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iOS Android Tests


Before installing the project, you have to verify that you have on you machine all requirements


Please be sure to have installed:

Optionally but highly recommended:


If you are using macOS (required for iOS development), you can use HomeBrew to easily get most of these requirements:

brew install git
brew install node
brew install yarn
brew install watchman
brew install --cask android-platform-tools
brew install --cask android-sdk
brew install --cask android-studio

(Only Xcode is missing with the commands above)


Node via fnm

brew uninstall node
brew install Schniz/tap/fnm

export PATH=$HOME/.fnm:$PATH
eval "`fnm env --multi --use-on-cd`"

fnm install 12 && fnm default `fnm ls | grep v12 | tail -1 | cut -c4-`

Ruby & Bundler via rbenv

brew install rbenv

export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.gem/bin
eval "$(rbenv init -)"

rbenv install 2.6.3 && rbenv global 2.6.3
gem install bundle

Getting Started

Clone the repo and install the dependencies

git clone
cd reason-react-native-boilerplate

Recommended IDE

Visual Studio Code

On macOS you can install VSCode using Homebrew:

brew cask install visual-studio-code

Open it & you should get code CLI installed. Then you can install recommended extensions from the CLI.

Recommended Visual Studio Code Extensions

You can get those with the following commands

code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
code --install-extension flowtype.flow-for-vscode
code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
code --install-extension msjsdiag.vscode-react-native
code --install-extension mikestead.dotenv

Optional Debug Tools

React Native Debugger

This tool contains React Inspector, Redux debbuger, and a light version of chrome devtools (console, sources, network...).

brew cask install react-native-debugger

Launch it before starting the application to debug.

More information on react-native-debugger documentation