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set host bootflags

Anoop Rajendra edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

set host bootflags


stack set host bootflags {host ...} [flags=string]


Set the boot flags for a host. The boot flags will applied to the configuration file that a host uses to boot the running kernel. For example, if a node uses GRUB as its boot loader, the boot flags will part of the 'append' line.


  • [host]

    Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, then the global bootflag will be set.


  • {flags=string}

    The boot flags to set for the host.


  • stack set host bootflags compute-0-0 flags="mem=1024M"

    Apply the kernel boot flags "mem=1024M" to compute-0-0.

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