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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>AnA08S03CreateProject (20 Dec 2010, JavierMoran)EditAttach

Story summary Create project
Iteration AnA08Usability
FEA AnA08S03CreateProject
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Passed acceptance test No


Change way of creating a project

This task consists of making easier to understand how to create a project and and how to introduce the tasks.

The changes to implement are the following:

  • Create a pop-up when you press in the Create new project icon and in the pop-up introduce the following fields:
    • Project name.
    • Code (autogeneration).
    • Start date
    • Deadline
    • Customer
    • Calendar
  • It will have the pop-up two buttons:
    • Save button. If you press in the save button you save the order in the initial data gathered in the form and the user is redirected to the current order
    • Cancel button. Pressing the cancel button the user nothing is done and the user is kept in the page from which he clicked the button Create new project button.
  • Change the name of the tab which currently is called order elements and name it WBS (tasks).
  • Place the tab WBS (tasks) as the first tab and defaut tab for the project details perspective.

Historias de usuario

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 7 7 0 Low JavierMoran SusanaMontes Change way of creating a project      

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