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TWiki> LibrePlan Web>Meetings>MinuteS20120424 (25 Apr 2012, JacoboAragunde)EditAttach

LibrePlan Meeting 2012/04/24

  • Date: April 24, 2012 at 16:30 CET (GMT +2)
  • Agenda: Coordination meeting
  • Log: libreplan-coordination-meeting-20120424.txt


  • Manuel Rego
    • done.gif
      • Updated keys.pot notified translators about new release and merged the updated translations
      • Fix issue in the resources load filter: ItEr76S23ImproveFilteringArea
      • Bugfxing: #1395, #1411, #1412, #1384, #1417, #1416
      • New compilation option to disable default users (user, wsreader and wswriter) - read HACKING file for more info -
      • Tested LibrePlan for release 1.2.3
      • Helped Jacobo to release 1.2.3
    • todo.gif
      • Migrate to Liquibase 2.0.4 that has been released past week and should fix the issues with MySQL
      • Review problems with procedure in PostgreSQL 8 in order to fix them in the Debian package
      • General bugfixing and patch review
      • Try to carry on with resource binding task for LibrePlan 1.3.0
  • Diego Pino
    • done.gif
      • Continued with cache-tunning
      • Did benchmarking of LibrePlan with the patches of second-level cache and batch fetching. Results look better but more time is needed to review it.
      • Started working on the revamping of the dashboard view: ItEr76S15OrganizingPerProjectDashboard
      • Using jqPlot to redo the charts
    • todo.gif
  • Jacobo Aragunde
    • done.gif
      • Bugfixing:
        • Fixed #1407, #1387 (with some help from Óscar)
        • Reported #1414, #1418, #1419
        • Closed #1401 as invalid
        • Worked on #1396 (found the cause but I have no fix yet).
      • Released LibrePlan 1.2.3 with the help of Rego
    • todo.gif
      • Carry on with bugfixing and some tasks for the audiovisual branch
  • Javier Morán
    • done.gif
      • Analysis of AnA19S03AdapatingProjectsToExpenses
      • Explained Diego tasks to do to finish KPI development
      • Tested application for release 1.2.3. Posted several bugs: #1407, #1408, #1409, #1410, #1411, #1413, #1416 and #1417
      • Prepared NEWS file and piece of news for LibrePlan 1.2.3 release
      • Meetings with Javier Toja
      • Community management: forums, IRC, ...
      • Coordination
    • todo.gif
      • Carry on with analysis for release 1.3 and coordination stuff
  • We have to talk about LibrePlan 1.3 as it's already quite delayed, however we were very few people in the meeting so we should talk about that when we find more people on-line in the IRC during the week.

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