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[How to] Report Issues

SickGear edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 7 revisions

SickGear Wiki: Home | Reporting Issues | Frequently Answered Questions | Install Guides

Issue Report Requirements

Caveat: Guessing what is and isn't important in a report wastes time and ruins a smooth resolution.

  1. State branch and current commit hash from "About" (old:"Help & Info page") (OS helps too)
    Alternatively, send the text output by running git rev-parse @{1} at a command prompt in the SG install directory.
  2. Explain what you expect to see and what you actually see (less than 250 chars for each)
  3. Reproduce the issue again yourself and clearly write the steps taken
  4. Include relevant logs (see note4 and image), screenshots and configuration information

New for 2020: Please also state Python version.

ALL 1 - 4 are CRITICAL! To save time, issues missing detail are closed with a link to this page.

You are asked to provide clear details so that your issue can be reproduced and fixed.

Also, you can use your written steps to verify that the issue is actually resolved.

Note4: Logs must be created by setting "File logging level" to "Debug and the next 3 levels" at General Config before you reproduce the issue again yourself at step 3 above.

Issue Report Tips

👍 Do wrap log lines in "<pre>" tags for better readability. E.g. <pre> log text here </pre>
👎 Don't write an essay. Long reports take longer to answer due to a human reaction that is TL;DR 👍 Do use the GitHub Gists feature instead of Pastebin, but if you must use PB then...

Update: A report template is displayed to help when creating a new issue :)

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