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Flow Parameters

Austin Brougher edited this page Oct 11, 2018 · 2 revisions

Flow Parameters


Flow Parameters are set on a flow. These parameters can be set when the flow is run by manually configuring the parameters or via a REST service call.

Many of the built in METL components support including parameters within the configuration. Parameters are referenced within a configuration via a token. e.g. '$(_flowName)'

In addition to user created parameters, METL provides several built in parameters that can be useful. These are automatically set when the flow runs.

Parameter Description


The name of the agent which the flow is deployed to.


The agent’s name encoded for use in a URL.


The name given to the deployed flow.


The deployment name encoded for use in a URL.


The version of the project the flow belongs to.


The name of the flow.


The local host name.


The date the flow started. Format "yyyy-MM-dd"


The time the flow started. Format "HH:mm:ss"

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