Radiance Engine is an open-source graphics engine written in C++11 and currently built on top of OpenGL 4.3.
One of the main focus in the development process is building a clear architecture and providing a simple but also nice API to use. The Radiance API allows the user to build their graphics application quickly, while the engine handles all the other low-level necessities. The engine strives to be as platform independent as possible.
This project is still in development, therefore the codebase tend to fluctuate a lot.
- Mesh Loader
- Material System
- Support Custom Shaders
- Support Shaders Hot Reloading
- Multiple Loggers
- Component System
- Event System
- Window Handling
- User Interface Layer
- GLFW : Window Creattion and Context
- GLAD : OpenGL Function Binding
- glm : Math library
- ImGui : Immediate mode UI
- spdlog : Logging
- stbi_image : Textures loading
- assimp : Asset Loader