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create pallet

Anoop Rajendra edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

create pallet


stack create pallet {pallet ...} [commit-ish=string] [name=string] [newest=boolean] [release=string] [version=string]


Create a pallet. You may specify either a single XML file or git URL to build one pallet or a list of ISO files to build a Meta pallet.


  • [pallet]

    Either a list of pallet ISO files, the name of a single pallet XML description file, or a git URL (which ends in .git) that points to the source of a pallet.

    If a list of pallet ISO files is specified, they will be merged together into a single pallet. Otherwise the argument is assumed to be the name of the XML file generated by the top level Makefile in the pallet's source, OR a git repo containing a valid Makefile and Private repos can be built from if the SSH key is added to the ssh-agent before issuing this command.


  • {commit-ish=string}

  • {name=string}

  • {newest=boolean}

  • {release=string}

  • {version=string}

    The version number of the created pallet. Default is the version of stacki running on this machine.


  • stack create pallet pallet-base.xml

    Creates the Base pallet from the pallet-base.xml description file.

  • stack create pallet

    Fetches and creates the Stacki-Tools pallet from a Git repository.

  • stack create pallet base*iso kernel*iso

    Create a composite pallet from a list of pallet ISOs.


add pallet

disable pallet

enable pallet

list pallet

remove pallet

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