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James Iyouboushi edited this page Sep 14, 2018 · 3 revisions


As with any program ever made, there's always going to be bugs. These are the KNOWN bugs that you shouldn't email me about at the moment:

Too Many Commands Crash
There's going to be an occasional instance where if too many people are doing too many commands at once (i.e. multiple people using the shop while a battle is going on) that may cause the bot to crash. I think this is probably a problem in mIRC and there's not much I can do about it.

AoEs Used On Too Many Monsters Flood
Due to how the AOEs work in this bot, if they're used on a huge amount of monsters it will cause the bot to start spitting out tons of text to the server. In most instances, the IRC server will have flood protection and kill the bot for flooding. The solution is to not have too many players and monsters in battle at once OR to use the DCC Mode of the bot.

Bot Isn't Working In This Particular Folder!
While the bot SHOULD work in any folder, try running the bot in a folder that doesn't have any spaces. My suggestion is to run the bot in C:\BattleArena\ but you can always create a folder like C:\IRC\Bots\BattleArena and run it from there. It doesn't really matter as long as none of the folders have spaces.

** Versions prior to 2.4 WILL NOT WORK IN FOLDERS WITH SPACES! This issue was fixed in 2.4 but existed in every version prior.

Lagging Giving Multiple Errors
If the bot lags and the person keeps using the same command over and over it could potentially break the bot. For example, using attack on a monster more than once. Although it shouldn't happen, sometimes the lag will cause it to process the command a bunch of times in a row. The only thing I can think of to fix this error is to find a way to not lag and make your players slow down if you are lagging.

Monsters Randomly Losing Turns
As it stands, very very occasionally monsters might end up losing their turn. As of yet I haven't figured out exactly what's causing this but it doesn't seem to happen very often.

Players can't use any commands when using colors
If players are using colors in their text and try to use commands with the bot the bot will seemingly not work at all for them. You can disable incoming colors on the bot's side by going to:

Tools -> Options -> IRC -> Messages -> Strip codes from incoming messages: [select bold, underline, color and reverse]

This will allow players to keep their colors and still be able to use the bot.

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