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2. Specific Turnover

arocamop edited this page Jan 10, 2017 · 2 revisions
  • User story: As a CA I would like to be able to assess the economic and financial standing of the Economic Operators (EO) for which I would need to be able to require the EOs provide their Turnovers of the past N years.

  • Status: Draft

  • Requirements:

  • The CA SHOULD be able to specify the number of the past recent years for which it will require Turnovers.

  • The EO MUST express the Turnover as an Amount, and must specify the currency for that Amount (the default should be €, Euros).

  • For Turnovers "in the business covered by the contract" the EO MAY specify one or more Common Procurement Vocabulary codes to indicate the activities that were developed for that turnover.

  • The CA SHOULD have the possibility of specifying the minimum Amount it expects from the EO.

  • Mockups:

  • Specific avarage turnover

CA viewpoint:


EO viewpoint:


  • Specific yearly turnover

CA viewpoint:


EO viewpoint:


  • Data model:

The data model is not affected. But the XML instance (data structure) is. See below.

  • Data Structure for the XML instantiation:


  • XML Instance:

The screen-capture below shows a fragment of the XML example for a Specific Turnover. A complete distribution with the entire XML file will distributed once the discussions finished (ZOOM IN to enhance readability):


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