A small library that has MVC implementation concepts. This library will help you in creating your HTTP controllers and services to create your MVC context as below:
from mvc.http.httpserver import HttpServer
from dev.controllers.mycontroller import MyController
from dev.service.simpleservice import SimpleService
MyController(), SimpleService()
You can create a controller class and bind its methods using the followings sample functions decorators:
- Use HttpServer.mapping to bind the http GET method on URL '/hi' as below:
@HttpServer.mapping(path='/hi', method='GET')
- Use HttpServer.service to get the registered service as below
- Sample Controller:
from mvc.http.httpserver import HttpServer
from dev.views.sampleview import SampleView
class MyController:
entityName = 'student'
def __init__(self):
def service(self):
return None
@HttpServer.mapping(path='/hi', method='GET')
def getWelcome(self, request, io):
# Returns a simple string response
return "Hello World!"
@HttpServer.mapping(path='/student', method='GET')
def getData(self, request, io):
# Returns the json data from items entity
@HttpServer.mapping(path='/student', method='POST')
def postData(self, request, io):
# Adds the json data from the POST method
self.service().add_item(self.entityName, request.body)
io.send(data="New item is added, current data size is %d" % self.service().count(self.entityName))
@HttpServer.mapping(path='/student', method='DELETE')
def deleteData(self, request, io):
self.service().deleteItem(self.entityName, request.body)
io.send(data="Item is removed, current data size is %d" % self.service().count(self.entityName))
@HttpServer.mapping(path='/student/view', method='GET')
def getView(self, request, io):
# Returns a view object along with its data to be used inside the html template
return SampleView({'title': 'Simple MVC', 'items': self.service().items(self.entityName)})
Please check the sample service impl to use in-memory data access (Service class should extend BaseDao class):
import json
from mvc.dao.base import BaseDao
class SimpleService(BaseDao):
data = {
"student": [
"name": "Haitham",
"id": "1081275"
def __init__(self):
def __getData(self, entityName):
if entityName not in self.data:
self.data[entityName] = []
return self.data[entityName]
def _check_json(data):
if isinstance(data, str):
data = json.loads(data)
return data
def count(self, entityName):
return len(self.items(entityName))
def items(self, entityName):
return self.__getData(entityName)
def add_item(self, entityName, item):
def delete_item(self, entityName, itemToDelete):
itemToDelete = self._check_json(itemToDelete)
count = 0
index = 0
for item in self.__getData(entityName):
match = len(itemToDelete.keys()) > 0
for key in itemToDelete.keys():
if itemToDelete[key] in item[key]:
count += 1
index += 1
You can create any view class by extending the class AppView as below:
from dev.views.appview import AppView
class SampleView(AppView):
def __init__(self, data):
super(SampleView, self).__init__(data=data)
For any view class, html template file will be same as class name by default and will have a path of 'templates/classname.html'. For example of the above view, html template will be created with relative path to class file path as 'templates/SampleView.html'. Below is sample html template file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title><%py $self.data['title'] %></title>
li {
background-color: blue;
color: white;
margin-top: 10px;
list-style: none;
width: 300px;
text-align: center;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 15px;
<p>Data length is <%py$len(self.data['items'])%></p>
from dev.views.subview import SubView
for item in self.data['items']:
self.out('<li>%s<li>' % str(item))
You can check the complete sample under https://github.com/HaithamMubarak/PythonMVC/tree/main/sample-mvc/source/dev
Please note that the server is created on the socket level, so for now it mau has some issues with large data. New changes will be added to integrate http server module from python.