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Install SickGear [0] Migrate

SickGear edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

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Migrate from Sick Beard (or one of its forks)

This guide shows how to migrate from SickBeard.

For other forks, their DBs have been found to either be corrupt or just not reliable enough for SickGear and as the saying goes, "you can't polish a turd", so the best action is to use the import feature in SickGear (menu Tools -> Import). But first, beware using import with bad configurations...

  • Never have post processing, or temporary folders located under a TV Show parent folder. Before you import, move it forever and update settings Post Processing/"Completed TV downloads"

Migrating from SickBeard...

Difficulty - Easy, estimated max. time: 10 mins.


If SickGear is not installed, complete an installation for your platform then continue below...

  • Make sure that SickGear is not running (to prevent overwriting changes to config.ini)
  • Find and copy the sickbeard.db to <location>/data/sickbeard.db
  • Find and copy the config.ini to <location>/data/config.ini

where <location> must be a full absolute path and not a relative path

Edit the new copy of /data/config.ini

  • Find for example, "sickbeard", modify items to fit your new installation

Or if that's too much, simply configure your SG install from scratch.

Finally, after completing the above
  • Run SickGear with.. python --datadir <location>/data/

where <location> must be a full absolute path and not a relative path

Then display all episodes set "Wanted" ... go to /manage/episodeStatuses?whichStatus=3, click "Select all" button on the left, at the top, set checked shows/epsiodes to "Skipped", then click "Go".
After this you can decide which shows "really" should be "wanted" in the Episode Overview.

Important: SickGear will not process files if the completed downloads path in the Media process settings is set to be anywhere inside a show root directory set in General settings. Those episodes will remain as status "Snatched" for the safekeeping of your files.

Note: Missing poster images are filled daily at 3am. You can update sooner by using 'Force' in Daily Show Update under menu Manage/Show Processes - refresh that page after a few seconds to view the queue show data (incl. images) being updated.

Many shows (e.g. over 50) may take some time to fetch show and image data from remote servers.

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