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Vue Connect Tech 2019

Yongku cho edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 8 revisions

Composing functionality With the New Vue Apis

What is the goal of the composition API?

  • Portable functionality
  • Composable abstractions

The Main Benefits

  • Explicit extraction of logic, including stateful logic
  • Feature based organization vs. Option-based organization


What is Vuex?

  • Store Model for State
  • Reduces the paths where data is mutated
  • Introduces more concepts (complexity)


Vue Components =[Dispatch]=> Actions =[Commit]=> 
Mutations =[Mutate]=> State =[Render]=> Vue Components

Vue 컴포넌트의 상태관리는 Vuex를 통해서 한다.

컴포넌트 디자인 패턴

[Props-based solution] Problems

  • New requirements increase complexity
  • Multiple responsibilities
  • Lots of conditionals in the template
  • Low flexibility
  • Hard to maintain

Use slots for:

  • Content distribution (like layouts)
  • Creating larger components by combining smaller components
  • Default content in Multi-page Apps
  • Providing a wrapper for other components
  • Replace default component fragments

Use scoped slots for:

  • Applying custom formatting/template to fragments of a component
  • Creating wrapper components
  • Exposing its own data and methods to child components

Slots(Composition) > Props(Configuration)

  • Slots: With composition, you're less restricted by what you are building at first.
  • Props: With configuration, you have to document everything and new requirements means new configuration

Container (What is it doing?)

Examples: UserProfile, Product, TheShoppingCart, Login

  • Application logic
  • Application state
  • Use Vuex
  • Usually Router views

Presentational (How does it look?)

Examples: AppButton, AppModal, TheSidebar, ProductCard

  • Application UI and styles
  • UI-related state only
  • Receive data from props
  • Emit events to containers
  • Reusable and composable
  • Not relying on global state

Props를 통한 컴포넌트 디자인은 복잡하다. Slot을 통해 해결할 수 있다.

Scoped slots을 사용하면 자식 컴포넌트에 전달한 상태를 부모에서 사용할 수있다. 반복에 대한 처리를 자식에서 하고 부모는 어떤 것을 표시할지 선택할 수 있다.

마지막장쯤에는 언제 리팩토링이 필요한가에 대한 내용도 다룬다.

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