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campbellsan edited this page Jun 26, 2014 · 13 revisions

Here is what all the pin groups are for:

The blue pins to the right are the programming jumpers. The darker blue pair to the left is the jumper that provides 3.3v to the CPLD IO drivers.

The configurable pins are normally disconnected because those pins are dedicated to certain Raspberry Pi pins. If you're confident you know what you're doing and you don't need to use the programming jumpers to route CPLD signals to the RPi GPIO, you can connect links to enable GTS1(JP16), GTS2(JP17), GSR(JP18) and FB4_8(JP22) with no additional exposure to the Raspberry Pi. For the location of the links, see the solder side of the board below. If you either don't mind the RPi Pins being exposed on the connector or you want to use the board in a way that does not require SPI or a hardware clock, then you can reconfigure to make the other signals available too.

Here is an unpopulated Guzunty printed circuit board.

Component side.

Solder side.