Sheweny is a framework for creating Discord bots in TypeScript. This repository contains multiple packages with separate releases.
- @sheweny/framework - The main package of the framework.
- @sheweny/heweny - A package to create structures (commands, events, buttons etc.) with objects.
- @sheweny/resolve - A package to parse strings and isolate structures from names, mentions, tags, parts etc. of users, guilds, channemls, roles etc.
- @sheweny/markdown - A package to parse & create markdown strings with Discord markdown style.
- @sheweny/mistial - A package to interact with databases (MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite...).
- @sheweny/utils - A package with multiple utilities functions.
import { ShewenyClient } from '@sheweny/framework';
const client = new ShewenyClient({
intents: ['Guilds', 'GuildMembers', 'GuildMessages'],
managers: {
commands: {
directory: './commands',
applicationPermissions: true, // Enable slash-commands permissions
events: {
directory: './events',
buttons: {
directory: './buttons',
const { Command } = require('sheweny');
class PingCommand extends Command {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: 'ping',
description: 'Ping Pong',
cooldown: 5, // 5 seconds
async execute(interaction) {
interaction.reply({ content: 'Pong!' });
module.exports = PingCommand;
This project has an MIT license. And you are welcome to contribute. For more details on contributions, please read the file.
If you need help with the framework or your bot you can open an issue for bugs report or join the discord server for questions.