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Tiranadel edited this page Feb 24, 2017 · 5 revisions


  • Added the "translation.dat" file that contains most of the bot messages. You can edit this file to do translations or to just change the way various messages read. Open it in notepad.
  • Added the active skill "Analysis". This skill lets you analyze a monster. Increased levels of the skill gives you more information about the monster. To use it, after purchasing it, use !analyze monstername You can only analyze monsters that are in the current battle.
  • Added the active skill "Cover" -- this skill will allow a user to jump in front of an ally to take damage for him/her.
  • Added the passive skill "Zen" -- this skill will increase the amount of TP you get back per turn by 5*skill level.
  • Added the passive skill "Haggling" -- This skill will increase the amount of orbs you get for selling items by 20*skill level EXCEPT in cases where the amount you'd get from haggling is more than the actual cost of the item (i.e. a potion).
    In that case you just get the original item price back, or up to 500 orbs back if it goes over 500.
  • Added the passive skill "WeaponBash" -- This skill will give a chance of inflicting the 'stun' status effect to a target with each melee hit. Note, if the target is immune to stun it will never take effect.
  • Added a new item type: ShopReset. This item type will allow you to lower your current shop level by an amount. The "DiscountCard" has been added as an example item. 250,000 orbs and will lower it by 10 points.
  • Added a new item type: Revive with a GoldOrb as an example item. If you use the item on someone (or yourself) in battle they will receive the "revive" status. If that person dies in the same battle, they will be revived automatically with 1/2 max hp.
  • Added an anti-cheat system for players using monster weapons/techniques. Attacks/Techs done with monster weapons will be 0-5 damage max if the person using them isn't a monster or a NPC.
  • Added the ability for techs to change which base stat is used for damage. You can add a stat= with the stat you want to use in the tech file. For example: stat=str or stat=spd By default it's int.
  • Added the Heal-AOE type. This type will heal all allies on the battlefield. This tech type can't be used on enemies.
  • Added the ability to sell items back to the shop. Use !shop sell item (item name) (amount) to sell them back.
  • Added the ability for monsters/bosses to be "staggered" -- if they sustain enough damage they'll collapse and will be unable to move for a round. They can only be staggered once per battle. In the [info] section of a monster/boss you can add CanStagger=yes then add StaggerAmount=$rand(#,#) where # is the amount of hp you want the range to be. Stagger will activate when damage exceeds the random amount picked from the range.
  • Added the Quicksilver style. This still allows players to use the !quicksilver command that will freeze everyone except the user in time. Players can use the !quicksilver command in battle as many times as style's level. The effect basically gives players a free Sugitekai.
  • Added the ability for monsters to ignore the darkness/rage mode system. In [info] you can put RageMode=ignore if you want them to not get the darkness/rage mode bonus.
  • Added the ability for monsters to be able to absorb certain elements from techniques. In the [Element] section of the monster bot owners can put Heal= followed by the elements it'll heal with. For example: Heal=Fire.Dark
  • Added the ability for bot owners to toggle the automated battle system on/off. Use !toggle automated battle system
    Note that if a battle is currently in progress it won't take effect until the battle is over.
  • Added the ability for bot owners to toggle the AI system on/off. Use !toggle ai system Note, it won't stop the charm status from automatically taking effect.
  • Added the ability for monsters to use certain select skills in battle.
  • Added accessories to the bot! Once you get one you can use !wear (accessory name) to put it on and !remove (accessory name) if you want to remove it.
  • Added two AI types for monsters. They are: Defender and Berserker. Defender type monsters won't attack at all during battle and Berserker type monsters may attack their own allies at random. You can change it in [info] ai_type=
    Leave it blank if you want monsters to act as normal.
  • Added the beginning of an achievement system.
  • Added the max shop level in the system.dat. Bot owners can now change it to whatever they want. By default it's 25.
  • Added a new boss type fight: Doppelganger. It's a rare, 5% chance, event that instead of summoning a normal boss, players will have to fight evil copies of themselves. Bot owners can disable it in the system.dat by setting EnableDoppenganger to false.
  • Added new monsters
  • Added new bosses
  • Added new summons
  • Added new NPCs
  • Changed the way the monster/boss/npc lists are generated to hopefully make them more random and to prevent a future bug.
  • Changed the prices of several skills/weapon upgrades/techs/items.
  • Changed the max amount of damage of suicide techs that can be done by players to 500. This should prevent someone with hundreds of thousands of hp one-shotting every monster/boss in the game.
  • Changed the maximum number of times a target can be successfully stolen from to 2.
  • Changed the maximum amount of HP you can buy from the shop. The default is 2500. After you hit the max you won't be able to get any more. Bot owners can change the max in the system.dat.
  • Changed the maximum amount of TP you can buy from the shop. The default is 500. After you hit the max you won't be able to get any more. Bot owners can change the max in the system.dat.
  • Changed the maximum amount of style points you can accumulate in one battle to 5000.
  • Changed the location of the skill cooldown times into the skills.db. Bot Owners can now edit that file to edit skill reuse times
  • Changed the way boss drops works so that they can have multiple drops. The bot will still only pick one drop, but now you can make it random.
  • Changed it so if multiple bosses enter the battle, all of their drops should be in the pool rather than just the most recent boss to join.
  • Changed the damage formula on poison. Instead of doing random 5-10 damage a turn (which is nothing when players have HP over 1000), it now does a percentage of a target's max HP. The "Heavily Poisoned" status does even more than normal poison.
  • Changed the next turn timer so that it's only 3 minutes instead of 5.
  • Changed the damage formula slightly for 4 hit and 5 hit attacks.
  • Changed the code so that boss battles may spawn normal monsters as well when the winning streak is greater than 50.
  • Changed the BloodPact skill so that it goes up to level 10. Higher levels of the skill will increase the stats of the summon by 25% (plus a random 1-5% at random) each level.
  • Changed OrbHunter so that bot owners can place the amount they want the skill to increase orbs by. In skills.db you can put in Amount= under [OrbHunter]. Default is now 15*skill level.
  • Changed styles so that players can change their style in battle now at the cost of a turn.
  • Fixed a bug in which the zombie regeneration wasn't wearing off at the end of battle.
  • Fixed a bug with the Amnesia status type.
  • Fixed a bug with !rdesc
  • Fixed a bug in which the "Swordmaster" skill wasn't giving any bonus to the melee damage.
  • Fixed a bug with Steal in which stolen items weren't being added right
  • Fixed a bug in which the description wasn't being shown properly for +TP items.
  • Fixed the bot so that it will correctly give the right access level to the entire bot owner list when the bot is first turned on.
  • Fixed a bug in which occasionally the style level wasn't leveling properly. Sometimes it would jump by +2 or +3, other times it would be reset to level 1.
  • Fixed a bug that was letting players purchase monster weapons.
  • Fixed a bug in which fleeing would cause the bot to break in a one vs one battle against an orb fountain.
  • Fixed a bug in which you could use consumable items with the !use command and the item would be decreased from your inventory.
  • Fixed a bug in which MightyStrike could be used continuously without a cooldown.
  • Fixed a bug where if something was weak to lightning it would also take double damage for light element as well.
  • Fixed a bug with Fullbring when used on +TP items.
  • Fixed a bug in which monsters killed by AOEs were giving double the style points that it should have.

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