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CoreOS on Stacki

Anoop Rajendra edited this page May 15, 2017 · 1 revision

The Guide to CoreOS on Stacki

If you’re old, all of this will be old in a new way. If you’re new, all of this will be new, but really, it’s old.

Containers are the new sexy. It’s what you turn to when you finally decide virtual machines are too heavy for what you want to do or when you realize OpenStack is not as cool as everyone thought it was. It’s what you use when you don’t want to bother with user segmentation and batch-like systems. (Though you will, which is why you’ll install Mesos or Kubernetes, which are two other tutorials.)

CoreOS is for linux containers in a fast automated deployment. (Which we’ve been doing for, oh, two decades now, and three decades if you cite Sun Microsystems, and four if you’re going to get technical and tell me about your VAX back in the day, [which was technically, before I even had a day - I think I was six.])

All you have to do is put up a TFTP/DHCP server and add machines, well, and software too, and now you can play with containers (Docker works on stable, Rocket will be the next new thing in CoreOS in a couple of releases.) and tell your boss (and recruiters!) that you know CoreOS and Docker.

In this tutorial, we’ll install CoreOS on a Stacki server, set-up TFTP/PXE/DHCP to serve coreos, and bring you to the point where you can run Docker containers. It’s simple, it’s easy. And it’s one more thing you can add to a Stacki frontend to own your data center. We don’t care what you run, we just care you’re able to run it. So we’ll do a basic CoreOS implementation on the infrastructure that CoreOS can build.

  • Get the software.
  • Set up the bootaction.
  • Put the files into tftp
  • Set machines to boot from coreos
  • Install using cloud-config
    • first just in memory
    • second, set to copy to disk
  • Run docker.
  • More advanced shtuff.

1. Get the software:

You can find the latest and greatest CoreOS at

I’m essentially following these instructions:

But adapting them to Stacki which already has a configured PXE/DHCP. I’m just going to point everything in the right place to do CoreOS.

We’ll use the “Stable Channel.” This should still work with Beta, and Alpha even, if you like to dance on the razor’s edge, but I’ve been there and needed a transfusion afterwards. I’m older now, so we’ll use Stable.

Actually getting the software:

Put this into a script a file and run it with bash, or run each command by hand with cut and paste. Whatever blisses your joy.

cd /tftpboot/pxelinux

# gpg --verify coreos_production_pxe.vmlinuz.sig
# gpg --verify coreos_production_pxe_image.cpio.gz.sig

ln -s coreos_production_pxe.vmlinuz vmlinuz.coreos
ln -s coreos_production_pxe_image.cpio.gz initrd.coreos

Two things:

First thing: The gpg check is commented out because it failed when I ran this, said there was no public key. Whatever, I can have a little risk in my life. I left them so you know what CoreOS recommends for installation.

Second thing: There is this issue (well, maybe it’s just my issue) in Stacki where the pxelinux.cfg/0x0whatever file doesn’t get created correctly if the kernel image and the ramdisk images don’t look like vmlinuz.something or initrd.something. I created a couple of symlinks to get around this peccadillo. Someone is going to fix this in Stacki, soon, real soon.

2. Set-up the bootaction.

Anything you can boot from a PXE server, we can boot. CoreOS, ESXi, Windows, etc. If you can create a PXE boot action for it, you can add it to the Stacki database and assign nodes to boot from that bootaction.

So let’s add the CoreOS bootaction.

List the bootactions to see examples:

# stack list bootaction
ACTION                      KERNEL                        RAMDISK               ARGS
install:                    vmlinuz-2.0-x86_64            initrd.img-2.0-x86_64 ip=bootif:dhcp inst.ks= inst.geoloc=0 inst.noverifyssl inst.ks.sendmac
install headless:           vmlinuz-2.0-x86_64            initrd.img-2.0-x86_64 ip=bootif:dhcp inst.ks= inst.geoloc=0 inst.noverifyssl inst.ks.sendmac headless
install no-parallel-format: vmlinuz-2.0-x86_64            initrd.img-2.0-x86_64 ip=bootif:dhcp inst.ks= inst.geoloc=0 inst.noverifyssl inst.ks.sendmac no-parallel-format
install serial:             vmlinuz-2.0-x86_64            initrd.img-2.0-x86_64 ip=bootif:dhcp inst.ks= inst.geoloc=0 inst.noverifyssl inst.ks.sendmac console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8
install vnc:                vmlinuz-2.0-x86_64            initrd.img-2.0-x86_64 ip=bootif:dhcp inst.ks= inst.geoloc=0 inst.noverifyssl inst.ks.sendmac inst.vnc
memtest:                    kernel memtest                --------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
os:                         com32 chain.c32               --------------------- hd0
os.hplocalboot:             localboot -1                  --------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
os.localboot:               localboot 0                   --------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pxeflash:                   kernel memdisk bigraw         pxeflash.img          keeppxe
rescue:                     vmlinuz-2.0-x86_64            initrd.img-2.0-x86_64 ip=bootif:dhcp inst.ks= inst.geoloc=0 inst.noverifyssl inst.ks.sendmac rescue

Add the bootaction.

To get the arguments you need:

# stack add bootaction
error - "action" parameter is required
[action=string] [args=string] [kernel=string] [ramdisk=string]

Add the bootaction to reflect what CoreOS requires:

# stack add bootaction action=coreos kernel=vmlinuz.coreos ramdisk=initrd.coreos args="cloud-config-url= console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200"

Check it:

# stack list bootaction | grep coreos

coreos:                     vmlinuz.coreos        initrd.coreos         cloud-config-url= console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200

Some things to note:

  • In the “url” use the ip address of the frontend.
  • We have to create the pxe-cloud-config.y for this to work, I’ll show that in the next step.
  • You don’t need “console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200”. I watch my lab installs with SOL over ipmi on the backend nodes so I add these parameters. (Yeah, I'm too cheap to nag my boss for the license to run the Java console over I do the poor man's console and pipe output through the ipmi interface, which it has because it has a BMC, and capture it with conserver. It makes me feel like a Rebel.)

3. Add some hosts to boot CoreOS:

I’m going to do all my hosts so I’ll use the “backend” appliance name to any of the stack host commands to apply the changes to all of the “backend” nodes.

You could easily do just one backend node by giving these commands the name of the host, e.g. “backend-0-0” or, for just a few of them, use a regex, e.g. “backend-0-[1-3]"

We’re just going to do all of them. If I explain the next command to you, it will take as long to explain it as this whole document. I’m sure I’ve covered it somewhere else. If I haven’t, ask. It was the single hardest concept for me to grasp when I first started using this software 12 years ago. Do the following, on faith:

# stack set host installaction backend action=coreos

Now set all the machines to install with the boot "install" flag. When they install, they'll get the installaction we just assigned "coreos."

# stack set host boot backend action=install


# stack list host

stacki7:     0    0    1    frontend  default      os        install
backend-0-0: 0    0    2    backend   default      os        coreos
backend-0-1: 0    1    2    backend   default      os        coreos
backend-0-2: 0    2    2    backend   default      os        coreos
backend-0-3: 0    3    2    backend   default      os        coreos
backend-0-4: 0    4    2    backend   default      os        coreos

So their "installaction" is coreos so when set to "install" they'll use the coreos bootaction we just defined.

Really check it:

PXE config files are dynamically generated when you set the host to boot from either the “install” or “os” flag in /tftpboot/pxelinux/pxelinux.cfg/hexnumberofmachine. “cat" one to make sure it looks okay.

# cat /tftpboot/pxelinux/pxelinux.cfg/0A02FFFE
default stack
prompt 0
label stack
	com32 chain.c32
	append hd0

Oh look, it failed! (There’s no coreos bootaction in that file.) We’ll unset and reset the boot flag to fix it:

# stack set host boot backend action=os

# stack set host boot backend action=install

Now look:

# cat /tftpboot/pxelinux/pxelinux.cfg/0A02FFFE
default stack
prompt 0
label stack
	kernel vmlinuz.coreos
	append cloud-config-url= console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 initrd=initrd.coreos

Much better. So now we can power cycle our machines and expect them to install.

4. Installing machines

No, wait, we can’t install yet. there is the pxe-cloud-config.y yaml file referenced in the URL we have to use to get them up. It’s like a kickstart file for CoreOS. So let’s go create that.

The file has to be available via an http call which means it has to be accessible on the wire. Conveniently enough, we already do this for kickstart files so we’ll just drop this in a directory accessible via web server.

# cd /export/stack


# cd /state/partition1/stack

(They’re the same directory. How much do you like to type?

Let’s create a coreos directory because we’ll probably do some other cool shtuff later:

# mkdir coreos
# cd coreos

Put the following file in as pxe-cloud-config.y (copied from the website) (I'm using a ".y" file because I use vim for editing. The yaml code for vim is really really slow. So I use ".y" files to edit and then sometimes copy them to their ".yaml" counterparts for actual running. Just don't edit ".yaml" files in vim, you'll disrupt your chi.)

    - name: etcd2.service
      command: start
    - name: fleet.service
      command: start
  - put your /root/.ssh/ here

See that “put your /root/.ssh/ here” line? Just “cat” that file from /root/.ssh/ and paste it there.

Validate the file:

Go here:

and cut and paste your pxe-cloud-config.y file into the provided text box and hit the “Validate Cloud-Config” button.

You can also download and build coreos-cloudinit from git here:, and build it, but for the purposes of this, I’m not going to do demonstrate that here.

Once validated, reboot your machines and watch them install or breathe sufficiently long enough so that one installs, about 5 minutes. Once installed, you can go to the last part of this and use Docker.

The key you put in the config file is for the user “core” not “root”. So you should have password-less access for user “core."

We’ll add a “root” user in the next more advanced section.

5. The next more advanced section.

The above initial install will install CoreOS into memory. So if you don’t have enough memory on your machines, you have old machines - the CoreOS install will fail and die.

The solution to not having enough memory is to get new machines. They’re out of warranty if they can’t support something as small as CoreOS. Get better ones.

Or, you can just install it to disk. That works too. So we’ll do that by adjusting our cloud config to create some disk from which to use docker.

We’re going to adjust our boot url to call a script that will install our cloud configuration and install everything to disk. So let’s do that:

To install to disk you need the production images and they also need to be available from the web server.

Here is the code to do that:

if [ ! -d /export/stack/coreos/current ]; then
    mkdir -p /export/stack/coreos/current

cd /export/stack/coreos/current

This will put the images required in the /export/stack/coreos/current directory where they can be pulled during install.

To take advantage of this, we’ll use a script to install CoreOS permanently on disk. In /export/stack/coreos create with the following content:


sudo su - root
curl -s -k -O
coreos-install -d /dev/sda -c cloud-config.yaml -v -b -V current
curl -s -k -o /dev/null'\{"action":"os"\}'

Soft link our pxe-cloud-config.y to cloud-config.yaml so we can switch between different cloud-config.yamls as we experiement.

# ln -s pxe-cloud-config.y cloud-config.yaml

The second line installs the pxe-cloud-config.y to disk. So when the machine reboots, it will boot up with a disk configuration. We know these particular machines have a /dev/sda so we’ll use that. (Yeah, stacki manages all the storage stuff with storage and partition command lines or CSVs. CoreOS doesn't so you have to know something about your machines and setup the RAID controllers and CoreOS code by hand.)

The “setPxeboot.cgi” call will automatically set the “stack set host boot” to “os” rather than install so you don’t get trapped into an endless install loop. We do this on our installations via kickstart. It makes sense to do that here as well.

So now we have to change our bootaction again to reflect that we’re using a different installation script (

# stack add bootaction action=coreos kernel=vmlinuz.coreos ramdisk=initrd.coreos args="cloud-config-url= console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"

The "stack add bootaction," if given the same name, overwrites any bootaction with the name.

And kick the install flag so the right pxefile is generated:

# stack set host boot backend action=os
# stack set host boot backend action=install

And then we’ll reboot the machine(s). I imagine you can put more shell commands in this file to do much more. But this is sufficient for now. One of the nice things about installing CoreOS from Stacki, is that the hostname and ip address is automatically set during the CoreOS install because it’s inherited from the installing environment. No need to set that information in a cloud-config file.

Additional user and network config.

If your instances run on a private subnet, they won’t be able to get out to pull things from the registry. Which is okay, you can always run a local registry on the Stacki frontend and pull images that way. That’s another topic in itself, however.

This means we want the individual nodes to have outside access. The machines in this example already have a public facing interface so we will fix networking so it goes out the right gateway on the right interface.

Also we want to run commands as root with “stack run host” so we can manage all instances at once. So we’ll make sure the root user has the ssh keys.

In /export/stack/coreos create a new file called cloud-config-example.y and soft link it to cloud-config.yaml in the same directory.

# rm -f cloud-config.yaml
# ln -s cloud-config-example.yaml cloud-config.yaml

add the following to cloud-config-example.y. The first part is from our original pxe-cloud-config.y

It should look like this:

    - name: etcd2.service
      command: start
    - name: fleet.service
      command: start

  - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDEB28SB7N6EECT56UOSRk5MQ1ovfoR32vWQT1GOZgPDQveFwvHbCBNS0JY7J5tc+X7P70YPLUe8enZu92GFOoSpyj0uOJaMXzh321QglorSTS9AAvTVgiAEbnIiWEvfiSZ5RBUeTlCJJkt/f8+xxyGYAuCrE+/2VwQThQUlPlaiZ0kij+6LIxD/nLXy/VpEoLf7PsDYjSBpMx/VzzY9g7esJvjOCc32oAzqcyDX1ClrlGb9GkN8j+zsX+N7wdlCh30WTt4V+LMq+d4i6kiBW5eC1zDPqsdYXjp7J3pp3uunIrWxNfgLNyRAzSIMD1zKgaSclbX5ioXdqB4A7Gai5Z1

  - name: root
    passwd: $1$iF0SrUT5$0hzvbXUJfZnMtkecfzoCp/
      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDEB28SB7N6EECT56UOSRk5MQ1ovfoR32vWQT1GOZgPDQveFwvHbCBNS0JY7J5tc+X7P70YPLUe8enZu92GFOoSpyj0uOJaMXzh321QglorSTS9AAvTVgiAEbnIiWEvfiSZ5RBUeTlCJJkt/f8+xxyGYAuCrE+/2VwQThQUlPlaiZ0kij+6LIxD/nLXy/VpEoLf7PsDYjSBpMx/VzzY9g7esJvjOCc32oAzqcyDX1ClrlGb9GkN8j+zsX+N7wdlCh30WTt4V+LMq+d4i6kiBW5eC1zDPqsdYXjp7J3pp3uunIrWxNfgLNyRAzSIMD1zKgaSclbX5ioXdqB4A7Gai5Z1

To start the network, we’re just going to turn on DHCP for the public network, and since this is already in the Stacki database, each machine will get it’s correct IP and gateway info. There are ways to do this in cloud-config, but this is the simplest way to do it on a Stacki frontend.

Let’s list the networks:

# stack list network
openstack:  1500  openstack  False False
private:    1500 False True
public: 1500 False False

You’ll notice only the private is set to DHCP. So we’ll set the public to do so as well:

# stack set network pxe public pxe=True


# stack list network

openstack:  1500  openstack  False False
private:    1500 False True
public: 1500 False True

Do a:

# stack sync config

To sync the dhcpd.conf.

Now a CoreOS machine should be able to get the right public network info via DHCP from the frontend, and pulling Docker images ought to be easy:

Running a Docker instance

We’ll do one node as an example:

Login as core@backend-0-0. This should be passwordless because we have ssh keys in for that account.

Now you should be able to connect to it.

Add Docker httpd container:

docker pull httpd

Start it:

docker run -d -p 9000:80 --name=TestHTTPD httpd

Check it:

# wget
--2015-12-18 18:59:15--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 45 [text/html]
Saving to: ‘index.html’

100%[====================================================================>] 45          --.-K/s   in 0s

2015-12-18 18:59:15 (6.05 MB/s) - ‘index.html’ saved [45/45]
# cat index.html
<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>

There is so much more to CoreOS than this basic tutorial, and I’m sure there are ways in which interfacing with Stacki may help some of the difficulties with more complex CoreOS deployments.

These things include:

  • Clustering: We haven't really set-up fleet, flannel, or etcd2 here.
  • Kubernetes and Mesos.
  • Running without outside access (most of this tutorial requires it.)
  • Running an internal (to your network) Docker registry.
  • Using other container technologies other than Docker.
  • CoreOS doesn't always install things in a predictable manner.
  • Networking issues. I have a weird network, with two DHCP servers, so odd things happen to my CoreOS instances.
  • Using OEM facility to provide attributes from the Stacki database for use.

Let us know if exploring those issues will be useful.



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