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Tiranadel edited this page Jun 2, 2019 · 4 revisions


These commands are commands that only the "bot admins" (set in the system.dat) have access to. I'll try to explain them here.

!startbat or !start bat
This command starts a battle if there isn't one already going. If this command is used when players can already enter battle, it'll actually cancel the battle.

!start bat PVP
This command will start a player vs player battle. Monsters will not spawn in this type and players will be able to hurt each other. The winning/losing streak won't be affected.

!startbat ai
This command will start an AI vs AI battle. Players will be unable to enter this battle type.

!startbat boss [boss subtype]
This will start a boss battle. Valid subtypes are: bandits, doppelganger, warmachine, demonwall, wallofflesh, elderdragon, pirates, frostlegion, crystalshadow

!startbat orbfountain
This will start an orb fountain battle.

!startbat gauntlet
This will start a gauntlet battle.

!startbat manual
This will start a manual battle. No monsters will be summoned in this battle type. You will have to manually use !summon to add them. If no monsters/bosses are added to the battle it will end before it begins.

!end bat
Ends a battle as neither a victory or a loss.

Forces the next turn.

!clear battle stats
This will reset the battlestats.dat back to 0's.

!time between battles #
If you want to change the time between when battles start again, use this. The # is in seconds. So if you want to set it to 1 minute, you can put it as 60.

!summon npc (name)
This command will summon an NPC to come help fight. The name has to be a valid one and must not already be summoned. This command can only be used when the entering period is open (i.e. when players can use !enter).

!summon monster (name)
Will summon a monster to the battlefield. This command only works during the entering phase of battle.

!summon boss (name)
This command will summon a boss to the battlefield. This command only works during the entering phase of battle. Also note that bosses summoned this way WILL NOT GIVE BLACK ORBS upon defeat unless the bot picks a random boss to go along with the battle (that is to say, if it was going to be a boss battle to begin with even if you hadn't used this command).

(name) enters the battle
If you want to force a player to join the battle, you can use this here.

(name) attacks (name)
You can force a player to attack something using this command. You can't make players attack other players using this and the monster has to be in battle.

(name) uses (his/her) (tech name) on (name)
This will let you force a player to use a certain technique on a target. Again, the target must be a monster and the person has to actually own the technique.

(name) uses item (item name) on (name)
This will let you force a player to use an item that he/she has in his/her inventory on a target.

(name) taunts (target)
This will let you force a player to taunt a target of your choosing.

(name) equips (weapon)
This will let you force a player to equip a weapon of your choosing. The player must own the weapon in order to equip it.

!zap (name)
This command removes a character from play. There is currently no way to undo this command via the bot, but the files that are erased via this command end up in a \zapped\ folder and can be restored if the person running the bot so desires.

!toggle automated battle system
This command will turn the automated battle system on/off. If it's currently in the middle of a battle when the command is used, it will take effect after the battle is over. !start bat will still work even if the automated system is turned off.

!toggle ai system
This command will turn the AI system on/off. If it's set to off then monsters won't attack on their own. Note, this doesn't affect charm. Charmed monsters/players will continue to attack regardless if the ai system is turned on or off.

!toggle battlefield events
This command will toggle the random battlefield events on or off.

!toggle bonus event
This command will toggle the bonus event. If turned on then all orbs at the end of battle will be doubled.

!toggle scoreboard type
This toggles between the two scoreboard types

!toggle personalDifficulty
This toggles the ability for players to use the !save difficulty command which can affect how hard each battle is and increase rewards.

!toggle SpiritOfTheHero
This toggles whether the player buff "Spirit of the Hero" will take effect or not.

!toggle bot bold
This turns bold in the bot on and off.

!toggle bot colors
This turns colors in the bot on and off. Some servers, such as Twitch, do not allow colors and it's advised to turn them off for those servers.

!toggle discountcard message
This turns the message that displays when players use a discount card on and off.

!toggle battle throttle
This turns the Battle Throttle option on and off. If it's turned on, players will have to sit a round out before entering the next battle each time they participate in battle. Useful if you have a ton of players and are consistently hitting the player limit.

!toggle damage cap
This turns the damage cap on and off. If set to off, players can do more than 40k damage max.

!toggle battle messages
This turns the newer start battle messages on and off. If set to off it will use the old classic message for every main battle type.

!toggle playerAccessCmnds
Will turn player access commands on/off

!toggle damage formula
This command will cycle through the various damage formulas that are within the bot. The list goes 3.0 -> 2.5 -> 2.0 -> 1.0 -> 3.0

!set streak #
It's possible to manually set the winning streak to whatever you want. You can't set it to a losing streak or to a negative value though.

If bot admins want battles to be harder, they can adjust the level by which monsters are boosted by. For example, if a player is on streak level 1, bot admins can set the leveladjust to 50 and a level 1 streak will now act as a level 51 streak including which monsters are summoned during the battles. To turn it off, set the leveladjust to 0 (which is set by default). The difficulty cannot be below 0.

!mimic chance #
Sets the chance that a treasure chest will become a mimic for players to fight. The # must be 1-100

!clear portal usage (name)
Clears the current portal usage amount of the player for the day.

!clear dungeon usage (name)
Clears the current dungeon usage amount of the player for the day.

!main folder cleanup
This command cleans the root folder of the bot and removes all .html, .txt, .lst, and .db files. This command was originally created for people who were upgrading the bot from an older version before the new file structure system was done. Typically this command only needs to be used once and only for people who upgraded.

!display players
This will display a full list of all active players.

!display zapped
This will display a full list of all files in the \zapped\ folder. It will also generate a zapped.html that will also contain the list. Note that if the folder has too many files it might cause the bot to ping out.

If the bot admin knows the zapped file name, it is now possible to restore it. For example, if the file is Iyouboushi_a4kf88 you would use !unzap Iyouboushi_a4kf88

!password reset playername
This will reset the player's password and send the player what the new password is (so use it when the player is online). The bot admin will NOT see the new password.

!force system default check
This command will force the bot to do a system.dat defaults check. The bot normally does this check when mIRC is loaded if the version information has changed in version.ver vs what is stored in system.dat. However, there may be certain times when you would want to force the bot to do this check.

!motd add/remove (message here for add)
This command will allow a "message of the day" to be shown when players log into their characters. Only one message can be set but it can be changed at any time.

This command simply shows the average player level in the channel.

@edit character [filename] [ini section] [ini item] [value]
@edit dat [datfile].dat [ini section] [ini item] [ini value]
This admin command will let you change things in a character file without opening the file itself. WARNING - only use this if you know exactly what you're doing, as you can mess up the file if you use it wrong. An example usage of the command:

@edit character Tiranadel mythic ignoredefense 100

The above command would edit the Ignoredefense= part of the character's [Mythic] weapon, if they have one. Ini section refers to things as: [Battle], [Weapons], and such in the character file.

Also, the @edit command can modify the .dat files. Unlike the character edit, you need the entire .dat file name. An example:

@edit dat garden.dat GardenStats xp 1000

That edits the exp for the garden file. Once again, only use this if you know exactly what you're doing, especially with the .dat files since it can cause major issues on the bot otherwise.

@npc rescue
This command randomly chooses a NPC that's captured and rescues them. Will need to use it several times to get all of them.

[Table of contents]

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