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Clear and scalable e2e tests written in plain English


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Clear and scalable e2e tests written in plain English

Based on cypress-cucumber-example

This project is designed to quickly start e2e testing. It includes the integration of with Cucumber and the implementation of the PageObject pattern. You just need to add 'Page Objects' following the instruction below. After that, you can use Gherkin statements which are generated based on added Page Objects. Thus, writing and supporting tests becomes more convenient.


The following basic tools are used in this project:

  • - a JavaScript-based web testing framework that makes asynchronous testing simple, built for the modern web.
  • Cucumber - a tool for running automated tests written in natural language.
  • cypress-cucumber-preprocessor - a library which parses feature files and creates test cases and suites from them.

Starting tests examples

  • Clone this project
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run test:open or npm run test:run


  • Install this repo:
    • From git
      npm i -D git+ssh://
  • Run e2e-bdd-copy-files to create necessary directories and config files.
  • Add script with any name, e.g. 'e2e-bdd' to your package.json file with following content e2e-bdd-startup -c e2e/config/cypress.integration.json
  • Set baseUrl in e2e/config/cypress.integration.json file to base url of your project
  • Create page object file in e2e/pageObjects directory.
  • Create feature file in e2e/features folder based on Gherkin statements using created page objects
  • Run created script and choose feature file from list
  • Initial loading takes some time because code should be transpiled from ts

    TODO add build step with webpack

Writing gherkin


Due to poor support of Gherkin custom types in IntelliJ IDEA, we use {string} parameter instead of {pageObjectSelector} in our steps definitions. In the available statements list, however, we will use the following syntax: {POS:Type} to improve semantics, reduce step definitions length and show constraints. Available types are listed in page object's details section.

Available statements

  • Given
    • I logged in at {ApiUrl} as {Role} and visit {PageUrl}
      • Api url: POS:Navigation - log in post endpoint
      • Role: POS:RoleCredentials - credentials for desired role
      • Page url: POS:Navigation - page to visit after authorization Sends post request to endpoint to obtain credentials for current test case

        TODO: add limitations list

    • I logged in at {ApiUrl} as {Role} Same as above but do not navigate, stays at the start page
    • I open page {PageUrl}
      • Page url: POS:Navigation - page to visit
  • When
    • I click {Element}
      • Element: POS:Selector | POS:Xpath - selector of element on the page
    • I click blank link {LinkElement}
      • LinkElement: POS:Selector | POS:Xpath - clickable element which opens blank page This action moved to a separate step definition because of the way how cypress handles opening new tab
    • I hover element {HoverableElement} without sub hovers
      • Hoverable Element: POS:Selector | POS:Xpath Right now hover cannot be invoked on element which is shown as a result of another hover action
    • I log in at {Form} as {Role}
      • Form: POS:Selector | POS:Xpath - selector of form element Finds form, fills it in with given credentials and submits it
    • I see (element) {Element}
    • I type {string} into element {Element}
  • Then
    • URL is {PageUrl}
    • I see {string} in title
Check lib directory for available steps and cypress folder for examples
Most steps expect selector as "RegisteredPageObjectName.classFieldName"

This list will expand and may change over time.

Project structure

  • e2e directory contains examples of tests, page objects and plugin configuration to support gherkin features. Real application would have the same directory in it's root.
  • dist provides bundled code

    TODO delete from git when published to npm

  • src Contains source code
    • scripts include some files which will be executables for your project
    • core contains functions and classes that works 'under the hood'
    • util contains utils functions
  • lib Source code that will be downloaded on installation to provide step definitions
  • postinstall contains templates of files that can be copied to project

Environment variables

  1. In order to provide application with credentials you need to set environment variable credentials. We recommend doing it with cypress.env.json file because it should contain JSON object of CredentialsObject type and should never be pushed to any VCS. As a result Credentials page object will be accessible in feature flies.
  2. In order for each test to be stateless we visit start page of your application in beforeEach cypress hook. Default value is '/' but you can override it with startPage env variable. It should contain relative to basePath url.

Page object details

  • Page object file should export one class with any name.

  • Every one of classes should be annotated with @registerPageObject directive with either name parameter or object with name and optional type fields.

  • When you are trying to resolve page object in your .feature files you address the class just as you name it. Do not use same name for multiple classes.

  • Do not forget that Credentials is built-in page object, as mentioned here

  • All class fields you are going to use in your tests should have type. You can set class-global type with self-titled param of registerPageObject decorator or decorate your field \ method with registerSelector decorator, which overrides the global value if it is present.

  • Selector can either be simple field or function that returns an expected type.

  • Type should be one of the following

    • Selector - either simple jquery like selector to get element
      public form = '#sign-in';
      or array of two elements, where the first one is selector and the second one is text which this element should contain
      public header = ['h1', ''];

      Attention only one element is going to be selected if text is present If you need to select multiple elements with some text use :contains pseudo class in selector instead

    • Xpath - same as Selector with one argument but uses xpath to select element
      public menuLink = '//a[@id="menu-link"]';
    • Navigation - plain text url used in navigation
      public usernameElement = 'Users/login';
    • RoleCredentials - Array of <IRoleCredentials> objects You should store your credentials in env file where we automatically grab them and add to Credentials built-in page object. However you can use the following example if you understand the risks:
      public admin: = LogInRole = [
              fieldName: 'Username',
              value: ''
              fieldName: 'Password',
              value: 'password'


Let's assume you have installed the library and created the following feature file

Feature: My first feature
    Scenario: Visit start page
      Given I open "ExampleDomain.IndexPage"
      Then I see "Example Domain" in title
      And URL is "ExampleDomain.IndexPage"

To successfully run it you need to do the following steps:

    export class ExampleDomainClass {
        IndexPage: string = ''
  • Runpage-objects-create && cypress open
  • Choose your file from list and click it


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