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en effects field

Jan Weigmann edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 4 revisions

Effect Field - Modify Attributes

The effect field of items can be used to increase or decrease the attributes of a hero.
To do this, enter VALUE ATTRIBUT in the effect field of an item (e.g. +1 GS to increase speed by 1). If several attributes are to be influenced by an effect field, they can be entered one after the other separated by a ,:
Effekt Attribut
**This works in the effect field of the following ITEMS: Advantages, Disadvantages, Special Skills, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Armor.

Current usable attributes per system language:

Deutsch ATTRIBUT Deutsch Englisch ATTRIBUTE English
Initiative INI Initiative INI
Geschwindigkeit GS Speed MOV
Lebenspunkte LeP Life Points LP
Karmapunke KaP Karma Points KP
Astralpunkte AsP Arcane Energy AE
Ausweichen AW Dodge DO
Seelenkraft SK Spirit SPI
Zähigkeit ZK Toughness TOU
Schicksalspunkte Schip Fate Points FtP
Mut MU Courage COU
Klugheit KL Sagacity SGC
Intuition IN Intuiation INT
Fingerfertigkeit FF Dexerity DEX
Geschicklichkeit GE Agility AGI
Konstitution KO Constitution CON
Stärke KK Strength STR

Effect Field - Modify Skill Points for Talents/Spells/Rituals/Liturgies/Ceremonies

To modify the skill points of the above mentioned skills you can also use the effect field. To do this, enter 'SKILL FPVALUE' in the effect field of an item (ex: feat of strength FP2). Also here several skills can be indicated by a , separated.
Effekt Fertigkeit
However, this does not cause the value to automatically increase/decrease in the character sheet as it does with the attributes. Only during the check the modification appears in the field Conditional Modification.
Bedingte Modifikation
This works in the effect field of the following ITEMS: Advantages, Disadvantages, Special Skills and Equipment.

Here is another example of a spell: Effekt Zauber

Translation information
[x] updated: 2021-06-07
[x] german entry linked
[x] automatic translation
[ ] proof read
[ ] change pictures with EN version [x] change links

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