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Tiranadel edited this page Feb 24, 2017 · 6 revisions


  • Added the ability for the bot to use commas in the orb totals to make the numbers a little easier to read.
  • Added critical hits. There's a 4% total chance that a critical hit will happen on a normal melee attack.
  • Added a shop level cap. It's currently set to 25.
  • Added the StealPower type technique. This technique will steal the stats of its target and add it to the user.
  • Added the Final Getsuga type boost. This boost will give you a massive boost to stats but at the end of the battle your character will be reset to level 1 stats and no skills. You lose all techs except DoublePunch and all weapons except your Fists. You get to keep your items and you get 5% of your total spent orbs back.
  • Added the "FieldMedic" passive skill. This skill will increase the amount of health healing items will heal by 5*level.
  • Added the "Impetus" passive skill. This skill will increase the chance of a critical hit by 1% each level.
  • Added the "Steal" active skill. This skill will allow you to attempt to steal an item or some orbs from a monster/boss.
  • Added the "BloodPact" passive skill. This skill is necessary to use the Summon type items.
  • Added the Summon type items to the bot. These items, when used by someone who has the BloodPact skill, will summon an ally to help fight. You do not need to use the item on anyone, just !use (item name)
  • Added a bonus to HandToHand weapons that is based on the level of your fists weapon.
  • Added the ability for monsters/bosses/npcs to be strong and weak against weapon types. In [weapons] you can list weaknesses as "weakness=" followed by a list of weapon types. For strengths, use "strong=" with weapon types.
  • Added the "Blood Moon" event. It's a special battlefield event that has a 5% chance of occuring and will affect various skills, items and techs.
  • Added a cap to how many monsters can join a battle. It is currently set to 10.
  • Added a cap to how many players can join a battle. It is currently set to 10.
  • Added new monsters
  • Added new bosses
  • Added new NPCs
  • Added new weapons
  • Added a new bot owner command: equips. Use it like: Iyouboushi equips Rebellion
  • Added a new bot owner command: taunt. Use it like: Iyouboushi taunts Monster
  • Added a new bot owner command: *flees the battle. Use it like: Iyouboushi flees the battle
  • Added a winning streak record counter in battlestats.dat
  • Added two new taunt effects.
  • Added several player styles. Simlar to DMC3, players can now choose a style and it will level by killing monsters. Styles can be seen with !styles and can be changed with !style change (style name). You can only change styles outside of battle.
  • Added new styles to the shop. Use !shop list styles to list and !shop buy styles (style name) to buy.
  • Added the ability for multiple bot owners. To do it, open system.dat and find the bot.owner= line and add the names separated by periods. For example: bot.owner=Iyouboushi.Smz.YourNameHere
  • Added the ability to purchase multiple items from the shop with one command. To do so, just add an amount at the end of the command (example: !shop buy items name # where # is the amount you want with one purchase.) It doesn't work with styles and new weapons but should work for everything else.
  • Added a command so that you can flee from battle: !flee or !run away both work. If all players have run or are dead the battle will end.
  • Added the ability for food to increase the current style equipped. For the stat just put "style".
  • Changed the "Curse Night" chance. It's now 7%, down from 10%.
  • Changed the formula slightly for the weapon/tech damage. Higher levels into the weapon/tech now give a bigger damage bonus.
  • Changed the bonus slightly for elemental weaknesses with magic. It received a slight nerf.
  • Changed the formula for monster HP for the first 20 wins. Now the combined shop level of players affects the boost.
  • Changed the powers of various techniques to try and balance things a little better.
  • Changed the HP amount of clones. It's a lower amount when a player isn't using the Doppelganger style.
  • Changed the ClearMind skill so that it goes up to 3 levels max.
  • Changed the placement of the magic effect line to after the damage line rather than before the tech description.
  • Changed it so zombies take extra damage with both light and fire weapons/techs.
  • Changed the zombie status so that there's a small regen during that status. It will overwrite normal regen until the status wears off.
  • Changed the !start bat bot owner command so that bot owners can start boss/monster/orbfountain battles. Use !start bat monster or !start bat boss or !start bat orbfountain or you can use !start bat to do random
  • Changed the Regen formula and gave it a boost on higher levels of the skill.
  • Fixed a bug in which TP would be taken even if you used a technique on a dead target.
  • Fixed a bug in which orb fountain battles wouldn't give bonus orbs upon defeat of targets.
  • Fixed a bug with the suicide type techs where there was a chance of the wrong name being displayed as who lost his/her/its life.
  • Fixed a bug in which certain encoded passwords wouldn't work with the !id and !quick id commands.
  • Fixed a bug in which certain skills showed the wrong command/name when it wasn't ready to be used again.
  • Fixed a bug with +TP items not working correctly with Sugitekai.
  • Fixed a bug with Utsusemi in which it would still work even if you didn't have shihei.
  • Fixed a bug with !new char that let players get free orbs by using the command over and over.
  • Fixed a displaying bug with !bat list.
  • Fixed the user level for the bot owner command "!zap" now only bot owners can use it.
  • Fixed the status message so that it finally shows a different message if the target is 100% immune to the status.
  • Fixed a bug in which NPCs wouldn't be cursed on a Curse Night.

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