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add firewall

Anoop Rajendra edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

add firewall


stack add firewall [action=string] [chain=string] [network=string] [output-network=string] [protocol=string] [rulename=string] [service=string] [table=string]


Add a global firewall rule for the all hosts in the cluster.


  • {action=string}

  • {chain=string}

  • {network=string}

  • {output-network=string}

  • {protocol=string}

  • {rulename=string}

  • {service=string}

  • {table=string}

    The table to add the rule to. Valid values are 'filter', 'nat', 'mangle', and 'raw'. If this parameter is not specified, it defaults to 'filter'


  • stack add firewall network=public service="ssh" protocol="tcp" action="ACCEPT" chain="INPUT" flags="-m state --state NEW" table="filter" rulename="accept_public_ssh"

    Accept TCP packets for the ssh service on the public network on the INPUT chain in the "filter" table and apply the "-m state --state NEW" flags to the rule. If 'eth1' is associated with the public network, this will be translated as the following iptables rule: "-A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp --dport ssh -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT"

  • stack add firewall network=private service="all" protocol="all" action="ACCEPT" chain="INPUT"

    Accept all protocols and all services on the private network on the INPUT chain. If 'eth0' is the private network, then this will be translated as the following iptables rule: "-A INPUT -i eth0 -j ACCEPT"

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