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This repository contains the python program examples for beginners, intermediate and advanced Python Programmers..


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This repository contains the python-3 program examples for beginners, intermediate, and advanced programmers.

Currently, it has five folders (more to come).


1. Hello World - A basic one line statement to print, Hello World!

2. Comments - Introduction to Commenting in Python file

3. Variable Assignments - How to create a variable, and assign a value

4. Inputs from end user - How to get an input from the user?

5. Numerical Operations - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and other numerical operations

6. User Input Numerical Operations - Combination of previous examples

7. Other types of Inputs - String, Float, Integers inputs

8. String Concatenation - Addition of multiple strings

9. Lists Introduction - Powerful data structure in python for easy access

10. Decisions If Loop - Making decisions based on conditions.


11. While Loop - Decision Making with the help of While Loop

12. For Loop - Decision Making with the help of For Loop

13. Functions - Functions to simplify repeated common tasks

14. While Loop - II - Power of Infinite loops

15. Casting - Type Casting, converting the value to different object types

16. String Slicing - Extracting the required information from a string

17. List Operations - Operating on Lists

18. Sets - Basic set operations

19. Dictionary - Python Dictionary

20. Tuples - Basic Tuples operation


21. Modules - Python In built libraries

22. Error Handling - Different types of error, and how to handle it runtime

23. File Operations - Finding the file name, folder namer, working directory, absolute path.

24. Read write - How to read and write a file?

25. Delete Files - Steps to delete a file or folder

26. Lambdas - Replacement for functions

27. Classes - Creating classes

28. Creating Own Modules - Creating a shareable library

29. Iterators - Iterating and finding out the next element

30. Scopes - Local, and Global scope of variables

Intermediate II

31. Class with Functions - Creation of class with multiple functions

32. Inheritance with Function overloading - Inherit from different base class

33. Operator overloading - Overload the operators

34. Read and write CSV file - Reading and writing to CSV files

35. Installing pip and Libraries - Instructions to download and install pip and pip packages

36. Automation - Automating boring stuffs

37. Plotting Graphs - Plotting the graphs

38. Web Development - Web development frameworks

39. Requests - Getting Bitcoin price real time.

40. Database - Operating with database

Intermediate III

41. Linked List - Linked List with Python

42. Doubly Linked List - Doubly Linked List with insert, delete, and display operations

43. Time It - Measuring the time required to run the program

44. List Operations - List Comprehension, packing and unpacking

45. Binary Tree - Binary Tree

46. Recursion - Recursions

47. Unit Testing - Creating class, calling the functions, and running unit tests

48. Sorting - List sorting, reversing, finding minimum, and maximum

49. Data Class - Data class to store the data in python class

50. Python Package - A demo python package