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LwM2M Implementations

Hannes Tschofenig edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 1 revision

This page contains references to LwM2M Client, LwM2M Server, and LwM2M Bootstrap-Server implementations.

Eclipse Leshan

The Eclipse Leshan project offers an open source LwM2M Server, LwM2M Bootstrap-Server, and LwM2M Client in Java.

Eclipse Wakaama

The Eclipse Wakaama project offers an open source LwM2M Client, LwM2M Server, and a LwM2M Bootstrap-Server implementation in C.

An example of how to run a Wakaama on the Mbed OS can be found at Wakaama-MBED - GitHub. For guidance on how to run Wakaama on the RIOT OS see Wakaama-RIOT.

AVSystem Anjay

The Anjay library offers a C-based implementation of the LwM2M Client.

Arm Mbed

The Arm Mbed Cloud Client library offers an open source implementation of the LwM2M Client in C.

The server-side software, Pelion, is commerical software.

Zephyr LwM2M Client

Zephyr project contains a C-based implementation of the LwM2M Client.

[IoTerop IOWA]

IOWA offers a C-based SDK for a LwM2M Client. Please note: Neither the SDK nor the samples are open source software but commercial software.

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