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Jeroen Baten edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

TWiki> LibrePlan Web>ItEr75S08MigrationZK5 (05 Jan 2012, JacoboAragunde)EditAttach

Story summary Migration to ZK5
Iteration ItEr75week25To52
FEA ItEr75S08MigrationZK5
Story Lead  
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Passed acceptance test No

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Specification Comments

Implementation Notes

Fixed combo style in Firefox and Epiphany.

-- ManuelRego - 05 Jul 2011

Attended to coordination meeting and reviewed items to fix.

-- LorenzoTilve - 01 Aug 2011

Fixed issue with calendar exception days, they were not highlighted since ZK 5 migration. Now it's fixed, I've used jQuery for that you can read more info about that in ZK forum:

-- ManuelRego - 04 Aug 2011

Fixed issue for highlight days in calendars in limiting resources datebox too.

-- ManuelRego - 08 Aug 2011

Implemented widget for QueueTask? in ZK5-style.

Added the parameters idTaskOrig and idTaskEnd to the widget LimitingDependencyComponent? .

Started writing the code to draw the dependency, trying to reuse the code from ganttz.DependencyComponent instead of adapting the code from the 3.x version.

-- JacoboAragunde - 21 Sep 2011

Implemented dependency draw using the code of the old ZK3.x version as a base.

-- JacoboAragunde - 23 Sep 2011

Fixed the problem of dependencies not being rendered in the correct place of the DOM. Cleaned and commited the patches.

-- JacoboAragunde - 27 Sep 2011

Fixed #1198 and #1203.

-- JacoboAragunde - 06 Oct 2011


Delay Causes

Final or Pending Considerations




Tasks in this story

Tasks Est Spent To do Risk Reviewer Developer Task Name Start Date Est End Date End Date
Task 40 0 0 Low JavierMoran OscarGonzalez ZK5 migration      
Task 80 37.5 0 Low JavierMoran LorenzoTilve Layout fixes for migration to ZK5      
Task 0 8.5 0 Low JavierMoran ManuelRego Layout fixes for migration to ZK5      
Task 40 102.92 0 Low JavierMoran JacoboAragunde Do the migration of the components to ZK5 of the limiting resources window.      

Total Hours in this Story

User Spent in XpTracker Spent in phpReport Ok?
LorenzoTilve 37.5 0 ALERT!
ManuelRego 8.5 0 ALERT!
OscarGonzalez 0 0 DONE
JacoboAragunde 102.92 0 ALERT!
Total 148.92 0 ALERT!

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