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TWiki> LibrePlan Web>Meetings>MinuteS20120508 (14 May 2012, ManuelRego)EditAttach

LibrePlan Meeting 2012/04/24

  • Date: May 8, 2012 at 16:30 CET (GMT +2)
  • Agenda: Coordination meeting
  • Log: libreplan-coordination-meeting-20120508.txt


  • Manuel Rego
    • done.gif
      • Upgraded Liquibase to 2.0.4, so from now on we should be 100% compatible with MySQL
      • Upgraded ZK to 5.0.11
      • Fixed several bugs: #1422, #1412, #1424, #1423, #1388, #1263, #1425, #1430, #1428, #1431
      • Analyzed and implemented task ItEr76S25CurrencyManagement
      • Started a new task for 1.3: ItEr76S27ResourceBinding
      • Updated keys.pot files for release 1.2.4 and notified translators
      • Updated Spanish and Galician translators
      • General patch review
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      • Liquibase 2.0.5 has been released, so we should upgrade to it as it has some minor bugfixes
      • Keep working in the tasks for ItEr76S27ResourceBinding
      • General patch review as bugfixing
      • Test LibrePlan for release 1.2.4
      • Release LibrePlan 1.2.4 in week 20
  • Loren Tilve
    • done.gif
      • Push two small bugfixes
      • Worked on Galician translation of website
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      • Some bugfixes
      • Try to evolve the new help for 1.3
  • Javi Morán
    • done.gif
      • Analysis Mantis - LibrePlan integration ... (pending to be written)
      • Support Rego with currency analysis
      • Worked in analysis of audiovisual branch. Some tasks that will be in master and 1.3 (for example: AnAS20RemoveExternalCodeFromTemplates)
      • Analysis of the first part of resource binding AnA11S03ResourceBinding
      • Community: talked to users, forums, ...
      • Testing: few bugs filed #1423, #1424
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      • Finish with resource binding analysis
      • Do permission revamp analysis
      • LibrePlan audivisual analysis
      • LibrePlan testing
      • Community news
      • Collaborate in writing the index for the new help
  • Jacobo Aragunde
    • done.gif
      • Implemented task ItEr76S26RemoveExternalCodeFromTemplates
      • Prepared and gave a talk about LibrePlan at FIC (A Coruña University)
      • Worked on budget template creation/edition screen in audiovisual branch
      • Reported #1425, #1429
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      • Continue with the work on audiovisual branch and eventually fix urgent bugs
      • Integrate in master a patch for creating templates from scratch
  • Diego Pino
    • done.gif
      • Kept on working in the KPIs dashboard
      • Revamped some pending charts
      • Bugfixing on some charts
      • Refactored earned value code to be used from the dashboard
      • Removed the global progress chart that was in the part below of every project
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      • Keep working in the KPIs dashboard
  • We finally talked about LibrePlan 1.3 release that is already delayed
    • About the RoadMap
      • We agreed that all the top priority tasks from the RoadMap should be included in the release. Some of them are already implemented and the ones pending are:
        • Bind users to resources (WIP)
        • Permissions enhancement
        • Improve help
      • From the medium priority the ones that will be included in LibrePlan 1.3 are:
        • Vertical line to show with the start of the project
        • KPIs per project
        • Subcontracting module
      • And some new features (not present in the RoadMap) will be included in 1.3 too:
        • Money based cost monitoring system
        • Expenses tracking
    • Taking this into account we agree to set as new estimated date for LibrePlan 1.3 the week 24

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