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ESPD Basic & ESPD Extended

JosePRevenga edited this page Dec 10, 2019 · 5 revisions

The eESPD, since v2.1.0, makes the difference between “Basic” and “Extended” ESPD:

Basic ESPDs are those XML document instances the structure and content of which are strictly adjusted to the terms expressed in the Annex 2 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/7: Standard form for the European Single Procurement document (ESPD).

A Basic ESPD usually refers to documents and information that are external; i.e. it uses sentences like "mentioned in the Contract Notice published or the Contract Documents". The criteria of a Basic ESPD are all defined in e-Certis and their structure never change.

Basic ESPDs do work with only two type of properties, CAPTION and QUESTION.

In an Extended ESPD all the information needed for an ESPD Request is either contained in other parts of the document or the document refers to the authentic online source from where to obtain it. Thus, the criteria and requirements that are particular to the MS or to the contracting authority, generic to all Procurement Procedures or particular of the Procurement Procedure, are explicitly mentioned or defined in the ESPD Request document.

Additionally, in an Extended ESPD the Member State and the contracting authority are able to introduce requirements that are particular to the national legislation or the procurement procedure. Extended ESPDs confer the contracting authorities a greater flexibility when preparing their ESPD Request documents.

Extended ESPDs do work with three type of properties, CAPTION, REQUIREMENT and QUESTION.

Thus, in the case of exclusion grounds, the Member States can define in eCertis national exclusion criteria and link them to the corresponding European criteria defined in the Directives.

In the case of selection criteria, the contracting authority may introduce requirements for certain requirements (e.g. regarding turnovers, financial ratios, or references) to specify expected minimum amounts, specific types of ratios, minimum number of references, or other requirements).

For further details on how to specify the type of ESPD in an XML instance refer to section III. The ESPD Request document of the online documentation.

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