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Tiranadel edited this page Feb 2, 2017 · 1 revision


Geryon is a giant demon horse with blue fire for a mane. Geryon was once a horse of legend ridden by countless heroes, until ingesting demonic essence corrupted and empowered him with limited control over time.

Allied Intel

Legend has it that there was a mighty steed by the name of Geryon who had the power to control time. The Dark Forces of Evil took interest and managed to capture and corrupt the horse, filling it with a hateful dark energy. Allied Forces have reported that Geryon is being used to slow down time during attacks on outposts. It's up to the heroes to free this poor soul from corruption. Shami has a way of making an orb that can slow time down enough to allow you approach the beast. Draw it out into the underground arena and good luck.


Current level is around 150
Danger level is expected to be Very High

Battle List

  • Geryon

Battle Rewards

Allied Notes (before splitting): 2000
One of the following:

  • Ethereal Chain
  • Kindred Crest
  • Ignition Star


Geryon is one of the antagonists from the video game, Devil May Cry 3.

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