prototype and build apps with React and Babel with zero-setup. - 367 ★
- rocjs/roc - Modern JavaScript Development Ecosystem. 357 ★
- kriasoft/react-app - CLI tools and templates for authoring React applications with a single dev dependency and no configurations. 336 ★
- create-component-app
- zeit/next.js - A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications. 7934 ★
- gatsbyjs/gatsby - Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js. 7031 ★
- https://github.com/developit/preact
- https://github.com/infernojs/inferno
- https://nerv.aotu.io/
- 在React.js中使用PureComponent的重要性和使用方式
- 谈一谈创建React Component的几种方式
- React.Component vs React.PureComponent
- When to use Component or PureComponent